Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 24 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Precious Memories; How They Linger.”
I, Geraldine Williams Wilson, am now 95 years old. Looking back, I can see my oldest brother, J.D. Williams, playing baseball with other boys in the school yard at the old school house in Seadrift. I had just started to school in the first grade.
I didn’t like school, so I ran off and went home. My brother saw me running off. Mrs. Wise, my first grade school teacher, heard about this and what did she do? She gave him a “whipping”. Did she do the right thing?
    Dorothy Geraldine Williams Wilson, Seadrift


    Concerning the City Council

As a concerned resident, voter and taxpayer within the City of Seadrift I have a few concerns.  Primarily centered around the recent DUAL resignations of members of the City’s Governing Body: The Mayor and a City Councilman.  This letter also addresses concerns the actions or inaction on the part of City Council in dealing with these two resignations in an equitable, lawful and open method.

Of note, as of this letter writing on Wednesday August 7th, it is 89 days before the next uniform election date of November 5, 2024.  This an important item in the context of this letter.

On July 30th the City received TWO resignation letters of the aforementioned positions.  Though the City Council had not yet acted on the resignations at that time, the Council did become aware of and did schedule a Special Meeting within a day of July 30th to schedule the August 5th Special Meeting to deal with these TWO resignations affecting the Governing Body of the City.

The Texas Local Government Code (LGC) says the composition of the Governing Body of a Type A Municipality, without the ward system, consists of 6 members: The Mayor and 5 Councilmembers.  [LGC: Subchapter B, Section 22.031(b)]  It does not differentiate between who is a voting member or not. IE: Mayor vs. Councilmember.

The Texas Local Government Code states that IF TWO or more vacancies on the Governing Body exist at the same time, a Special Election SHALL be ordered to fill the vacancies. [LGC: Subchapter A, Section 22.010(d)].  The LGC does not mention appointment of someone in this situation.

As to ordering a Special Election, the Texas Secretary of State, in their guidelines, in accordance with the Texas Election Codes, the City has until the 75th day before the next uniform election date (November 5th) to order a Special Election to fill the two vacant positions. Remember at the time of the called Special Meeting on August 5th the City had until August 21st to order the special election to coincide with the next uniform election date of November 5, 2024.

Granted the Council is given leeway to “finagle” ways to appoint someone to fill the vacant position if ONE vacancy exists or if a second resignation is received later than the first and acted on in a separate, later meeting.  But in this case there were TWO simultaneous resignations the council considered at the same meeting.  I think the existing Council did a disservice to the citizens and voters of the City of Seadrift to not allow them, the citizens, to select who they wanted to represent them at the earliest election possible which would be the November 5th Election, IF Council acts expediently to order the special election before this deadline expires – as of date of this letter.

Why the Council (save One who voted no) chose to appoint someone to fill the vacant council position immediately at the August 5th Special Meeting after recognizing there were TWO vacancies and not call a Special Election (as stipulated in the LGC), as quickly as possible to coincide with the next uniform election date (November 5th) is to me a little disingenuous, restricting the public’s input and/or for whatever other reasons or excuses there may have been.

Most Councils, when considering filling a vacancy, usually are open and public and may consult the public and some may even advertise the vacancy to see who is interested, maybe getting a resume, reviewed then appointed at a later date, almost always not an immediate action unless an emergency.

A Seadrift Resident

Library Expansion

Thank you DOLPHIN TALK for the recent article about the Port O’Connor Library EXPANSION and a heartfelt thanks to our amazing donors for your support of our Capital Campaign and membership renewals. To date approximately 2/3 of the funding has been secured for the expansion. The addition will add three private study cubicles, enlarge the children’s area, create a space for teens and add 20 book stacks.

WHY, you might ask. During the month of July, 2024 the library recorded 1,201 individual visits, our friendly librarians issued 9 new library cards, and 42 events were hosted in the Multi-purpose Room with 579 participants. Additionally, the library’s FB page recorded 22,100 hits.

The Friends continue to fund raise. Please drop off your contributions at the library, mail to The Friends of the Library, P O Box 497, POC, 77982 or donate online at www.friendsoftheportoconnorlibrary.org.

Ursula Price, President, The Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc.

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982

Letters are printed at the discretion of the Editor. Please include your name and contact number for the benefit of the Editor, even if you wish your letter be published as “anonymous”.

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