Cornhole Tournament

Archived in the category: Events, General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 24 - 0 Comments

We held the 5th Annual Cornhole Tournament at Beacon 44 RV Park on August the 31st. With rain forecast all week, Labor Day Weekend in POC wasn’t the normal hustle and bustle. But we made the best of it.

Mark your calendars for next year (August 31, 2025 )and plan on joining in the fun! We will be donating the whole amount of proceeds to a local organization -in the past it was half but we intend on changing it up. The trophies are amazing and worth hanging on the wall! We appreciate the ones that make them for us and kindly donate them!
This years winners are:
1st Place- Jacob and Eric
2nd Place – Nolan & James
3rd Place – Jeff & Hank

Thank you to all that came and joined us. This event is open to the public not just our RV Park.

Follow us on Facebook: Beacon 44 RV Park
Mary Jo Walker

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