Happenings at FBC by Diane Cooley

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jul 23 - Comments Off on Happenings at FBC by Diane Cooley

So much has been happening this summer already at First Baptist Church… After Vacation Bible school and children’s camp at Palacios Baptist Encampment, 8 older youth went to Camp Zephyr on Lake Corpus Christi (see photo on page 12). FBC is so blessed to have as our youth and music minister, Raymond Grant and our youth director, Candice Stryker. They accompanied the youth and lead them in activities throughout the year. All year the FBC youth raised money to pay for these camps so that any child who wishes to attend may do so. Between the two camps, nearly 30 were able to attend at no cost to them. If you donated baked goods, bought baked goods or donated money, you made this possible. THANK YOU!

FBC has Sunday school classes for adults and children at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. Our pastor, Richard Schaller, leads our services at 11:00 and 6:00. We have a new schedule for prayer meetings. They are now being held at 6:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, because FBC Team Kids has grown so much on Wednesday evenings. God has truly blessed this program beyond measure. FBC has long prayed for more opportunities to serve the youth in our community and those prayers have been mightily answered.

We continue to collect non perishable food items for the POC Food Pantry. The VBS youth donated nearly 100 items as they attended. You can help by donating food or money to this ongoing ministry managed by Fisherman’s Chapel. Our small community has many who are helped by your generosity and not just during the holidays. Please remember to bring food items when you attend any of our services and Bible studies.

The Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Ministry is another project that FBC supports. Our 2023 goal is to surpass the 200 boxes we were able to fill and send last year. The boxes are distributed all over the world and besides the items we pack, a Bible in the child’s language is included. Almost any item small enough to fit into a shoe box such a shoe box such So much has been happening this summer already at First Baptist Church… After Vacation Bible school and children’s camp at Palacios Baptist Encampment, 8 older youth went to Camp Zephyr on Lake Corpus Christi (see photo on page 12). FBC is so blessed to have as our youth and music minister, Raymond Grant and our youth director, Candice Stryker. They accompanied the youth and lead them in activities throughout the year. All year the FBC youth raised money to pay for these camps so that any child who wishes to attend may do so. Between the two camps, nearly 30 were able to attend at no cost to them. If you donated baked goods, bought baked goods or donated money, you made this possible. THANK YOU!

FBC Kids at Camp Zephyr 	Candice Stryker, Grace Brown, Brooklyn Thornton, Laela Aranda, Maya Thornton, Gracie O’Shields, Brayson Thumann, Landon Jones, Jasum Ysagurrie; in back - Raymond Grant

FBC Kids at Camp Zephyr
Candice Stryker, Grace Brown, Brooklyn Thornton, Laela Aranda, Maya Thornton, Gracie O’Shields, Brayson Thumann, Landon Jones, Jasum Ysagurrie; in back – Raymond Grant

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