Radio Club Field Day

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jul 14 - Comments Off on Radio Club Field Day

Present at the close of operations on June 29 at Half Moon Reef Lighthouse were (from left) Mario Garcia, WO5O, Ed Campbell, K5SBR, A.J. Funderburg, KF5VDU, Jerry Adelman, KF5DDV, Tommy Hargrove, AB5AS, and Bo DeNicola, KG5AUY. Not pictured were Mike Peters, W9CO, Scott Long, KE5FNC and Skip Kwasneski, KW5AS.

Participation by the Port Lavaca Amateur Radio Club in the annual Field Day event, sponsored in the US and Canada by the American Radio Relay League, was an unqualified success by any measure. The number of club members who came together increased by half, compared with last year. Moreover, the three newest club members were responsible for a lion’s share of the 44% increase in contacts with other stations. In 24 hours of continuous operation, the operators were able to talk with stations as near as Victoria and as far away as Denmark, while making contact with 48 states and all but one Canadian Province. During the demonstration of communications capabilities, several visitors were welcomed, as well as representatives of local government.
More information about the Port Lavaca Amateur Radio Club can be found at
-Ed Campbell

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