Dieter’s Alligator

Archived in the category: General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 24 - 0 Comments

Made off stainless steel and 14 feet long, this alligator is being created by Dieter Erhard as an homage to Texas.

“While I work on it, it’s like having a little Texas with me here in Germany.,” said Dieter. “My little neighbor friend is asking me every day if it is yet finished.”

Only the bottom/belly part is finished by now. The stainless steel hide will include about 70 LED light sections changing colors just like the ArtBoat (in Seadrift) in the evenings.

The gator will also have a built-in speaker to start the alligator growling, once the motion control is activated.

Once finished, it will be displayed at the city of Kronach Light Festival next year. -Dieter Erhardt, proprietor of ArtBoat, Seadrift.

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