The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Mar 14 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Several weeks ago Dr. Thomas Sowell, economist and commentator, advised readers to re-read Winston Churchill’s The Gathering Storm, the first volume of his 6 volume series, The Second World War. This book documents and explains how the liberal progressives in the Liberal and Labour Parties in Great Britain and the dithering pacifist politicians in France made possible the rise of Adolf Hitler, his militant National Socialist Workers Party, and guaranteed World War II. Their misplaced faith in the League of Nations, diplomacy, and their cowardly and irresponsible policies of appeasement gave Hitler and his Nazis the confidence, prestige, and the territory to build an aggressive military to support his dreams and demands of Lebensraum (“Living room”, or a Greater Germany for German-speaking people).

It is easy to see the parallels between then and today’s treatment of the radical Jihadist Muslims by Europe and the U.S. Fortunately for Western Civilization, the militant Muslims have no uniting leader, and are busily killing each other whenever competing groups obtain power and weapons. However, there is one man that is a strong leader in a “defeated” nation, and that is Vladimir Putin. There is a lot to dislike about this guy, but you have to admire him. He is a Russian patriot, rebuilding a shattered economy, a divided nation, and refusing to bow down to foreigners or racial and religious minorities. He is smart enough to recognize the power vacuum in Europe and the Middle East, and has moved to position Russia as a power-broker. His aim is to re-position Russia as a world power again, and even to expand the Russian state back to the old Tsarist borders, or even Soviet borders. The European Union is an economic disaster, most countries losing control to growing radical Muslim immigrants and their huge welfare systems. And the Obama Administration is a diplomatic joke. Obama’s “Apology Tour” after his first inauguration certainly brought “change” to American prestige in the Muslim world, if not much “hope” except for violent jihadists. Obama and Hillary Clinton gave Iraq to Al Qaeda, missed the opportunity of encouraging the pro-Western freedom movement in Iran and kow-towed to their nuclear program, de-stabilized a good ally in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood, overthrew a more-or-less ‘safe’ dictator in Libya for Al Qaeda, supported the overthrow of a pro-Western dictator in Syria – a movement and weapons taken over by Al Qaeda, and totally ruined any chance of saving Afghanistan from the Taliban. Not to mention the explosive growth of Al Qaeda affiliate Jihadist groups across Africa. With John Kerry as SecState it got even more ridiculous. We are lucky that the Islamo-fascists do not have a strong leader and are splintered into different sects. If they find a ‘Hitler’, or a Putin, we and all Western Civilization are in big trouble.

The Obamunist Progressives are now demanding more religious rights for Muslims in the U.S., even including Sharia law, but Christians are prosecuted and persecuted by Holder’s DoJ for politely refusing to take pictures or bake a cake for a homosexual “marriage”. Muslims execute homosexuals. And what happened to “Equality before the Law”? ‘Federally preferred minorities’ are more equal than others. And how about “Freedom of religion”? Progressives deny any symbolism of Christianity in schools or public buildings, but use tax money to build Muslim “prayer rooms” in schools, public buildings, and even military bases. And this for a “religion” that insists on it’s own laws, and actually forbids its followers to honor any oath to the Constitution, or any other government that might conflict with Sharia. Yep, Obama said he would “fundamentally change” us and make us “more like Europe”. Europe is dying. Many previously great nations are becoming Muslim colonies at citizens’ expense.

Is it any wonder that Putin laughs and ignores Obama’s and Kerry’s bloviating about red-lines, economic threats, and the 21st century? He knows they will make some noise and do a little dance for a few days, then ignore the real situation and go on to some other Media Event, and a few weeks later declare that they somehow “won”, and saved the world from war, economic disaster, the rising oceans, or something. Compared to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry, Neville Chamberlain and the other appeasers and apologists of the 1930s were intellectual giants, monuments to Reason and moral courage. God help us! Putin is a rising power in Russia, and like China, intends Russia to be an economic and geo-political competitor, if not an actual threat, to a seriously declining America.

The Usurper Obama has Unconstitutionally expanded his Executive Office powers, to writing and changing laws, while refusing to do his Constitutional duty to enforce the laws passed by Congress. His “pen and his phone” may give him ‘power’ to enforce his illegal policies, but it is only “under color of law” and he is operating as a de facto Dictator in defiance of the Constitution. The Constitution is the contract that gives the Federal Government limited powers to govern, if he destroys that contract he also destroys the mandate and legal authority to govern at all. Our Governor Rick Perry correctly called for him to defend the borders, provide a cogent foreign policy, and deliver the mail; as well as enforce the laws as the Constitution and his Oath of Office require.

Furthermore, all authoritarian and totalitarian governments must have a Great Enemy, an enemy that is so dangerous and powerful that only the Government can face it and the people must surrender all rights, property, and freedom to the government to resist this Great Enemy. The Federal Government has grown dramatically defeating Imperial Germany in WWI, the Axis in WWII, and International Communism in the Soviet Union. The Progressive Elite have recognized this, just as they recognize that the promise of a socialist utopia is a sure-fire vote-getter with the uninformed, ignorant, and lazy. The new Great Enemy is GLOBAL WARMING, now improved into CLIMATE CHANGE. This is the ‘perfect’ Great Enemy because it can never be ‘defeated’, no matter how much the government takes from the people in taxes, property rights, or indoctrinating them and their children to whatever nonsense the Progressives decide to embrace at that time. The Government must govern everything because the Government is always right! FORWARD! AGENDA UBER ALLIES!

We must stop this dangerous trend. The Democrat Party no longer exists; it has been hijacked by radical socialist-totalitarians and morphed into the Socialist Democrat Party. The Republican Party leadership have become RINOs: near-sighted, clumsy, interested only in their own comfort, and easily irritated. They like the status quo of Big Government, they just want to run it and be first at the feed-trough. The Christian Constitutionalists, true believers in liberty, personal freedom, and individual responsibility brought the RINOs back into some power in 2010 after the Disaster of 2008, but they are turning on us because their loyalty is to the Beltway Buffoonatorium and their exalted and very comfortable positions. They are also Appeasers: of Obama, the Socialist Democrats, and worst of all, the Liberal Progressive ‘Hate-stream’ Propagandist “Media”. They must be trained to stand for what is right, not roll over for insincere promises in the future, or be ‘culled from the herd’ in the coming elections.

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