Robin Guice with two generations of students (L to R) Leslie Shirhall, Jacque Callaway with son Quinton, Ceclia Garcia with son Zavian, and Jill Goode.
Robin Guice
Our featured guest in the Senior Spotlight column is Robin Guice. Robin was recently featured in the “Community Heroes of Seadrift, Texas” coloring book. She is one of our community heroes and we are proud of the fact that she has been there for so many students through the years at Seadrift School. She has graciously agreed to tell her story. Keep in mind that Robin works at the front desk at the Seadrift School. She has been working there for 33 years and has worked a total of 37 years in public education. So, take a listen and be blessed!
This is what Robin wanted to share with us:
“I always wanted to work with educators and children. I can see the impact that educators make in children’s lives. My aunt, Esther Caddell, will always be my hero. She worked in education for 38 years. I am on my 2nd generation of kiddos – the parents and now the children. I have seen a lot of changes in public schools. I have worked with 8 different principals. I am usually the first voice a parent will hear if their child is not at school. I am the first face people will see when they enter the school. If I have touched one kiddo’s life in a positive way, I have done my job well.
Grandparents are very special to me. My grandparents, Herbert and Betty Caddell, adopted me when I was nine months old. The values they instilled in me made me who I am today.”
Robin and her husband Rod live on the outskirts of Seadrift with their dogs Renee, Silo, Stitch, Rhea, and Carrie. Robin and Rod have one daughter, Sara, who is married to Noel Garza and is currently a student at UHV. Robin’s family have been in Seadrift since the early 1900’s. Robin’s grandmother who adopted her was born in Seadrift in 1917.
In conclusion, Robin had this to say, “I love Seadrift School and the Seadrift Community.
Thank you, Robin, for sharing your story with us. We are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished.