POC Community Garden

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 24 - 0 Comments

It is wonderful to see people contributing their skills and time to improve the shared spaces we all enjoy. Quite a productive workday was held during morning hours despite the August heat. The community garden is getting a fresh start for the fall planting. Kudos to all the volunteers for their dedication and hard work!

The POC Community Garden especially thanks Bobby Allen and Eddie Debowski. Their efforts with the mower, mindfulness, and hard work made a significant impact on the garden’s appearance. Thanks to them and everyone who pitches in to make the community a better place!

The annual meeting on September 24th is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the year’s demanding work and discuss exciting plans for the future. The new shade structure will make a fantastic spot for the gathering of existing members and anyone interested in joining. Please mark your calendar to attend.

Darla Miles

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