Morning and evening Church services, under the leadership of our Pastor, Donnie Martin, have seen attendance growing as the Holy Spirit has been evident in each service. Many of our Post O’Connor visitors have joined in the worship service. The mid-week service attendance on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. has been growing.
A beautiful “new” lady joined in the Church Nursery as she was born into the Brown family and her name is Amara Faith Brown. Congratulations to Robert and Michelle Brown.
On Sunday evening, September 8, the Church will have their quarterly “Birthday Bash” celebrating all those who have birthdays in July, August and September. This big event will be in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. Bro. Donnie Martin will bring a short devotion followed by food and fellowship. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Southern Gospel Quartet “Appointed by Grace” will be in our Church on Sunday morning, September 15. Joe Irwin, Amy Gregory, and Karla Burris offer a unique mix of gospel music singing styles. Joe has been involved in music ministry for over 30 years. He sang with his family group for many years as they traveled throughout the southeastern United States. In addition to being godly wives and mothers, Karla and Amy have been involved in singing ministries since childhood. Their ministry consists of powerful singing wrapped in the Word of God, seasoned with personal testimonies. Through the medium of song they paint a portrait of hope for the lost, call the sinner to repentance, and encourage the Christian to service. Everyone is invited to this very inspirational service on Sunday morning, September 15, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.
See you in Church Sunday!