Seadrift Harbor Project

Archived in the category: General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 23 - Comments Off on Seadrift Harbor Project

Thanks to an economic development grant the work at the Seadrift Harbor has begun! Pictured is the first phase of the project which is the placement of riprap along the west side of the 2nd Street Extension of the harbor. In a few weeks after this first phase new bulkheading will be put in at different places at the harbor. Much needed dredging will follow at the harbor and between the harbor and the Navigation District harbor.

The company in charge of this project is Shirley and Sons Construction Company, Inc. They have a nice website on google if you’d like to check them out.

The project is supposed to be completed in 8 to 10 months. Our hats off to Shirley and Sons and everyone who contributed their time and effort in securing this grant. This grant is all part of the Hurricane Harvey recovery for the city of Seadrift. Special recognition to Councilman Kenneth Reese in taking the picture of the first phase of this harbor project. Thanks, Kenneth!

-Tanya DeForest

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