Home > March, 2025
Upcoming Tournament
Catching a Big One!
This gentleman from Temple, Texas caught a big one while fishing on the Seadrift pier! Who was more surprised… him or the fish?
Candidates File for Seadrift Council
For those who don’t know me, my name is Tracey Johnson, proud resident of Seadrift for about 20 years. I am the Sales Manager at Coastline Trailer Manufacturing here in Seadrift. I am a proud mother of a beautiful 26-year-old daughter, and fur-momma to several rescues. I am a member of the First Assembly of God Church here […]
Spring Migration by Kayla Pringle
Spring migration is just around the corner! In the spring, hundreds of bird species begin their migration from southern regions to northern regions to prepare for the breeding season. One major question I always get from kids and adults is “how do birds know when to migrate?” Birds rely on a mix of instincts, environmental […]
Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough
February was a very busy month at the Chapel. We celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special meal of lasagna and our folks responded to the evening by bringing visitors. We enjoyed a Super Bowl Party and watched a disappointing game. An old friend left planet earth for Heaven, and we mourned his passing. We conducted […]