Hometown Hero Butch Hodges

Archived in the category: General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Nov 24 - Comments Off on Hometown Hero Butch Hodges

Butch Hodges of Seadrift has been awarded the title of Hometown Hero by Combat Marine Outdoors. Holding his award in the picture is his wife, Mary. To the right is daughter Katrina with her husband Allan. In the left of the picture is Tracey Johnson. Looking on is family pet Doppler. Everyone who knew Butch Hodges would agree that Butch, who passed earlier in the year, was indeed a hometown hero. His love for the community was evident to all. His service and devotion to veterans through Combat Marine Outdoors was outstanding.

Pictured below in a photo is Butch Hodges who is second from the left with a group of veterans and fishing guides. Mary Hodges explains what Butch did as a hometown hero: “Butch was influential for many years and his camaraderie welcomed all veterans. He understood the powerful physical and emotional injuries that affect the combat veteran and urged them to discuss their experiences. He organized the many volunteers: irreplaceable guides as well as numerous cooks and bakers. It was his idea to begin “The Spot Pot” and some of the profitable fund raisers. He taught us that there was certainly a way to help our veterans. We just had to find a way.”

Mary Hodges wants to add that “CMO has chosen Butch Hodges as their hometown hero for 2024. Together they would like to contribute to the recognition of those who make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families. If you would like to continue this heritage, you may nominate the person of your choice later in 2025. This person can be a veteran or first responder or someone you feel has positively influenced the lives of our veterans. Think about our homegrown heroes and those they endeavor to remember.”
-Tanya DeForest

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