Fishing Tournaments

Archived in the category: Events, Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jul 14 - Comments Off on Fishing Tournaments

POCO Bueno July 16-19
Lone Star Shootout
July 22-27
Possum Invitational
August 1
Readin’, Ritin’ & Reelin’
August 1-2
George Wenzel at 361-649-7707
Speedy Stop Kids Fishing
August 9
Nails & Tails
August 15 & 16
POC Offshore Tournament
August 22 & 23
Get Hooked on Fishing
August 29-30
Chirs Ragusin Grand Slam
October 3-4
361-935-8745; 361-655-3521

Readin’, Ritin’ & Reelin’

Port O’Connor Community Center

August 1 & 2

Lots of Door Prizes, Cash Prizes, Live Auction and Raffles

Proceeds to benefit Nazareth Academy Catholic School in Victoria, Texas

For information contact:

George Wenzel (361) 649-7707
Bryan Ellis (361-894-4136
Scott Smejkal (361) 655-2658

Get Hooked On 4-H Fishing
August 29-30

Calhoun County 4-H is proud to announce their first “Get Hooked on 4-H” fishing tournament to be held August 29 and 30 at the Port O’Connor Community Center.

Proceeds from this tournament will benefit Calhoun County children for scholarships, supplies such as bows, rods and reels and cooking supplies, sewing supplies, and supplies for fair animals and District and State events.

Entry fee is $250 for a 4-person team, with $75 per additional person. The limit is six people per boat and entry fee includes one meal ticket and T-shirt per paying person. Children under age 16 fish free and will receive one meal ticket and a T-shirt. Team entry includes the Heaviest Stringer award (5 trout/2 redfish).

For a brochure of complete rules, prizes, and events, please contact the AgriLIfe Extension Service of Calhoun County at 361-552-9747.

A lot of supplies are needed to help our 4-H kids as they learn and grow in 4-H. You can help in this worthy endeavor while having a fun day of fishing and fellowship. Thanks in advance and 4-H is looking forward to your participation.

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