This story is fictional, but based on scripture found in 2 Chronicles 1:13-17, 2 Chronicles 9:25, Psalm 20:7, and Psalm 33:17-20 Jacob means: “may God protect”
From the time he was twelve years old, he had been trained in the art of combat. He was well mastered in both sword and spear weaponry. He was also a skilled horseman which included knowing how to drive a chariot. He had to know how to harness his war horse to the chariot and how to take care of the tack as well as the horse itself. Everything had to be in top-notch condition so that it would be ready to withstand the heat of battle. He was now twenty.
King Solomon had just received a new shipment of the most well-bred horses ready to be trained for war. This particular shipment was imported from Egypt and Jacob and his comrades were in charge of unloading the beasts from the ship. It could be a dangerous job depending on how skittish the horse was, but something within Jacob challenged him to always rise to the occasion. Ever since he was a young boy in military training, for some reason, whenever he felt like his courage was being called upon, he had to answer. He could never let himself back down from a daring challenge. He felt he must come out the victor. Today was just another private fight warring within himself. He would always tell himself he must conquer his fears, which he knew were only a vapor imposed upon him for but a moment.
Jacob and his comrades had been unloading horses for the better part of an hour, when Jacob saw him. He was black as mid-night during a new moon and Jacob could tell that this horse flesh was fast. His coal black eyes bored into Jacob’s own, defiantly challenging Jacob to tame his unbroken spirit. One word that came to Jacob’s mind about this horse, “obstinate”. This horse was obstinate. However, he was a beautiful horse with features to astound. He was a lighter-framed horse with a sleek shiny coat and that was even after the long boat ride. This observation suggested that the horse was healthy. His chest was deep, indicating the horse had great stamina. Moreover, his legs were straight. His body was slender, but with well-honed muscles.
Jacob could tell this horse had had a lot of physical training before coming to Jaffa. Jacob took this all in in just a few seconds. He thought how he would love to work with this horse. However, what were the probabilities that he, merely a horseman in the Israeli military, would end up with the privilege of training such a great horse to become a war horse? No, it wasn’t likely, Jacob thought. He stepped up to take the reins of the beauty, when the horse spooked and reared up. Jacob calmly and firmly held the reins without letting go. He knew this horse required a firm hand to steer him in the desired direction. It wasn’t going to be easy to train this horse, whoever he was. However, Jacob decided right then that if he could persuade his commanders to let him train the horse, he would relish the challenge.
Jacob fearlessly stood still as the horse lowered himself back to the ground. Jacob gave him a long look, letting the equine know that he was not the master. The horse returned Jacob’s stare, unbroken until Jacob felt they had come to terms. Jacob then, gently tugged on the reigns instigating the horse to move forward. The horse obeyed and stepped forth as Jacob fluidly turned and they began to walk toward the unloading ramp. The transition from the ship to land was smooth and Jacob breathed a sigh of relief. In consequence, the horse was a stallion, making him very unpredictable. However, he had to learn to submit to human authority just like any other horse. After all the horses were taken care of,
Jacob was finally able to bed down for the night. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. As he lay there, he determined that he would make an effort to request if he could be commissioned to train the black stallion.