Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 16 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

First of all, “THANKS” to all who attended the dedication to Calhoun County of the new pavilion at King Fisher Park. Over the last several years the Chamber raised enough money through events and volunteers to replace the old pavilion, which had seen better days and was about to fall to the ground. Many good times had been had there and now with the new one, it is big enough to have several get-togethers at one time, and many memories to be made.

Thanks, to Pastor Martin and Brother Ernie, for their help in making this a special event. President of the Chamber, Mary Jo Walker, made the presentation to our County Commissioner, Mr. Finster. followed by Deidra McCollum, representing “The Maiden Voyage Bombshell Blowout”. This was the first year for this tournament, that was held at the pavilion, she presented Mary Jo a donation to the Chamber. This is appreciated; it will help with some of the events the Chamber sponsors. Then everyone enjoyed delicious chili dogs and trimmings, made possible by Donnie Haynes, followed by cake to end a wonderful event.

Here it is time for the little “Trick or Treaters”. This year the Chamber will sponsor “Trunk or Treat”. Vehicles will be lined down Park Street along King Fisher Park. Everyone is welcome – the more the bigger and better the event will be. Mary Francis Bauer, the chairperson is hoping to make it a little safer for the youngsters. Vehicles will be decorated and the best will be presented with a prize. We’re looking forward to a good turnout, then the spooks can go on their way. “Trunk or Treat” will follow the Halloween Carnival at the school.

On November the 12th, the community will come together. The Port O’Connor Service Club, Friends of the Library and Chamber will be hosting a Barbecue Cookoff with other events. See ads and flyers in the Dolphin Talk of all that will be going on. The Chamber is proud to be part of this. The proceeds will be added to the Library Fund to build a new Library, as we’ve outgrown the present one. So bring the family out and make a day of it at the POC Community Center area.

Next Chamber meeting will be November 14th, 6:30 p.m., POC Community Center.

Renewed Members: Back Bay Guide Service

If you’re not a member, we welcome your membership. Go to portoconnorchamber.com and join online. If you would like to be added to our email list, email us at 361poc@gmail.com or call 361-983-2898.

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