Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Feb 25 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Since our Christmas celebrations, we have been extremely busy enjoying the Lord’s blessings! We celebrated our Wedding Anniversary and Pastor Joane’s Birthday with a special fellowship time. Pastor Joane had to spend a few days in the hospital getting her medications straightened out, and she is doing well now! We have had a number of guests come and each have brought different blessing with them.

And, then February came!  Our Wednesday evening services have each been super special. Kyle made Chicken ‘N’ Dumplings on the first Wednesday.  We followed with a Super Bowl Party, and he fixed Chicken Nuggets. The next Wednesday we hosted a Valentine’s Banquet and enjoyed Lasagna with the salad and garlic bread. It seems to me that every time we gather it is for a fellowship meal! I guess there is more than one way to “grow a church!” I can not post the menu for the next services, so we will simply say, “Come, taste and see!”

We had a milestone pass and have not scheduled a special day to celebrate our 30 years in Port O’Connor! We came from Houston at the invitation of 6 people to help them start a new church. We have previously been involved in planting a church in Missouri, and I was not ready to commit to such a huge undertaking. But, God has blessed. Before the end of the first year, we had purchased our property and began to transform it from the Intercostal Lumber Company into Fisherman’s Chapel. It seems to us that we have been in a building program continually. We started with the Youth Room, which also houses two restrooms. Then we understood the importance of a workshop, so we put that together. Then there was the need of a parsonage and God was there sending people to help us accomplish that task. We had a large building which most people encouraged us to demolish, but we felt the Lord directing us to construct a Retreat Center. Later, we got a call asking us if we would secure the JEMM Center for additional retreat accommodations. During all this time, we were trying to be obedient and put up a Cross as a welcoming place for those in our community and for those travelers who might come.

Nothing has been accomplished without the help of people who love the Lord and want to see great things done for the Kingdom of our Lord! Many of those people have already gone to Heaven and secured their rewards, but some are continuing to sustain us and see God’s work advanced! God brought us not only workers but true friends to walk along side us and help with the vision!

Port O’Connor has changed! Alvin’s was our only mall! There were a lot of “fishing camps,” but there were not many people who lived here. But, this community opened its arms wide and welcomed a “new comer” with open arms. You have allowed us to be a part of you and we appreciate it very much! We have married many of your children and buried many of your family members and friends. Pastor Joane’s parents and a brother are buried in our local cemetery!

Several years ago, because of some medical issues, we realized changes in leadership had to take place. You asked Pastor Joane to take the lead pastor task, and she accepted that challenge, and you have welcomed her – thank you! Change is a normal and natural process. From the cradle to past the grave, change happens, and we either embrace it or we die trying!

We do not know what another 30 years will look like, but we believe Port O’Connor will grow into a truly Christ Centered Community and people will be blessed with more opportunities to enjoy this beautiful place God has blessed us with. Greater days are ahead of us and may we do our part to make good things happen!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who is doing everything we can to see God’s blessings make a path into your lives! We gather on Sundays at 10 AM for Bible Class, 11 AM for Morning Service, and 6 PM for Evening Service. We also meet on Wednesdays at 7 PM for a time of fellowship (a meal) and sharing God’s Word. One will always fine a warm welcome at the Chapel, and all are encouraged to “Come, Grow with us!”

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