Three books by an extremely prolific and popular writer; prolific as he seems to write at least one book every year for the public; however, many are not written solely by Mr. Patterson but with another writer to help him out.
I’ve read many of his earlier writings; specifically the Cross series, and then branched out to the ones about the girls in San Francisco. Somewhat tiring of those books, I found the following; I hope you have enjoyed reading them.
The first will be the series starting with Step on a Crack as co-written with Michael Ledwidge featuring an NYPD detective with 10 adoptive children. The book begins with the fading and death of Michael Bennett’s wife of a sudden and invasive cancer that leaves the detective in sole charge of the kids along with his uncle, the priest. Suddenly help arrives in the form of a distant relative from Ireland, named Mary Catherine, and she immediately takes charge of the family.
But Michael Bennett’s newly found freedom lessens as he suddenly becomes involved in the weird death of the former First Lady of the United States. And the plot continues from there. Good plot; it moves and moves holding the constant attention of the reader.
The second book I read is the The Games, a part of the series concerning the Private group of detectives that wander from place to place throughout the world solving problems and finding the “bad guys”. The co-writer in this series is Mark Sullivan who has co-authored many of the books in this series. The plot is semi weak although the setting is incredible taking place in Brazil during the Olympic Games. The description of the area is stunning although the reader does wish there was more description and less of a plot, which was somewhat weak. But, that is just my opinion.
And the third is an incredibly scary book entitled Invisible also co-written. David Ellis is the additional author along with James Patterson. Starring Emily Dockery, a research analyst with the FBI, who is haunted by the cruel death by fire of her sister. Researching her demise, Em soon discovers that over a very short amount of time and in many areas of our country, 53 single women have died in that matter. And so, against orders from her superior, she sets out on a mission to find this killer.
My take on these books is questioning what Mr. Patterson does in relation to the writing; does he come up with an idea and let the co-writers expound on the plot or does he really write some of the wordage. I’ve found that his normal style, when he writes, is set with short sentences and very short chapters. However, this is just my personal opinion on the matter. Hopefully, the reader will form his/hers own opinion.
DON’T FORGET: the 8th Annual Chili/Gumbo Cookoff is this weekend, Saturday, the 22nd, as hosted by our wonderful neighbor and friend, Jim Hooper who has maintained this as a benefit to the Building Fund of our Library these many years. Hoop will once again be welcoming cooks of all talents to participate with their special recipes of chili and gumbo at his place, Hooper’s Bar & Grille located at 2441 W Maple. I’m looking forward once again to seeing the many returning cooks and all the new ones and sampling some of their wares. And there will be once again an incredible silent auction of many wonderful items for sale. Plus we will be entertained with music from Jack Motley and Friends, and I understand this is an incredible musical group. So do make your plans to visit Saturday. And all monies derived from this event will go once again to the Building Fund for our new Library. Hoop promised!
We, in the Library, and our wonderful helpers are anticipating the writing and assembling of our SECOND Christmas and Holiday Recipe book. As you readers are the ones who make this possible with the sharing of a special traditional recipe and the explanation of why it is special, we look forward to receiving those recipes. We anticipate reading of those luscious foods that made your Christmas and New Year’s a special time of life. And we thank you very much for help.
A very pleasant surprise was welcomed into our Library earlier when Jeremy Helms of the local Parks and Wildlife office entered with a large wooden model of a fishing boat in his hands. The boat had traveled from Brazosport College to the Parks and Wildlife office in Dickinson and then to the office in Port O’Connor. And now it resides proudly on the top shelf of one of our book shelves. Painted with a red hull and topped with a large, furnished cabin, this boat is ready to go as it is perfect in every way, including the shrimp nets. Do plan to come and see this latest addition to our Library.
Bless all who support our library in so many different ways; we welcome our visitors that enter here from time to time and also the many regular folks who are part of our every day joy.
“When an old person dies, a library burns down!”
Karen Gillespie
What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue
Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 16 - Comments Off on What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue