Library News:
POC Library Hours: Phone Number: 361-983-4365
Sunday – Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
• Note: The Multipurpose Room will be used as polling station for the election on November 7th. Early voting is NOT held at this site.
• The library is closed on November 10th – 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day
Don’t miss out on one of the most enjoyable places in Port O’Connor! Along with great activities happening, let your imagination soar with many fantastic books available for your choosing. YOUR fantastic Branch Librarian Michelle Marlin or Assistant Librarian Margaret Claiborne are always willing to lend a hand or answer questions, such as when Daylight Savings Time Ends on November 5th.
ICYMI: (In case you missed it): September was Library Card Sign-up month! Get your FREE library card. In addition to books, DVDs, magazines, and newspapers, our library can give you digital access to eBooks, audiobooks, movies, and more that you can access on your phone or tablet — all without leaving your home! Please check the POC Library Facebook page, Port O’Connor Library Branch, for the winner announcement of the September sign-up basket.
8:00-9:00 AM – Coffee & Conversation – A diverse group of locals and visitors live “la vida mocha” while enjoying a cup of coffee, snacks and fellowship each week. FREE and ALL are welcome!
9:30–10:30 AM – Bingo – The fun follows the 8 AM coffee event on every Wednesday! Special thanks to the generosity of the noted sponsors.
• October 4th: sponsored by Trinity Shores
• October 11th: sponsored by Bethany Senior Living
• October 18th: sponsored by Calhoun Home Health
• October 25th: sponsored by Victoria Hospice
1:00-3:30 PM – Mah Jongg – Fun Facts: Although both skill and chance play a fundamental role in the game, there is no shortage of superstitions in which players believe where they sit, how they hold their pieces or objects they have on their person will somehow affect the outcome. For example, players will try to find seats with the best feng shui or wear their lucky clothing or trinkets. Some believe that specific pieces (one dot, for example) bode bad luck if received in their opening hand.
Thursdays: 1:00-3:30 PM – Bridge – Playing Bridge evokes a range of emotions; despair when you lose a hand, triumph when you win, satisfaction when a hand plays out the way you imagined. Many truly believe it is the world’s greatest game!

Friends of the POC Library Children’s Event
Friends of the POC Library
The Friends collaborate closely with the library to help support the needs of the community and meet the needs of library management. Our membership drive started in July and was very successful with new and returning supporters. Regardless of the date, folks are welcome to join as a Friend, volunteer, or attend a FREE event at any time. Whichever way you elect to support or engage, we thank you.
Please view the phenomenal video for the past year’s events at our lovely library on the Facebook page. Search for: Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc. The Friends of the POC Library Branch have many great programs and activities planned for adults and children and will be scheduling more throughout the year. Our library offers something for everyone, so check it out!
The Children’s 2023-2024 Program commenced on the 9th of the month, and everyone had a wonderful time at the library. The fun started with Bingo and moved onto the twenty-three station Scavenger Hunt that included indoor and outdoor stations. The focus of the game was to place items at various spots to familiarize hunters with different points of interest and special areas. Did you know about these interesting items and locations at our library? Just a few of them are a cannon used by the Navy; a replica of a tugboat; an outside statue of children reading on a bench; a butterfly garden; a fabulous children’s area; and a newspaper and magazine sitting area. After the hunt was over, children took their bags of treasures and created quite the artistic masterpieces. Our kids are the best! The Friends of the Port O Connor Library host a Children’s Program one Saturday a month from 10:00-11:30.
Be sure to mark your calendar and save the date for the next Super Saturdays Children’s Programs: October 21st, Fun for Fall, and November 4th, Thanksgiving Crafts and Games.
Many thanks to Ms. Edna Payne for the two beautiful quilts she donated for the children’s use. She wants children who come to the library for movies and other events to be comfortable. She is caring as well as generous.
Submitted by Darla Miles
Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Publicity Committee
Facebook Page: Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc.