The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jul 15 - Comments Off on The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

SCOTUS and the Constitution

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is supposed to be the last bastion of defense of Constitutional Law. They are sworn to “uphold and protect” and to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress and signed by the President.

From a historical standpoint, the Constitution was a contract written by We, the People between the citizens, the States, and the Federal Government that created that Federal Government and gave it strictly delimited powers. After the tyranny of the British crown, the horrors of the Revolutionary War, and the failure of the Articles of Confederation, the Citizens of the 13 colony/states were very reluctant to give much power to a Central Government so the Citizens demanded the First Ten Amendments, called the Bill of Rights, before they would vote to ratify it and create and empower the Federal Government. These Amendments are core to the Constitution and the establishment of the Federal Government.

I am amazed and appalled at recent Supreme Court decisions. They have twisted “law” and tortured the meaning of words in the English language in an attempt to “interpret what Congress really meant” and actually re-write “Law” in their support of ObamaCare and overturn 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian law on the definition of “Marriage”. Incredible!

The Tenth Amendment clearly states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People.” Maybe SCOTUS forgot about that part; they have ignored it for over a hundred years. BUT, We, the People remember that it was a core value of the Constitution that created the Federal Government and SCOTUS.

The militant homosexual lobby has used the 14th Amendment: Sec 1, para 1, second sentence: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the United States; …” to demand that ALL States must allow ‘gay marriage’.

Texas did not say that people “married” in those States that allow it were not allowed in Texas, or would be arrested, only that Texas would not approve of “gay marriage’ and issue licenses for homosexuals to allow them to pervert the religious ceremony of “Marriage” in Texas.

I don’t think there would be much resistance to a legal “Civil Union” in Texas with all the legal rights of ‘marriage’, or in the other states. The contention was the perversion of “Holy Matrimony”, not the right to own property in common, inheritance, or hospital visits.

SCOTUS not only ruled that no State can deny married homosexual couples their legal rights, but all States must allow homosexuals to marry and issue them the license.

Why then, doesn’t SCOTUS forbid every State from violating my rights under the 2nd and 14th Amendments? If I wanted to visit my brother in Virginia and travel to Maine to hunt moose and bear with my legal weapons in my Texas licensed pick-up, even with a valid Texas CHL, I would be subject to arrest, trial, and imprisonment in Washington DC, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts simply for having my pistol and my .308 DPMS AR-10 type sporting rifle in my truck.

It seems to me that those who are “politically preferred” are given cover and protection by “activist judges” and Political Correctness.

Which brings us to the facts of how SCOTUS got to ignore the Constitution and core Law:

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was an ACLU lawyer appointed by Jimmy Carter in 1980 to the Federal District Court of D.C. She was a known “political activist” and should have been disqualified. She had no previous judicial experience. She was appointed to SCOTUS by Bill Clinton in 1993. She is now 82 years old.

Sonia Sotomayor was nominated to the US District Court for the Southern District of New York by President George H. W. Bush in 1991. In 1997, she was nominated by President Bill Clinton to the US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit. She was nominated to SCOTUS by Obama in 2009. She was a known ‘liberal political activist’, and bragged that she would be an activist for liberal causes before her confirmation. (see: ) This should have been an automatic disqualification. She also stated in her Confirmation Hearings that the Right to bear Arms was ‘settled law’ but her record is anti-gun.

Elana Kagan was appointed as Solicitor General by Obama in 2009 though she had no previous court experience. She alleged worked on legal aspects of ObamaCare. She was nominated by Obama and confirmed to SCOTUS in 2010, even though she had no judicial experience. She was a ‘liberal political activist’, best remembered for her actions as Dean of Law School at Harvard for stopping US Military recruitment on campus for their refusal to enlist known or admitted homosexuals. She lied in her Confirmation Hearings that she would defend the The Defense of Marriage Act, and stated “there is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage”. She is an avid supporter of the militant homosexual agenda, and lied to get confirmed.

Steven G. Breyer is another liberal activist appointed to US Court of Appeals, First Circuit, in 1980 by Jimmy Carter. He was later appointed to SCOTUS in 1994 by Bill Clinton. Breyer is noted for his vigorous “attacks on ‘originalism’”, this is Lib/Prog NewSpeak for not enforcing the Constitution as written, but finding excuses to fit decisions that better suit the Liberal Agenda. This should be an impeachable offense, as should lying in Senate Confirmation Hearings, and publicly speaking out supporting the Liberal/Left side in cases likely to come before the Court.

Anthony M. Kennedy was appointed to the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit in 1975, and to SCOTUS in 1988 by Ronald Reagan. He was thought to be somewhat moderate Conservative, but proved to be increasingly Liberal/Progressive as the power shifted to the Left.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts seems to more interested running SCOTUS in a Media Popularity Contest than supporting the Constitution as written, even though he was reputed to be a moderate conservative. He was appointed by George W Bush in 2005.

Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Anthony Alito are the only ones that consistently read and understand the Constitution as it was originally written.

Why doesn’t SCOTUS force the Executive Branch to enforce the Laws that were Constitutionally passed like DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)? Why don’t they make them enforce Immigration Law instead of allowing “Sanctuary Cities” that protect illegal alien criminals, allow them to steal guns from the police, rob and kill our citizens, rape women and children, steal jobs from poor workers, send our money out of the country, and while the Government tries to put ‘chips’ into our citizens to have total identity control, they refuse to let the States require proof of citizenship to register to vote? Insane!

The greatest threat to the United States is the Radical Left. They despise Constitutional government because they cannot get their “Agenda” passed into law, so they use the Federal Courts to overturn Law and “make policy” as Ms. Sotomayor said in 2005 in the video referenced above. This is a direct violation of the Constitution.

If this ‘Contract’ by We the People, the States, and the Federal Government created thereby, is routinely violated by the Federal Government and there is no enforcement and redress by SCOTUS, the ‘Contract’ becomes “NULL and VOID” and the other parties are released.

We must face that fact.

The “United States” is no longer a Constitutional Republic because the current administration refuses to abide by the Constitution; the Democrats in Congress are loyal to their Socialist/Democrat party leaders, not the Constitution; and SCOTUS refuses to enforce the Constitution but chooses to “interpret” it to suit the Radical Left.

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