Childrens’ Christmas Program at the Library
POC Library Hours: Phone Number: 361-983-4365
Sunday – Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
*Special Note: The library is closed from December 22nd thru 26th and December 29th and 30th. It will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
How is it already December? One blink and Halloween and Thanksgiving were over! Need a gift idea?
Folks generally love gift cards. Gift a friend or relative with a FREE library card. It can fit snugly in a cell phone case or wallet. It might be easy to take for granted, but it is very powerful. Bring your friends and family to the library and sign up anyone who needs a lifetime of entertainment! Whether you have lived here for decades or are visiting for a short time, you can get a library card and use resources on-site and online. Visit the circulation desk to get started. While you are there, take part in one or all of our events.
An Adult Program was held on November 20th. What an eclectic night of poems and readings! Topics ranged from snails, whales, hummingbirds, original poetry about war and another about Christmas and Crime, dispatching for 9-11 to Jimmy Buffet and Shakespeare. Folks agreed that Poetry Night was quite a success and look forward to the next time!
Many thanks to our December Donors & Volunteers.
Per the wishes of the contenders of Beacon 44’s Fourth Annual Cornhole Tournament, proceeds will be used to benefit the Children’s Program. We appreciate your generosity!
It is amazing when the community comes together to create a Winter Wonderland with actual snow foam. Stop by for a beverage and see the results of local, incredible “elves” Brent Hart, Shaney Bradford, Ursula Price, Darla Miles, Chip Miles, Beth Smith, Jessica Flanagan, Virgil Price, Otto Haardt, Linda Orrick and Mary Ann Claiborne.
8:00-9:00 AM – Coffee & Conversation – Your friends and neighbors are a perfect “blend” of community each week! Please join your coffee mates.
9:30–10:30 AM – Bingo – The fun follows the 8 AM coffee event every Wednesday! Special thanks to the generosity of the noted sponsors.
·December 6: sponsored by Trinity Shores
·December 13: sponsored by Bethany Senior Living
·December 20: sponsored by Calhoun Home Health
·December 27: sponsored by Victoria Hospice
1:00-3:30 PM – Mah Jongg – Have yourself a Merry Little Game and join us for a game. We tutor! Bring a guest, your best game and visit our library.
Thursdays: 1:00-3:30 PM – Bridge – Fun Fact: Oliver Cromwell banned all card games during his Protectorate; however, after the Restoration and once Charles II was safely on the throne, card games returned!
Friends of the POC Library:
The Friends collaborate closely with the library to help support the needs of the community and meet the needs of library management. Our membership drive started in July and was very successful with new and returning supporters. Regardless of the date, folks are welcome to join as a Friend, volunteer, or attend a FREE event at any time. Whichever way you elect to support or engage, we thank you.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 13, 2024 – Chili Cook – off at Josie’s Cantina sponsored by the Central Texas Tolbert Chili Group, a benefit for The Friends of the Port O’ Connor Library. Details forthcoming on The Friends of the Library FB page and friendsofportoconnorlibrary.org.
Nothing is more inspiring than an authentic compliment from a participant who attends multiple activities at YOUR local library. It is the heart and hub of Port O’Connor!
Jessica Pelzel said it best, “I want to challenge all my friends and family to go out and visit your local library to see what all they have to offer, and try to get involved! We’ve had the pleasure of being part of one of the best county libraries in Port O’Connor that has kids programs, adult programs, weekly coffee and conversation, and outstanding community outreach. It’s a great way to get involved in your community and meet some awesome people!”
Save the date for our next Children’s Program, Game Day, on Saturday, January 20th from 10-11:30 AM.
Submitted by Darla Miles
Friends of the Port O’ Connor Library, Publicity Committee/Historian
Facebook Page: Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc