Adolph and Mary Covarrubias
Citizens of the Year
It’s that time of year again, y’all – time to celebrate loving and/or being loved by our “Valentine”, being struck by the arrow of love fired from Cupid’s bow, and the Sweethearts’ Banquet, a February Must-Do for the Port O’Connor community.
Thursday, February 8th, found Port O’Connor’s First Baptist Church hosting the 27th Sweethearts’ Banquet. The banquet was held in our newly refreshed Community Center. By 6:00 p.m., there was a full house. I didn’t count everyone there but, in addition to Team Kids who were serving food and drinks along with numerous other FBC Members present in a helping capacity, it looked like nearly 100 other folks were on hand to enjoy a few hours of fellowship, food and fun.
Before I tell you all about this year’s banquet, I will skip to the most important part: FBC’s naming of the Citizen(s) of the Year – Adolph and Mary Covarrubias.
For many years, this couple has quietly and unassumingly served their church and community in many, many ways. For many years Ms. Mary could be found behind her desk or making copies for the classrooms in her capacity as secretary at the Port O’Connor school while Mr. Adolf could be found working to provide the school’s students with a clean learning environment while serving as the school’s janitor. The couple’s daughter, Monica, shared how blessed she and her brother, Adolfo, Jr., feel to have them as their parents. I couldn’t have been the only one to wipe away a happy tear at her touching tribute to their parents. Ms. Mary has served as FBC’s Treasurer for many years and Mr.Covarrubias still takes the time to pick up and deliver mail to the church. The things they do are not done to gain recognition from others but to meet needs that exist that they have recognized and are available and able to meet. Can you imagine a world where everyone operated this way? I can. And it is gloriously different from the one we currently inhabit. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Covarrubias for unassumingly meeting the needs of others and for being such shining examples of Christian principles in action for your children. Your actions move us closer to the reality of one day inhabiting the world I imagine.
Now to describe the lovely event: In my opinion, FBC folks are experts at welcoming event guests and showing their appreciation for them. There’s just something about walking through a doorway expecting to be dismissed after presenting your admission ticket then finding that you’re not dismissed at all; instead, you find yourself the recipient of one of the most genuinely warm welcomes you’ve ever encountered. . . And it comes with a hug…a real one! Walmart greeters have nothing on these FBC ladies!
This year’s emcee was FBC’s own Pastor Rick Schaller who kicked the event off with a prayer, after which he encouraged couples in attendance to make use of the provided photo booth and let Margaret Claiborne snap a photo for memory’s sake that they could take home with them and add to their family photo album or scrapbook.
As in years past, the First Baptist Church of Port O’Connor provided guests with a lovely meal, along with a plethora of desserts while recognizing couples married for many years, as well as the most newly wed among us. Gifts and recognition were provided to couples married the longest and shortest amounts of time and to FBC’s choice for Citizen(s) of the Year.
This year’s meal consisted of 1/2 baked chicken, roasted potatoes, green bean casserole, and a roll as well as a sweet, fruity dessert salad and the ever present cakes, scattered throughout the dining hall on various tables and providing guests the opportunity for a sweet scavenger hunt, as they searched out their favored flavors or hunted for something new to try.

Nancy & Red Childers
Red and Nancy Childers still hold the title of Longest Married Couple with a whopping 67 years of marriage (yes, to each other!) as of the 20th of this month. If you see them be sure to wish them a happy anniversary and maybe ask them to share some tips for maintaining, or wisdom gained from sharing in, a successful marriage for that many years. If they’re not qualified to offer up those informational nuggets, I can’t imagine who else would be. I’ll apologize in advance to all readers but feel compelled to briefly say something directly to our “Longest Married Couple” : Mr. and Mrs. Childers I , personally, consider your dedication and commitment inspiring and have the utmost respect for you both.
.Our newest newlyweds this year, coming in at just five months married time, are Marcus and Shirley Gholke – Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Gholke on your recent marriage!
After dinner was eaten, leftovers were boxed, and folks were recognized, all were treated to a song by Ms. Dorothy Ruehman. She has entertained through song at other banquets over the years and helped close those evenings out by leading the crowd in song. She did the same this year, but with a partner. She and Pastor Schaller joined together to lead the crowd in choruses of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and “Daisy, Daisy”, as these have become the traditional closing for the event.
I think it’s safe to say that the event was lovely and a good time was had by all. Until next year, I wish the best to you and yours and please remember: I love you, Port O’Connor!
Karolyn Kinsel