Have you heard the latest about all those folks from the Cuero area that have made an amazing fortune from the drilling by fracking on their properties? And, now, some are coming to Port O’Connor and buying places here? Just a warm welcome to all of them.
I know it’s sometime in the future, but Bunco will meet again on Tuesday, March 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the back room of the Community Center. Ladies, if you’re interested, do plan on coming for a fun evening of good food and conversation and even some playing. Contact Shirley Gordon at the Library for further information.
The bang-bangs have now stopped early in the mornings. At least, from the duck hunters who start out at an unbelievable hour to hunt … those poor, unsuspecting creatures that take to the air when they see a shotgun being held by a man nearby! Hey, guys, I’m having fun here!
Don’t forget the Arts & Crafts Festival of the Lions Club in March – the 16th. I understand that booths have been taken both locally and out of the area by a number of artists and many vendors of various items. Contact Joyce Jordan at 655-7999 for further details.
Our prize-winning Elementary School still needs the help of several dedicated volunteers to spend an hour or two each week with a kid that needs an extra push. If you have the time and the desire to receive more than you can give, contact Lydia Strakos (983-2341), our wonderfully involved Principal at the School with your name and the hours you can help.
How many residents know of the excellent service that our Volunteer Fire Department provides? What each of those incredible members who are on call each day do is truly a task of total dedication for our community. More later.
If anyone has the opportunity to become a guest at a happening where the Smokin’ Nuts BBQ are out in force, don’t be hesitant and shy. Grab your plate and do not yield your place in line (but be polite) to get some of their excellent food. I was privileged once to obtain a plate, and I sure went back for seconds in a hurry. And, these guys, not only spend all night long cooking, but frequently provide their services at a discounted fee. Now that’s really the spirit of POC!
Friends of the Library are starting off the year of 2013 with a bang! The Friends are planning their booth at the Lions Club Arts & Crafts Festival in March selling books. If you are looking for something special to read at a discounted price, be sure to visit the Festival on March 16th.
Being up early in the morning to walk the dog, my favorite activity at 6:45 a.m., I have this opportunity to enjoy the start of each day; i.e., as the sunrise greets me. Many mornings there will scarcely be an inclination that you can see that the sun has actually risen; others, will simply floor you with their beauty. Several days ago pretty much of a “nothing” was the start of the day; but one morning it was as though the Master Painter had taken his paint brush filled with rose and lavender colors and streaked them in large swoops across the sky. Stunning and what a way to start the day.
361 798-0560