“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
Gun Laws and Immigration
The Liberal/Progressives want to expand the NICS or Background Checks. I’ve studied the NICS System and for 2010 there were 14,409,616 firearm transfers, of which 8,372,222 were performed by ‘Point of Contact States’ that use the NICS data base and their states data base to approve or deny the transfer or sale. I did not try to get info on these states. Texas uses the FBI “NICS section” for our checks. In 2010 the FBI NICS Section processed 6,037,398 checks of which 72,658 were denied (1.2%). 3,491 were successfully appealed (4.77%). Of the denials referred to BATF for investigation 3,163 (4.2%) were “Overturned” and 4,732 (6.2%) were “Referred to the field” for further investigation.
Of those investigated, almost all were declined by BATF field offices. Reasons given: “No prosecutorial merit” 1,661, “Federal/state guidelines not met” 1,092, “Not a prohibited person” 480, “Closed by supervisor” 457, “No potential or unfounded” 396. Of all the denials investigated there were only 62 were referred for prosecution, most were declined by prosecutors or dismissed by court. There were only 13 convictions, all by guilty pleas.
Of these 72,658 denied, 3,491 were successfully appealed at the NICS level, 3,163 were “Overturned” at the BATF Administrative level, and 876 found innocent by BATF field offices, so over 10% of the denials were false positives. All this for 13 convictions. And this is with trained gun dealers overseeing the paperwork at the point of sale. There appears to be a serious lack of accuracy and a very serious lack of prosecution of violations of the existing gun laws. Recent news puts the US Attorneys Office for Chicago at the very bottom for firearms prosecutions, though it is ‘the murder capital of the US’. For all the Federal demands for new, more draconian anti-gun laws, there seems to be a serious lack of interest in enforcing the ones we have. As one studies the problem, it is easy to see that the goal is more anti-gun laws, not reduction or prevention of crime. The best crime prevention is a trained armed citizen. They know this, but it doesn’t fit the Agenda, so gun laws are a political football, to be played with to distract Low Information Voters from the misfeasance and malfeasance of the District of Corruption. And always chipping away at our Bill of Rights. They don’t need more laws until they learn to enforce the ones they have, and can improve the accuracy of their background checks.
As I study the upcoming “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill”, I see a similar problem. This is an emotion driven issue; no one seems to be telling the truth, or care about the costs, jobs, or even pretending to control illegal immigration. It is now “bigoted”, “mean-spirited” and totally un-PC to even say “illegal immigrant”, so how about – CRIMINAL INVADERS!? I am somewhat sympathetic for the Mexicans that come here to work and build a better life, but rapidly losing patience with the demands for welfare, free college, and political power. The “Other than Mexicans” are worse. Especially the militant Muslims. We are committing national suicide by allowing large unassimilated and unassimilatable minorities into the country.
It is becoming obvious that some politicians see making new citizens of illegals is a way to create Bloc Voters that they can exploit, at tax-payer expense for new welfare giveaways. And the costs will be horrendous. Counting the ‘overstayed student and tourist visas’ there are probably 30-33 million illegals in the US, not the 11 million often stated. Mexicans may be the largest group, but not the greatest problem. The real danger is Muslims, but Washington refuses to recognize this. Also, amnesty doesn’t work; it didn’t work in 1986, except for the people amnestied and the extended families they were allowed to bring in. It encouraged illegal immigration, not stopped it. Also most of these new citizens will demand to bring in family members. The current Amnesty Bill will probably add some 57 million citizens, not just the 11 million touted by the Gang of 8. All will either be competing for jobs or on welfare.
There has to be a sincere desire to be a US Citizen, obey our laws, be financially independent, and be an American, before any new immigrants can be considered for resident visas, much less citizenship. As for the ‘mean-spirited – bigoted’ taunts, save it, study Mexican immigration law. If we followed their laws there would be no problem.
Again, this is a political game played to separate people into groups where they can be manipulated easily into voting for politicians that only pretend to care about these issues while they enrich themselves at tax-payer expense. Politicians in both parties refused to enforce the laws passed in 1986, now the socialist Democrats seek to exploit the crisis with another Amnesty that will create another huge voting bloc that will be largely dependent on Government services and welfare. This will give the socialist Democrats a solid majority in many states for years to come. And will probably add another $6.3 trillion (or more) to the Federal Debt during that time.
We simply can’t afford the added drain on our government services and welfare or added job seekers in a shrinking economy. We also need to drastically curtail legal immigration until our employment and the demand for welfare stabilizes at manageable levels. In the future immigrants should be chosen for their ability to be financially independent and to assimilate as Americans.