We know from Scripture that Jesus once fed 5,000 men, plus the women and children, with a boy’s lunch which consisted of five slices of bread and two small fish. We have calculated that with the donations from Poco Bueno, the Lone Star Shootout, the Shark Tooth, and the Speedy Stop tournaments, we have fed at least 12,000 meals! How? We were blessed with generous donations from generous fishermen and gleaned the tables from the Poco and Speedy Stop tournaments. We bagged that fish and food and have passed it on to many groups. Food was passed out by a Southeast Houston congregation, a Houston Asian church, a congregation in Corpus Christi, a church in Bloomington, and to many people right here in Port O’Connor. All of this food was donated right here in Port O’Connor! Isn’t it great to live in Port O’Connor! We have a lot of great people willing to do what they can to help others!
There is no way I would attempt to thank all the people who were involved in this great mission venture. We cleaned the seven blue marlin (one of which weighed 575 pounds) from Poco and the 11 boxes of trout and reds, the five blue marlin from the Lone Star Shootout (one of which weighed 660 pounds), the 250 pound tiger shark and the close to 40 additional smaller ones from the Shark Tooth Tournament. Speedy Stop provided us the gleanings from their tournament which consisted of a lot of hot dogs and hamburgers, with buns and desserts that were eaten with great enjoyment.
One can only imagine the great joy that we have at the Chapel knowing that we are helping feed our neighbors. We sincerely believe that one day when we stand in the presence of our Lord, there will be people who come and thank us for helping feed them. But, we know that those who have donated will get the same “thanks” because we believe all acts of generosity will be revealed. Thanks for now, and soon you will hear THANKS for eternity!
Our “Christmas” celebration was enjoyed by all. Yes, on August 9th, we celebrated Christmas at the Chapel, complete with decorations, a Christmas party which included a meal, gift exchange, and of course, ice cream! It was a great “Birthday Celebration for Jesus”. It was inspired by our guest Evangelist, Ric Gorden, who wrote a song about all the things that are “wrong” about our traditional Christmas celebrations – the over-commercialization, the greed, the debt., etc. – and suggested that a true Christmas celebration without all these ills would be better served if we chose “August 12” to celebrate the birth of our Lord. We heard a lot of excellent Christmas music from Ric’s new Christmas CD, all new songs that he has written. It was great to have this friend of the Chapel come again and share his talents with us. We will be looking forward to Ric Gorden’s next visit.
Captain Robert will be here for another Sea Academy Class beginning August 21. All who are interested in receiving the benefits of this teaching should contact the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184 or Captain Robert at 361/816-3010.
We are praying for all our kids as they return to school on August 24. We are planning a special “Back to School” Friday Night Youth on August 28. Nathan and Darin are doing an excellent job in providing an evening of fun, food and fellowship for our area kids. We encourage all school age kids to come for an evening that you will long remember. Friday Night Youth begins at 7:00 p.m. and concludes at 10:00 p.m.
Everyone will find a warm welcome at the Chapel. We have Sunday Bible Study at 10:00 a.m.; Morning Service at 11:00; Corporate Prayer with Pastor Joane at 5:00 p.m., and Evening Service at 6:00 p.m. each Sunday. We have our midweek service at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday and Friday Night Youth from 7-10 p.m. Soon we will be starting our Fisherman’s Bible Institute classes on Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m. There are many other special events for our Ladies’ and Men’s groups which help make us a very active congregation.
Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help us live the abundant life Jesus promises and the eternal life for which we were created. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel, and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”
La Gloria de Dios es más grande que todo el universo. En estos tiempos necesitamos todo lo que nos pueda dar. El espera que nosotros nos acerquemos a él cada día que pasa. Estos meces han pasado rápidamente y pronto vendrá el tiempo en donde tendremos que estar más cerca de él. La naturaleza y los cielos nos hablan y dicen que pronto los tiempos cambiaran. Espero que estemos listos para lo que vendrá. Es útil que tengamos una relación muy personal con Dios. Solos su misericordia podrá traernos la ayuda que vamos a necesitar. Busque a Dios mientras puede ser hallado. Porque vendrán los días en que no lo podrán encontrar. Que Dios los ayude a encontrar su gloria. Dios les bendiga.
Su hermano en Cristo Pastor Jesse C. Alderete.
En este mes estaremos comenzando servicios totalmente en español en el templo Fisherman’s Chapel en los Martes a las 7:00pm. Todos son invitados.
Fisherman’s Chapel