Just a few of the items offered at Service Club Garage Sales.
-Photo by Susan Braudaway
Successful Spring Garage Sale & Bake Sale: The Club would like to give a huge “Shout Out and Thank You” to all who showed up to work, shop, donate, and help in any way to make our “Spring Mega Garage Sale & Bake Sale” one of our most successful ones ever, with all proceeds going back to the POC Community! In addition to our wonderful Service Club ladies, their husbands, family members, and friends, we want to acknowledge others who helped make it so successful: our POC Community donors and helpers; Calhoun High School students and sponsors from the Anchor Club, Interact Club, National Honor Society, and Student Council; Calhoun County Sherriff’s Department staff and trustees; the US Coast Guard; and all who showed up in record numbers to shop and buy! As always, we appreciate your generosity and support so that we can continue doing great things for the POC Community!
Acknowledgements: We also want to give our highest accolades to three long-term Service Club members- Marie Hawes, Kay Middleton, and Nancy Childers- for their unwavering support and devotion to the Club, with this being their 48th Service Club Garage Sale! “Hats Off” to you, Ladies, and a huge “Thank You” for your hard work, dedication, and many years of service to this wonderful organization!!
Farmers Market: The Service Club appreciates your ongoing support of our Service Club Booth at POC’s Farmers Markets, the next one being Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Please come check out our homemade baked goods and treats, potted plants, hand crafted items, “Service Club Cookbooks“, “POC- End of The Road” License Plate Covers, and raffle tickets of $5.00 each for a beautiful handmade quilt. There is something for everyone, so please stop by!
Memorials: The Club made memorial donations to the POC Cemetery Association in honor of Emma Jean Dumas, Barbara Crouch and our Service Club member, Susan Wallace.
POC Spring Service Club Meetings: The Club’s next meetings will be on May 2, 2024 and May 16, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the POC Community Center!! All Ladies are welcome!
Fall Garage Sale: As we once again start collecting donations, please mark your calendars for our Fall Mega Garage Sale scheduled for Saturday, October 12, 2024. Thank you for your continued support of our fund raising efforts!
Alane Haardt- 281-416-6028
Nancy Ladshaw- 830-832-0510
Marie Hawes- 361-920-2322
Nan Burnett- 832-276-5948