Annual Youth Conference

Archived in the category: Events, General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 24 - Comments Off on Annual Youth Conference

Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church youth and chaperones attended the Annual Steubenville South Youth Conference in Alexandria, LA on June 20-23.  Over 2200 people came to listen to keynote speakers, participate in Praise and Worship, attend daily Mass services, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There were five other Steubenville Conferences being conducted in various states that weekend and there are more scheduled in July.  It was wonderful to see so many youth and adults worshiping the Lord publicly. -Becky Grav Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church youth and chaperones attended the Annual Steubenville South Youth Conference in Alexandria, LA on June 20-23. Over 2200 people came to listen to keynote speakers, participate in Praise and Worship, attend daily Mass services, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There were five other Steubenville Conferences being conducted in various states that weekend and there are more scheduled in July. It was wonderful to see so many youth and adults worshiping the Lord publicly. -Becky Gray

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