Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 23 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Dear Readers:

Where Are We Headed As A Nation? My Thoughts Are Filled With Grave Concerns.

As a Veteran  I am a reader of World War  events. I was 9 years old when the Allies landed on Normandy and vanquished an “Evil Empire.”  Besides Pearl Harbor, that was also a day that will live “in infamy”  as America and her Allies began the defeat of two enemies. Many do not realize that the landing on Omaha  Beach in Normandy in June of 1944 was a 50/50 call, and God threw the dice for us to vanquish a ruthless enemy. Had not for that our world would be completely different and probably a lost America. If any remember the movie “Saving Private Ryan” you saw a replay of realty that day in June.

So, where are we headed now?  A nation that is fractured and divided that has given rise to a way of life we have never seen before. Wokeness, diversity, pseudo-pronouns, drag queens, transgender, etc. None of these are meritorious! They are socially, culturally, religiously, and psychologically  abnormal.

I am pleased that I was given an opportunity to be who I am and a volunteer Veteran who took an oath to protect and defend America and that oath never expires!

We cannot know what the souls of the soldiers who gave their lives can see now, but there should be no tears where good souls rest in infinite peace. However, if they could see how liberalism is eroding the fabric of freedom I believe their souls would tear.

I can remember when both parties could work relatively well with the Constitution and in spite of typical and expected corruption our nation moved along. However, political evolution has morphed into conspiracy politics leaving the three branches of government prostituted and only a shadow of what the forefathers envisioned.
The Left has now taken over our great country and bullying the conservatives into “their way or the highway!”  The Left has given us a new media that is alien to the truth. Seeing a treasonist President cognitively compromised leaves our nation in grave concerns,  and more interested in doing the bidding of those behind the curtains.
Our rights are being denied and Constitution dissolved. Disarming the people is utmost on the minds of most liberals! The Second Amendment was not specifically created to aid us in hunting or defending our household from burglars.  It was designed to protect us from tyrannical government. The forefathers saw this could happen.  No weapons, no freedom!

One other thing! When borders are lost the country is lost! The first duty of a President is to safeguard our borders. A country, any country that allows open borders will eventually lose that country!

I am not a racist because I believe in all Americans no matter where  are from where they come, but illegals are invaders!

So, where are we right now? Our socio-cultural attitudes appear to be more coarse and disrespectful. The Right desires to hold to traditional values that made us the great nation we are; the Left desires to let the genie out of the “wokeness bottle.”

And live by “one world order,”  theirs!!!!!!!!

I recall a statue at the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame in Waco, Texas. It is that of Ranger Bill McDonald, and the inscription on it states, “ Let no man in the wrong  stand up against a man in the right and who keeps on coming!”
Let that be us—MAGA!


Mario Scorza
US Air Force Vet
Cape Carancahua

Thank You!

The Ladies of the POC Service Club would like to thank all the fantastic people who turned out for our inaugural “Wine Tasting Event” on November 4, 2023. It was a tremendous success!! We are ecstatic at the turnout, and thank all who purchased our “Wine Tasting Packages”, “Door Prize and Game Tickets”, Charcuterie Trays and Beverages; and sipped and shopped at our many Winery and Vendor Booths!!

We want to thank the amazing Wineries who traveled to POC to provide outstanding wines for our shoppers to sip, savor, and purchase: Andustoria Wines; Gulf Breeze Winery; Lavaca Bluffs Coastal Winery; and Rusty Hook Winery!!
We also want to thank all the wonderful vendors for showing up so that our patrons could shop to their hearts content: Alice and Thom Sloan; Blackbeard’s Booty; Enid Colene Clark, LLC; Gypsy Mermaid, Lil Stitches; Nana’s Creations; POC Washateria; Sweet Sissy’s Sugar Shop; Teresa’s Salon; The Coral Reef; and the Service Club Market Booth. We also wholeheartedly want to thank Lilli Soto and her wonderful band of musicians who provided fun and rollicking music for everyone to enjoy while they sipped, snacked, savored, and shopped!!

Thank you- we appreciate you all, and can’t wait for the next one!!!!

A Thank You Note

We want to send a BIG thank you to the Port O’ Connor Volunteer Dept for their great service they provided our family on Nov. 8th. A family friend stepped on a stingray about four miles east of Bird Island. Her foot was bleeding, was in terrible pain, and could not be consoled.

My dad called 911 while heading back to Froggie’s boat ramp. The volunteers were waiting for us and jumped on the boat to assist. They were kind, professional, and quick to help us! We want to thank them for their service! Thank you also to Calhoun Co. EMS for transporting her to the Port Lavaca Medical Center.

We are lucky to have them all.

Julie Sciacca Burton,
Johnny Sciacca, and
Marc Ivey

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (exception at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests; therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.
Dolphin Talk
P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

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