Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jul 13 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

To Our POC Volunteer Firemen

On June 15, 2013, our family woke up to a golf cart fire that had started in the garage. Within minutes, which could have felt like hours, our Fire Department was here! They were ALL AWESOME!! Our family is so grateful and cannot thank them enough!

We all need to make it a habit to tell people “Thank You” and to express our appreciation sincerely without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.

We learn to Hem Our Blessings with Thankfulness so they don’t unravel.

Everyone, please support our Volunteer Fire Fighters. Our continual support saves lives.

Again, Thank You, POC Volunteer Fire Department.

Sincerely grateful,
The Hybner Family

A Simple Idea

A simple idea to make the days before Trash Pick-Up more bearable: PLEASE put your trash IN trash bags (big or small) before putting in your BLUE trash bin (vs putting “naked trash” in there to ferment?) As I walked around our peaceful POC for the 3 days before Trash Pick-Up day, it was awful to breathe the “smells” each time I passed a blue trash bin. We are challenged by not having trash picked up until Wednesday each week, but this we CAN do something about…the bags may help! May keep you from having to clean your blue bin so often, too 😉

Please keep the beautiful air of POC smelling clean, and this quick tip may help! Respectfully, the girl with the clothespin on her nose… :)

Julie Yost

Greetings all my Friends and Enemies, :))

Well, the first poem, “Lisa Moo Moo Marie”, in my latest book (Coop’s Corner Collection – Inspirational Stories and Poems)is now a real live country & western song and can be requested for air play on your local country / mix / Christian stations. It is safe for any age and is easy to learn, fun to sing to and great to dance with. You will find it useful for weddings, anniversaries, valentines or just to tease and say, “You’re the best” in a funny but devoted way. A good addition for any party or gathering or even if you’re alone and are needing a pick-me-up song. It’ll almost have you bouncing off the wall.

I’ve listed it through CD Baby and also on their Air Play link. It should be available for download through most music download sites.

In conclusion, please do me the grandest favor by telling your friends about it and by calling your local radio station and request to have it played. If you have a good stereo system you can hear the fiddle and bass a lot better than on computer speakers.

Take care.

Respectfully, Hebrews 13:1, “Let brotherly love continue.”
Wm M. Cooper
Strategic Books Website: http://sbpra.com/WilliamMCooper/

Thanks from the Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department

On July 6, 2013 the POC Volunteer Fire Department had their annual fund raiser. What is one of the biggest weekends in POC turned out to be one of the best fund raisers for the department. Words can’t explain how grateful we are for the support that we got from the community; it amazes us how much people are willing to give. Because of everyones generosity we were able to pay off the new Dodge 1 ton chassis that we recently purchased through Killebrew in Victoria. We will be using this new truck to replace 701, which is a truck the department bought back in 1984, and is currently being used as our rescue truck. With the additional funds the department will be able to make it into a small brush truck/rescue truck by putting lights, sirens, replacement bumper, and other equipment it needs to serve the community. A special thank you is in order to the Hybner Family because they are going to paint the new chassis for us.

There are so many people that chose to give their time to make this possible. First, we would like to say Thank You to the people that helped us serve the day of the fund raiser: Pat Eskstrom, Jenny O’ Neill, April O’ Neill, Dennis O’ Neill, Jeremy O’ Neill, Susan O’ Neill, April Ragusin, Chloe Ragusin, Orion Ragusin, Leah Lucey, Drake Stringo, John Wiatrek, Susie Wiatrek, and Gerry Smith.

