I hope you all will be enjoying a special time with your family and friends on Easter Sunday. Sharing a great meal, and watching the little ones hunt “Easter eggs” is always a memorable occasion. Sunday morning church service is the best part of Easter for me, especially when I can get going in time to make it to the sunrise service. This is indeed a special gathering for our community, and this year services will be held both at Port O’Connor beach and the Seadrift bayfront. If you can get there by 7:00 a.m., you will be glad you did.
Two special upcoming issues of Dolphin Talk are in need of your contributions: Memorial Day and Graduation. If you would like to memorialize a deceased military veteran, please get your photo and information to us by May 23. If you have a child graduating from high school, we want to include him/her in our Graduation issue. Please call 983-4667 or email dolphin1@tisd.net as soon as possible.
Thank you for reading Dolpin Talk!
Joyce Rhyne, Editor