Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Aug 23 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

We just enjoyed a week with Jessica Gonzales, who once lived here but now is the director of a rehabilitation center in Florida. We are grateful for the transforming power of our gracious Lord, who has taken us from the pathways of destruction to the opportunities of abundant living! We have been asking the Lord to help us create a rehab center in Port O’Connor. We are not certain what one would look like, but since receiving training from David Wilkerson, the author of The Cross and the Switchblade and founder of Teen Challenge, I have had the desire. The weeklong training in the early 1980s of “how to deal with people with life controlling problems” has impacted my life and I have wanted to get further involved. I thankfully personally missed the horrors of drug addiction, but we have witnessed the tragedy it has left in our family as well as in many families! The mental health issues of long-term addiction have had a great negative impact on our society, even in this community! Now we have to deal with the life-ending fentanyal epidemic in our nation, and I feel it is more imperative than ever that we reach out to do more to stem the tide of drug abuse. Please help us pray about this burden.

Pastor Joane and I are still preaching our series we call “Route 66”. We are currently in the Books of Chronicles. We invite all to come and join us and to read the Bible together for a better understanding of what we are preaching. One can become entrenched in reading God’s Word, especially when we remember that Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall never.” It will take us several months to complete all of the 66 books of Scripture, but we plan to continue until we do so!

Our Wednesday evening fellowship meals are going great thanks to Richard and Alyssa Kite. Each week they put out great food that we all enjoy before the spiritual meal from God’s Word. Others contribute additional sides and desserts to make the meal more complete. All are welcome to attend and enjoy our Midweek Service, which begins at 7:00 p.m.

We continue appreciating the support we are receiving from the community for the Pantry. We are still feeding an average of three families each week from the groceries that are provided. Everyone who is in need of food assistance is welcome to contact Pastor Joane. We not only have canned food, but also some frozen things, like the fish we glean from the generosity of those in area fishing tournaments. No one needs to be hungry in Port O’Connor!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose mission is to advance the cause of Jesus Christ through a local body of Believers. We attempt to accomplish our mission through Retreats, Camps, and weekly services. Each Sunday we gather at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study; at 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service; and at 6:00 p.m. for Evening Service. We also meet together each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for a special time of fellowship and another opportunity to study God’s Word together. Everyone is warmly welcomed to attend, and all are urged to “Come, grow with us!”

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