I know the calendar says it is still October, but once I feel “fall” in the air, I’m thinking Thanksgiving! It is not ‘TOTALLY’ about the turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pies, but it is also about family, friends, and attitudes. Are our marriages and families the best they can be, producing joy and security? Are our children growing in healthy ways in every part of their being – body, soul, and spirit? Are our relationships with others productive and fruitful for the community? Are our dispositions mostly joyful and mainly happy? These things should be capturing our thoughts as we move from October to Thanksgiving.
To get to Thanksgiving, we must travel the road of responsibility. “Take care of business” should be more than just a saying – it must be a road well traveled. I know many people who put off dealing with issues because they are hoping they will go away on their own. I am not one who likes conflict – nor change, but there are times when we are allowing things to get out of hand because we are not handling them. I recently heard that the only people who like change are the babies with wet diapers. Then someone told me that some babies do not like being laid on their backs for the process. Maybe no one likes change!
But, when we are doing the same things and getting the same results when we want or need something else, change must happen. I believe that loving God and loving people will lead us to the changes that are necessary for our lives to move responsibly forward.
To get to Thanksgiving, we must quit the pity party. At our home, Thanksgiving was always a festive time. Family and friends would come from far and near to sit together especially to taste Mom’s pumpkin pie. I remember one of my uncles coming by and asking for a small slice of the hot pumpkin pie that had just come out of Mom’s oven. Mom cut Uncle Arnold a small slice and he set it aside and got the rest of the pie and ate it all, then asked for his slice! It was that good!
During those festive times, if one’s baby wanted to cry about something, their mom would take them outside until they regained their laugh. Now, I do not believe that we must be laughing all the time, but I do believe that I have much more to laugh about than to cry over! If one is having problems finding “smiling material,” then start a “Blessed Book,” which would contain our notes on the many blessings that we are receiving continually.
To get to Thanksgiving, we must find our places. At home, Dad always sat at the head of the table, facing the door. I heard that the door was to be faced so he could announce who was coming in – maybe that is the correct reason! Mom and us kids never had a designated place of our own because guests always had a place at our table. It was a treat when we got to eat in the living room off our knees, because this only happened when the table was full. When I got older and taller, I enjoyed standing at the kitchen counter helping Mom serve. I do not think I have outgrown that station, nor delight.
I have met people who act as if they believed they were put on this earth to be takers. I know those who will stand in lines to get something free or undeserved. I believe we are teaching a whole generation to learn how to work the system instead of teaching them to work. I understand the present political attitude in America that seems to be saying, “throw all those bums out!” What are they doing to make life what it was for our parents? But, these vote getters will continue winning elections as long as we are willing to sell our votes.
To get to Thanksgiving, we must learn to “let it go”. Our three year old granddaughter Ava does not know the whole song, but she can truly sing, “let it go, let it go…” Why are we holding on to past hurts? Why are we not forgiving as we hope to be forgiven? I believe in asking God to help me have lapses in memory, so I do not even remember sad events and nastinesses. I have things that I have put in my past in order to see more clearly the future. Make a new decision to enjoy the life God has presented you with and see the difference it will make.
To get to Thanksgiving, we must pursue our goals. Recently, I was counseling a perspective groom and asked about his goals. He told me he wanted to be a mechanic and work on cars. I asked him what he was doing presently – “driving for Pizza Hut.” Now there is nothing wrong with a Pizza Hut job, but the only car that one will ever be privileged to work on is his own! With a little encouragement, he went to work the next day at a car dealership and I believe shortly they will be sending him to school. Most of us must stop doing what we are doing to ever reach forward toward our goals. Make that choice and run toward your goal.
To get to Thanksgiving, we must “get rolling”! We are talking about only a few weeks and Thanksgiving Day will be here. When we truly want change, we must move forward from where we are presently sitting. When we know we need to stand up and be responsible, or to quit our pity parties, or find our rightful place, or “let it go”, or pursue our goals, we must start today! Enough time and energy has been wasted doing otherwise, so let us determine that we are moving in different directions today! We are changing choices and courses today! We might not be able to buy the turkey just yet, but we can begin gathering the yams and pumpkins!