Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 24 - 0 Comments

We so appreciate all those who helped with our part of the Warriors’ Weekend. We fixed over 500 Breakfast tacos, and we had people come to our “Egg Cracking Party” on Friday and helped get the tacos ready on Saturday morning! We had many donations, which make this task possible for our congregation. We love being a part of this community event because I personally remember how I was treated when I came home from overseas! Love shown for those willing to lay down their lives for our liberties should be a natural thing, but some soldiers never have received that welcome! This is an opportunity we have in Port O’Connor to try to fix it for a few! Thanks!

Our Retreat Center is being heavily used, and we are glad! When we felt the Lord’s leading to create the Retreat Center, we asked “Why?” We felt that it would be a great place for people to come and relax, renew, and refire and the reports we receive is that it is working. People are coming from all over Texas to enjoy a few days in Port O’Connor. We trust that they are being a blessing to this community!

October is known nationally as Pastor Appreciation Month. In an attempt to honor Pastor Joane, we are hosting a special fellowship following the morning services on October 27 (noon meal)! Pastor Joane moved to Port O’Connor and Fisherman’s Chapel to be the wife of Pastor Erny. With his medical issues, losing 60% of his lungs, he announced his retirement. Being asked what he was going to do, he replied that he hoped to move to his farm. The congregation objected and said, “Joane is ordained, so why can’t she be our Pastor?” The announcement was made for a special business meeting and Pastor Joane was elected to serve Fisherman’s Chapel as Pastor. Thankfully, she allows me (Erny) to do a few things around here just to keep me out of trouble! She is totally dedicated to see the work of the Lord move forward in Port O’Connor through the Chapel. She is appreciated for her abilities and availability and is love, respected, and admired by this congregation. Everyone is invited to come to the Chapel on October 27 and enjoy the fellowship honoring her ministry!

When we think of November coming, our minds go to Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, and Thanksgiving. When we think of Thanksgiving, our minds go to our Annual Community Thanksgiving service. This year we will gather at the Catholic Church on Sunday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m. The Catholic congregation will be providing the service and a time of fellowship to follow. Pastor Joane will be bring the inspirational message, and Father Tommy and Pastor Rich will be leading various parts of the service. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy this event. As a part of the service, a special offering will be received to help with the Thanksgiving Baskets. A good offering is needed for it takes several thousands dollars to accomplish this goal.

Thanksgiving is the time for us to think about those in this community that need a helping hand. We are planning for the Thanksgiving Food Baskets that has become a annual project for all the churches in our community and friends who help with the expenses. The deadline for signing up for consideration of a Thanksgiving Basket is Sunday, November 3. It is vital that needy families contact one of the churches signifying their need so a basket can be prepared for them. Distribution of the baskets will be on Tuesday, November 19, before noon. Those receiving a food basket must come and pick it up at the Chapel (311 Main).

The Cross is about ready to be dedicated. We now have the stones that will provide seating for those who wish to come and mediate or pray at the Cross. We are awaiting one other project to be completed before we schedule the special time. There have been so many who have worked on this 10-year project but are honored that the Lord has helped us in our attempt to be obedient to follow His leading. At the dedication, we will be sharing the story of the Cross. From its inception in November, 2014 until today, several engineers, craftsmen, and laborers have worked to help us accomplish this task for our Lord. We trust it is a landmark for our community and a tacking point for the sailors.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help change the hearts of the people in this community where Jesus will be the center of their individual lives. We do all we can not to be religious, but we strive to be in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Who died for us and rose from the dead for us! We gather each Sunday (the Lord’s Day) at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Class, 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service, and 6:00 p.m. for Evening Service. Each Wednesday, we gather for a fellowship meal at 7:00 p.m., followed by a message from Holy Scripture. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, Grow With Us!”

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