“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
Federal Debt, the Economy, and Obamunism
As of 12/12 the Federal Debt (what they call the National Debt) was $18 trillion, 11 billion and rising rapidly. This debt is 105% of our Gross Domestic Product, revenues (taxes) collected by govt at all levels is now 33.5% of GDP and Govt expenditures are 38%. Even though Federal tax collections hit record amounts for October and November, Federal spending has far outstripped collections. Obama is promising $Billions for Africa “to combat Global Warming” & Ebola, to care for illegal alien children in the US, and to put cameras on cops. He and Holder encourage black rage and racial rioting and then blame the police and America. Slavery and racism should be mostly forgotten after half a century of Affirmative Action and Negros being a Federally Preferred Minority. But The Obama Administration has “RACIST!” the counter-charge for any challenge or question of its faulty, wasteful, and often destructive policies.
The unprecedented growth in the Federal Debt actually started soon after the Democrats took control of Congress on January 3, 2007, at that time the Federal Debt was $8,677,214,255,313.07 according to the Treasury Direct website. By Jan 20, 2009, the day Obama was inaugurated, it was $10,626,877,048,913.08. The Democrat Congress had more than doubled the annual increase over what the Bush Administration had added due to the War on Terror. In less than 6 years Obama has added $7.4 Trillion to the Federal Debt, and what has it gotten for us?
Obama hired new directors and czars to politicize govt bureaucracies into enforcing his Agenda, not serving the national interests. NSA spends more time monitoring Americans for political correctness than searching out terrorists. Dept of Homeland Security ignores investigations of Islamic terrorists to propagandize against the Tea Party, other patriot groups, gun owners, old combat veterans, pro-life groups, Christians, and even returning combat veterans as “potential domestic terrorists” because they might disagree with the Obamunist Agenda. The IRS gives tax information to Democrat political operatives, harasses Conservative Patriot groups and individuals that are suspected opposing “The Agenda”. The Justice Dept does not prosecute organized vote fraud, voter registration of non-citizens, or even documented voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party. AG Eric Holder said, “We have more important things to do than prosecute our people.” They are too busy trying to prosecute gun owners and even cops for defending themselves from attacks by gang-bangers and thugs, while supplying Mexican drug cartels, coyotes, and their gang-banger minions with high capacity semi-auto weapons in an effort to build anti-gun support against legal gun owners and dealers.
Now DoJ is committing to prosecute Civil Rights violations against Officer Darren Wilson, but does nothing to stop or even criticize the hundreds of racist attacks by blacks against whites. The ‘Knock-out Game’ or ‘Polar Bear Hunting’, random attacks by black youths of trying to knock out white men and women with one punch , has become a popular urban sport. Obama and Holder refuse to secure the border or deport illegal aliens, freeing even known dangerous criminals into American society. They spend millions on housing and entertaining the illegal children, but cut programs for veterans. Obama was supposed to be the “post-racial President” but he has caused more division between races and economic classes than has existed for many decades, creating more demands by special interest groups and causing more resentment than ever existed before.
Obama has expanded the welfare state so that almost half the country is on some kind of govt dole. One in seven are on Food Stamps, and food prices are rising dramatically. Because of the ease of getting welfare and disability benefits the non-participation rate in the labor force is the highest it has been in half a century, back when most married women did not want to work outside the home or need to. The standard of living for working people is constantly dropping as prices rise. The number of Americans unemployed has been estimated to be equal to the number of illegal aliens holding jobs. And in 2013 the money spent on the welfare state since 1964 was about equal to the Federal Debt if corrected into current dollars. ObamaCare has made health care more expensive, many people have had their insurance canceled, but the govt has wasted billions on it. All of these failures of Democrat socialist policies are destroying the economy, the currency, and the nation.
All of these conditions beg the question, “Why is this happening?” Is it incompetence, or simple mistakes? No! The truth is coming out about ObamaCare, it wasn’t intended to work, they knew it was going to be more expensive, and people would have choice and mostly less medical care available, but it would give the Federal Govt more control and eventually the voters would demand a National Health Care System. Socialized Medicine run by bureaucrats. The power of life and death over the American people. Many ask, “How did the illegal alien situation get so bad?”. Liberal Democrat President FDR said, “Nothing in politics happens by accident, if it happens, it was planned that way.” Political crony contributors get cheap labor, liberal politicians get a huge new voting bloc, and the taxpayers pay the bill. We have an lawless administration run by a small cabal of outlaw socialist politicians bent on “Changing” America into a Socialist Third World State.
Americans have survived incompetent, ideological, and even criminal conspiracies in previous administrations, but nothing like the continuous assault on Constitutional rights and personal freedom like we have experienced for the past 6 years. The radical far left leadership of the Democrat Party are determined to stay in power. If they have to destroy the economy, our culture, and Constitutional govt, then so be it. The Democrat leadership now openly talk about their strategy to defeat any reasonable Federal Budget (The RINOs are willing to give them $1.1 Trillion for now until September), cause a shut down of Federal govt, and use their friends in the media to blame the Republicans. This is their strategy to win big in the 2016 elections. Their goal is power, not solving the problems with common sense and budgetary restraint. The Democrat leadership are now setting themselves and the Democrat Party up as the Enemy of the Taxpayers and our Economy. The far left has been that for half a century, but now it is ‘Official’ Dem Party strategy.