Everyday Hero

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Aug 23 - Comments Off on Everyday Hero

Troy “Shorty” Beaudry

“Shorty came to my rescue on a Sunday afternoon when I locked myself out of my car. Shorty is POC’s go to guy.” -D.R.

“Shorty and Nathan O’Neil rescued a stranded boater and Shorty climbed aboard the circling boat and brought it to a stop.” -T.D

“After helping put out our house fire, Shorty waited three hours while we drove to POC so he could give us a first hand account of what happened. POC is enriched by his generous spirit and his desire to help others.” – C.A.

“He has pulled out numerous vehicles from boggy, taking no money, only asking for them to pay it forward.” -D.R.

These are just a few examples of how Shorty Beaudy has helped folks in Port O’Connor. A long time ago his step-father Homer DeLoach advised him to “work hard; help all you can, and expect nothing in return”. “And that’s what I live by,” Shorty says.

Troy Beaudry (who prefers to be called Shorty) was born in San Bernadino, California. He arrived in Port O’Connor with his mother Carol when he was only five months old.

Growing up in Port O’Connor, Shorty took to the salt water like a fish and spent his boyhood days fishing, hunting, and riding bikes.

His family included six brothers, two sisters, four step-sisters, 2 brothers, his mother and devoted father, Homer DeLoach. His parents have both since passed away.

He and his wife, Pauline, have been married 30 years.

Shorty’s main occupation is “Shorty’s Home Home Improvement Handyman, but he says it’s just a hobby because he enjoys what he does. He has taught these skills and it gives him the opportunity to help others.

Shorty joined the Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department in 2012. He is currently a Captain and First Responder. He likes to be involved with the community by doing such things as donating the community Christmas tree.

In a typical month, he fights 5 fires, helps as first responder to 15 medical emergencies, pulls 5 vehicles out of the sand, unlocks 5 houses and cars. Folks often go to him for advice on who to mow their laws, fix their cars, and other things they need help with.

“I don’t expect recognition for anything, I just enjoy helping people and making them smile,” he said.

If you would like to nominate someone as an Everyday Hero, please contact us at 361-408=3165 or dolphin1@tisd.net.

Tony and Marion Pool with Troy standing on the ramp that Troy, with the help of his grandson Ronnie Carriles, Jr. built for them. With the assistance of Judith at POC Hardware, funds were collected from several people to cover the cost of the materials.

Tony and Marion Pool with Troy standing on the ramp that Troy, with the help of his grandson Ronnie Carriles, Jr. built for them. With the assistance of Judith at POC Hardware, funds were collected from several people to cover the cost of the materials.

Troy and his wife, Pauline.

Troy and his wife, Pauline.

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