Port O’Connor School PERFECT ATTENDANCE for the 2nd 9 Weeks

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 24 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor School PERFECT ATTENDANCE for the 2nd 9 Weeks

Pre-K: Bobbie Smith
First Grade: Samary Garcia. Scoute Kalina. Rhys McCauley
Second Grade: Elizabeth Tolar
Third Grade: Ava Adams. Jacob Stryker
Fourth Grade: Cora Haschke
Fifth Grade: Amara Brown. Grant Gregory. Charlie O’Shields, Torunn Short

Jumping For Dollars 	On January 12, three Port O’Connor students got to jump for dollars for having EXCEPTIONAL ATTENDANCE for the 2nd 9-week period. Exceptional attendance means being present every single day from 7:45 to 3:35. Way to go Jacob, Amara, and Torunn Short

Jumping For Dollars
On January 12, three Port O’Connor students got to jump for dollars for having EXCEPTIONAL ATTENDANCE for the 2nd 9-week period. Exceptional attendance means being present every single day from 7:45 to 3:35. Way to go Jacob, Amara, and Torunn Short

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