Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Oct 23 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Letter to the Editor:

As a winner of several Boat Parade awards in years past, it has come to my attention that I have been the subject of salacious accusations in the POC social media and local watering holes. Such allegations suggest that such winnings were the result of having relations with one of the judges. This letter is to implore those story tellers to put down their Ranch Water and join me in entering a boat in this year’s Boat Parade!

Let’s all support those individuals who work hard to make the annual Toy Run and Boat Parade a great success. Having a record turnout for both of those events will greatly aid these individuals in achieving their primary goal: To collect as many new toys as possible so that they can then be distributed by the Angel Tree Program to needy children all along the Texas coast. Please consider participating in the Toy Run, entering a boat in the parade, and contributing new toys to the Angel Tree Program.

Hope to see you at the captain’s meeting!

RV Baron

Dolphin Talk,

On the night of Sept. 15, I watched out of my window some oddball weather. It was lightening in the north heavy, then it moved across the eastern sky to the south. At times it looked like the sky in the east was on fire.
Very odd weather.

Dorothy Geraldine Wilson

Editor’s Note:

Dry Thunderstorms can occur when there is little moisture near the surface. In such cases, the rain evaporates before reaching the ground, resulting in no rainfall.
However, lightning can still occur within the storm clouds, generating visible flashes of light without accompanying rain or audible thunder
Thankfully, since this writing, we have received some much-needed rain.

Comment closed.

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