Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 16 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

The months are flying by, now; the Memorial Day events have come and gone. The Chamber wants to thank Donnie Klesel and his helpers for making the Annual Kids Fishing Tournament a success, also to James and Shirley Harper along with Ronnie Ragusin and their helpers for making the Kite Contest a success. The weather held out for the weekend, so many people turned out to enjoy the day at King Fisher Park.

The 2015-2016 school year has come to an end. Each year the Chamber gives two $500.00 scholarships, the recipients this year are Robyn Stringo and Miranda Stringo. Congratulations, girls!

By the time the next paper comes out the Annual Fireworks Display will have passed. This year it will be held on July 2nd. Hope you have made your plans for one of the Biggest & Best displays along the Gulf Coast. If you haven’t made a donation and want to, there are Donation boxes at most local businesses or donate online at portoconnorchamber.com

Also, during the Poco Fishing Tournament, July 14-16 a Poco Fest Music Festival will be held at the POC Fishing Center area. You can go to pocofest.net to purchase your tickets along with the line-up of bands playing and other information. Everyone have a fun filled and safe summer in POC.

Next Chamber meeting will be July 11th at 6:30 p.m. at POC Community Center.

New and Renewed Memberships:

Backwater Marine Service Craig & Suzanne Williams
Barnes Apprisal Jason & Jennifer Hagan
Robbie & Marie Hawes John & Francis Hamm
LBK Photography S & J R.V. Hookups
La June Pitonyak Sylvia’s Hair Salon
Vantage Marine Poco Fest,LLC
Judge Nancy Pomykal Port O’Connor Offshore Assoc,Inc.
Fountain of Youth Medical Spa POC Rod & Gun
Scales & Tales Guide Service Froggie’s
Gerald Clay & Karen Knight
Craig & Suzanne Williams
Jason & Jennifer Hagan
John & Francis Hamm
S & J R.V. Hookups
Sylvia’s Hair Salon
Poco Fest,LLC
Port O’Connor Offshore Assoc,Inc.
POC Rod & Gun

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