A Council Minute…

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 24 - 0 Comments

Hello Dolphin Talk folks, I’m Kenneth Reese and since 2017 I have had the honor of being an elected member of the City Council of Seadrift. Starting out in 2017, I was assigned to oversee Harbor operations and later when the city decided to go into the trash business, I was placed over Seadrift Solid Waste department.

Harvey visited our town during my first term and the city got into the FEMA business. I was assigned Harbor debris cleanup duties, seawall replacement duties, west end erosion duties and, just for fun, I got to do Restore project also.

Going into my seventh year, I am now over Utilities Department (everything water) and Waste Water Treatment Department (every thing sewer) and, just for fun, I’m still involved seawall, Restore, and overall city drainage project. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and hope to continue giving the City my time.

There is still work to be done. I hope to see the new water tower project, our waster water plant and our seawall project come to fruition. Won’t it be great to have better water pressure, toilets that flush and a seawall park with grass and hopefully new playground equipment. That’s another department, but I hope to see it happen. I love the ‘drift and I hope to keep it the ‘drift!

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