Intercoastal 4-H Notes

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 24 - 0 Comments

On August 4th members attended Calhoun County’s 4-H Achievement Banquet. We are so proud of all of our 4-H members, but would like to give a special shout-out to these Intercoastal 4-H Club members for their hard work this year! (See photos elsewhere in this issue.)

McKenna Guevara: Gold Star Award Recipient Madden Guevara: Silver Star Award Recipient Dalton Garner: Bronze Star Award Recipient Kolt Leiker: Intercostal 4-H Club Member of the Year.

We can’t wait to get this year started, and we hope to see some new faces join our club this year! Our first meeting was held August 11th at 5:30 pm at the community center.

If you are interested in joining 4-H, please contact April Price at

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