Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jul 15 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

POC Women’s Service Club is taking it a little easy this summer. While meeting only one time each month, we continue to work on projects and plan for upcoming activities. The much anticipated locator map listing local businesses and services is at the graphic shop and should be up soon. We had hoped to have it up for July, but you can’t rush art. We are certain it will be worth the wait.  With almost 100 listings and dozens of icons and artsy touches, it will be fun and informative for locals and tourists alike. Look for its unveiling soon.

The new edition of the POC Service Club Cookbook is in the works. Assembling, editing and categorizing hundreds of recipes takes time, but exciting new cuisine and timely tips and tricks for quick home cooking will be included. More recipes are needed, so call to include yours. If you have need of a bridal gift or housewarming, they make a great choice. A very few remaining copies of the previous cookbooks are available, and the new book should be ready to print around the holiday season. If you have a business or service that you would like to showcase on the business listing page, we will be offering some business card size spots. Contact a club member to reserve yours.

We have set the date for our biannual Community Garage Sale. It will be held October 10, 2015 from 8-2 at the Pavilion. Truckloads of treasures, boxes of baubles and cases of clothing will be sold to benefit our scholarship fund. Make plans to attend now. If you have storage or closets in need of purging, we will be taking donations for this event.

Do you have hidden talents? Love to cook? Decorate a mean table? We need new members to be part of the POC Service Club. There is always more to accomplish, and more hands make the work light. We meet the 1st Thursday only during summer months 10:00 AM at the POC Community Center. We will return to our two meeting per month schedule in September. Bring your bag of tricks and talents and join the fun.

So, until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember what famous Stormin’ Norman aka General H. Norman Schwarzkopf said, “ You cannot help someone else get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself.” Come climbing with us, no special equipment needed. Just a willing heart and a ready smile!

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