Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Aug 15 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Port O’Connor has had a very prosperous 2015. It has been an outstanding summer, but with school beginning in the next few weeks, things will begin slowing down. There are several Fishing Tournaments in September and October, but nothing like June, July and August, I hear that fishing has been outstanding this year; this really makes everyones trips to POC enjoyable.

I don’t know how many people drive down to King Fisher Park and enjoy the sights; they are amazing. The new pavilion seems to be getting a lot of use, with reunions and fishing tournaments, now new additions are the basketball goals on the new concrete pad, new bar-b-q grills have replaced some older ones. THANKS to POC Sports Association for purchasing the goals and THANKS to POC Service Club for purchasing a bicycle rack and installing on a concrete pad, and also purchasing two dog stations. The community certainly can be proud of  all the accomplishments this year so far.

If you have been so busy that you forgot to remit your 2015 Chamber membership, please do so by Sept. 1st., as this is the date that non-members will be removed from the website.

Have a great month–The September meeting will be on the 14th at 6:30 p.m. at Port O’Connor Community Center.

New & Renewed Members:
Vantage Marine
Judge Nancy Pomykal
Kelly Parks Guide Service

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