Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Mar 25 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

February was a very busy month at the Chapel. We celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special meal of lasagna and our folks responded to the evening by bringing visitors. We enjoyed a Super Bowl Party and watched a disappointing game. An old friend left planet earth for Heaven, and we mourned his passing. We conducted our Annual Meeting of the Members, and all rejoiced in the excellent reports and the spirit of unity. AND, we spent many hours and several days preparing for Vicky and Dom’s Wedding. 

 March came in like a lion – very windy. It was however a beautiful sitting at Breckenridge Park for the beautiful wedding ceremony. I got the honor of walking our stunningly beautiful bride down the isle and then Pastor Joane and I had the privilege of preforming the wedding jointly. The pictures on Facebook do not totally depict the evening’s elegance. The meal was so delicious that we brought the leftovers back to the Chapel and shared them for our Wednesday evening fellowship! Pastor Steve Linney filled the pulpit on “Time Change Sunday” to give Pastor Joane an opportunity to recoup from the wedding activities.  

 On Monday, March 10, Pastor Joane’s close friend, Anita Castro, came to have a few days off and relax with us. Anita and Pastor Joane met on a mission’s trip to Haiti several years ago and the friendship has increased since them. Anita is now a missionary to Thailand and is about ready to go back for her second term. She shared with the Chapel her efforts in planting seeds with their “friendship” style of ministry. She was well received and the Chapel family gave her a generous offering to further her work for the Lord. 

 We hosted a great Retreat with folks from around Texas and beyond. We were introduced to a couple that we have a mutual friendship in a Pastor in Spring. Jim and Brenda Dunn were so inspired from the time in POC that they are planning to return soon to spend a couple of months in our great community. We are looking forward to them coming! 

 The Chapel is helping me celebrate 61 years as a credentialed minister. I was just a kid in High School who believed I had heard the Lord ask me to preach the Gospel for Him and I responded. When I met with the “Leaders,” I did not have much formal training but a lot of youthful zeal. I have been asked how I could be a preacher for so many years, to which I reply, “I started very young and have not yet died!” The Leaders took a great chance on me for which I am honored, and I have sincerely attempted to be who the Lord has called me to be.  

  We sincerely appreciate those who are providing food and funds for the Pantry ministry. We are averaging just over three families each week and we always attempt to provide as much as they will need for at least a week. We could not be your hands extended if you were not giving – so thank you for partnering with us to bless the most needy in our community. When you know a family who is in need of food, please send them our way! 

 Easter is coming on April 20. We are already planning the Sunrise Service at the Front Beach, which will begin at 7 AM. The Chapel will continue their usual schedule of Bible Class at 10 AM; Morning Service at 11 AM; and Evening Service at 6 PM on Easter. It will be a full day, but why not – Jesus put in much more effort than we will! 

 The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help everyone make their eternal destination in Heaven with our Lord. One will always find a warm welcome, whether for Sunday services or Wednesdays at 7 PM. All are urged to, “Come, Grow With Us!”





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