Also we would like to thank: The Fishing Center, Sister’s, Cathy’s, Captain G’s, Poco Loco Lodge, Beacon 44, Art’s, Bubba’s, Captain Quarters, Jocelynn’s, John’s Boats, Cut it Loose, POC Rods, American Inn and Suites, Kayak Services, Griff’s Guide Service, Ice 4 U, Bill Powers, Ramirez Guide Service, Milton Westbrook, Clark’s, Linda Tippett, Sunset Storage, Jack’s Car Wash, Bryan Richter, Hardcore Supplies, Dawn Ragusin, Nancy Pomykal, POC Liquor, Teresa’s Nails, Shoalwater, J&J archery, Allen Huelsebusch, Hurricane Junction, Bubba’s, Henry and Barbara Goode, Faifer &Co., Froggie’s, POC Hardware, Marva Mckibbons, My Sister and Me Creations, Jeremy Helms, Ann Brownlee, Josie’s Mini Mart, Ben’s Bait House, Lea Ann Photography, Freddie Harborth, Marie and Robbie Hawes, Jody and Renee Hawes, PSN Woodgroup, Hilton Internet Services, T-Tops and more, Treasure Chest, Beverly Clifton, Sylvia Rodriguez, Coastal Bend Marine, David’s Woodwork and Lumber, Rudy’s, Joe and Eloisa Newsome, Taylor’s Diving Services and The POC Service Club. Without your donation to the department, none of this would have been possible. It’s is honestly such a privilege to be a part of a community that is always willing to give back to others like ours.

Forever Grateful,
POC Volunteer Fire Department

Response to Victoria Advocate Article

On Saturday, June 29, I read Miss Preyessis’article concerning gay marriage and the church. And I would respectfully like to offer this rebuttal.

1.) Her statement that gay marriage doesn’t hurt the church. The fact is, that yes, it would and does, for homosexuality is, in Bible terms, sin. It even goes against the laws of nature, and if there’s anything that will hurt the church, it’s sin. Sin only begets sin. Sin robs us of our joy, peace, and power.

So, yes, if the church endorses or ignores gay marriage, it will be detrimental to the church.

2.) She makes the statement, “the gay marriage debate isn’t about sin or morality.” This may be the viewpoint of secular humanists (who teach there are no moral absolutes), but it should never be the position of the church. I do believe we are to love others, including the homosexual. Jesus said we (the church) would be known by our love. But, for the church to take a watered down position and not speak out against such behavior is to dishonor the Word of God and the mandate that Jesus left with the church to go and preach the Gospel of repentance, love, grace, mercy, etc.

Jeremiah mourned and lamented the moral and spiritual state on ancient Israel and spoke out against it in every sector, from government to the religious priests, to the peasant farmer, and for two reasons:

1. His deep love for his country and people

2. He saw and understood the detrimental impact on the nation’s social, economic, and political systems if the moral decay were allowed to continue unchecked.

But know assuredly that should we, as a nation, continue to spurn the Word of God that Judgement will come. Let’s not forget about the region of Sodom and Gommorah.

Minister Patrick Overton

Thank You from the President of the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce

A year ago our Chamber of Commerce was left without a President as Leah Richter Griffin resigned from her position. It was voted that I step in and fill the empty position.

I was a little hesitant and did some thinking on this as I already had my hands plenty full with my husband and I owning Beacon 44 Seafood Market and Beacon 44 RV Park along with a wholesale bait business that puts me on the road to Brownsville often.

One thing I did know was that there was an AWESOME group of directors that would stand by me and help me out along the way so I decided to jump aboard and try and do my best to do a great job with promoting POC. We brought the first Crawfish Cook-off and Festival -which was a HUGE success for us-we then voted to have a larger fireworks show–and was it AWESOME! Next we will be bringing you the Labor Day Beach Bash with Larry Joe Taylor and other bands at King Fisher Beach August 31.We are also working on the 3rd annual 5 K run for late Fall.

I would like to say “THANK YOU” to the directors for always being there and trying to find the best path for us to take.
Directors: Patti Elkins, Ann Brownlee, Donnie Klesel, Linda Bonar, Donna Pyle, Don Haynes, Beverly Clifton, Sylvia Rodriguez, Joyce Jordan and Agnes Valigura.

Thanks to Bill Tigrett and Kimberly Bennet for helping in the donation collections for the fireworks and our office manager June Pitonyak for doing what we need to have done in a timely manner. Also thanks to Cliff Blank and Action Welding for reworking 2 of the BBQ pits at King Fisher Beach–job well done guys!

We would also like to let our members know that we are working on reworking our website www.Portoconnorchamber.org. Thanks to all our members and businesses for your support. If you would like to get involved please contact one of us.

Mary Jo Walker, President
Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk
PO Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

Something on your mind?
Or need to send a thank you?
Deadline for the August issue is Friday, August 9.

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.


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