Learning is Fun at Port O’Connor School

Archived in the category: General, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Feb 25 - Comments Off on Learning is Fun at Port O’Connor School
Adalynn McCabe, Alex Martinez, and Braysen Cardenas show off their edible bears in POC Kindergarten.

Adalynn McCabe, Alex Martinez, and Braysen Cardenas show off their edible bears in POC Kindergarten.

Bobbie Smith and Destiny Banda enjoyed making a groundhog snack during Science time while studying shadows in Ms. Peters' Kindergarten class in Port O'Connor Elementary.

Bobbie Smith and Destiny Banda enjoyed making a groundhog snack during Science time while studying shadows in Ms. Peters’ Kindergarten class in Port O’Connor Elementary.

Dental Health District nurse, Shari Dierlam, lets Dean Bell practice brushing teeth on Alli the Alligator at Port O'Connor Kindergarten.

Dental Health
District nurse, Shari Dierlam, lets Dean Bell practice brushing teeth on Alli the Alligator at Port O’Connor Kindergarten.


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