Water Baptism
Thirteen adults and children were water baptized on Easter at the Seadrift Community Church in Seadrift. Every time someone is water baptized not only are they impacted, but the community is as well. Water baptism has been a long-held tradition in the Christian Church dating back to the time of Christ when Jesus’ disciples were water baptizing. Jesus Himself spoke to His disciples and commanded them to make converts, baptize them, and teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded them. (Matthew 28:9)
At the Seadrift Community Church those water baptisms were a church community event where church members baptized their loved ones all in accordance with Matthew 28:9. Pictured is a grandmother (Jennifer Bernal) baptizing her granddaughter (Kambrie Morales) while Pastor Mart Maxwell was looking on. Pastor Mart made this observation about the baptisms that Easter by saying, “With the founding members doing the work that Christ called them to do, it causes the movement of the Holy Spirit in their lives from baptizing the young people to change the hearts of the congregation.”
Kambrie Morales who was baptized in the picture commented about her baptism by saying, “I wanted to go to “God’s lead.” I wanted to tell God that I don’t want to do any bad stuff anymore and I want to be blessed.”
For three or four months, Kambrie related to me, she was waiting to be baptized. She was very excited for the day to come and wouldn’t stop talking about it. Her grandmother wanted to baptize her because she was excited for her, Kambrie said. Kambrie’s family members were baptized and some of her friends, too.
-Tanya DeForest