Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Oct 14 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Seems it’s to soon to even think about Christmas, but certainly not so. Mr. Joe Wiatt has brought to our attention that the past couple years he and his volunteers have placed Christmas trees and Crosses in King Fisher Park. This year the decoration date for the Tree Forest will be Tuesday, November 18th at 10 a.m. at the park. The rain dates will be Wednesday 19th or Thursday, 20th. There will be 8 trees and 3 crosses, requiring 6 to 8 volunteers. If you can be of help, please email jvwiatt@gmal.com or call 713-446-7061. Leave your name and contact information and Joe will respond to you.

The Chamber meeting for November will be on the 13th, –6:30 p.m.–Meeting room of Port O’Connor Community Center. The more people involved, the more that can be accomplished. Hope to see you there.
Renewed Members:

Allen and Laurie Junek


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