
Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Mar 25 - Comments Off on Wildfire


We would like to thank all agencies that helped out on the fire March 10. Port O’Connor FD, Seadrift FD, Port Lavaca FD, Texas Forestry Service, Calhoun Precinct 4, Calhoun County Dispatch, and CCSO. Hope I got them all. Also like to thank Captain Little John, Roberts Ranch, and The whole Brown family. Y’all did a great job. A big thank you to Jenny for bringing out pizzas. Thanks to the countless land owners in the area bringing out drinks for us. There had to be at least 50 fire fighters on scene. It’s not very often you have 2 dozers, 5 air planes, a helicopter, a tractor with disc, and a tractor with shredder on scene, that was in addition to the 11 fire trucks. Nearly 8 hours on scene everyone did a great job. No major injuries and we did a great job of protecting structures, although nearly a 1000 acres and a lot of fence did burn. Please be safe out there and thanks for all the support.
Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department

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