There were lots of great posters at Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime. The contest winners were: First Place- Sarah Doggett; Second Place- Matthew Stapp (not available for photo); and Third Place- Kenya Resendiz.
POC’s Night Out photos by Bill Tigrett
Our 2nd Annual Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime was again a success.
I want to give a thank you to the friends, families and neighbors of Port O’Connor for taking the time to be involved in our community.
A special thank you goes to Sheriff George Aleman and his deputies, Commissioner Kenneth Finster, Port O’ Connor Volunteer Fire Department and Firefighters, the enlisted men of the United States Coast Guard, Principal Tiffany O’ Donnell, art teachers Mrs. O’Neil and Ms. Redmond, PTO President April Guevara, the Ladies Club, and Joyce Rhyne; Editor of the Dolphin Talk.
There was an abundance of hot dogs with chili, potato chips and lemonade being enjoyed by neighbors chatting with one another. Kids smiling and running around enjoying the fire department trucks, their equipment and how about those special Junior Firefighter Helmets. New for this year, and so enjoyed by the children, was one of the Coast Guards special boats, the zodiac. The Coast Guard allowed the children to roam all around the boat and ask questions.
Our event could not have happened without the many volunteers who graciously gave their time to support our community. Volunteers like our Hot Dog Team; Kelly Gee and David, Kathryn Windham, Marshall Bradford, Barbara and Jimmy Crouch, Bill Tigrett, June Pitonyak, Mary Ann Claiborne, Debbie Michalek, Ginnie Lichac, Judy Whitworth and Scott and Kelly Wheat.
The success of our event would not have happened without the donors who gave to participate with our community. Our Donors were John Hribek manager of Speedy Stop, Gustavo Argandoa manager of Wal*Mart, Jeremy Dyes owner of POC Ice For You, Port O’Connor Subway and Kelly Fox of H. Fox & Co., Inc.
I would like to give a special heartfelt thank you to my wife, Kathryn, who puts up and supports me in my endeavors within our community.
Please be a part of our neighborhood watch program. Go to our website; portoconnorwatch.com and become a member of a community program that is About Neighbors Looking Out For Neighbors.