Calhoun TEA Party will hold a rally on TAX day, April 15, 6:00 p.m. at Russell Cain Real Estate, 2025 Hwy 35 (next to Bayside Seafood) in Port Lavaca.
We have invited representatives of all State and Federal elected offices, including an invitation to Ken Armbrister, special adviser to Governor Perry. As you will remember, Ken was our State Representative for many years. Of course, there is always a time reserved for local citizens to voice their concerns.
We will have finger foods and drinks, and the CHS Young Republicans will be selling cookies and cupcakes to raise money for their activities. Larry Robinson will provide music. PLEASE BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIRS.
This is the 4th anniversary of our first meeting on April 15, 2009.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend.
Thanks, Connie Hunt