Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Nov 16 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

There is no harder task than to thank someone who serves others wanting no recognition or repayment. Those people feel their reward is in the task and do it for how it makes them feel and not for the notice of those around them. The women of the POC Community Service Club are very much like that. They enjoy the projects and programs they provide to our community because they love our community. They work hard all year long to raise money, cook, plan, produce, complete and clean up from one project after another. All of the projects are great and benefit our little paradise, but one project is a monumental effort.

The community garage sale is a monstrous undertaking. From the collection and sorting, transporting and displaying, pricing and selling mountains of donated items that others might have considered junk, all the way to the repacking and donation to others of the leftovers of the sale, these women work hard. Club members, their husbands, sons, daughters, grandchildren, recruited friends and enlisted labor joyfully give their time and their strength to make the garage sale possible. The three days of conscripted labor surrounding the sale are just part of the picture.

Picking up donations, managing the storage site, making signs and publicizing the sale as well as the calculations that allow funds raised to make awarding of scholarships and completion of projects possible all goes on before and after the week of the sale. The hours and hours involved will never be truly known because these ladies never count them; they consider them time well spent in service to others.

So, again I want to thank each and every club member, their family and extended family, the Coast Guard, 4H members, and other volunteers in our community for another great garage sale. I can confidently report that we will fund new scholarships this year and we will complete some planned projects because of your work. I am humbled by your sacrificial service and I am privileged to be a part of your efforts. I will not specify names as one might be missed, but you are truly appreciated. Thank you each and every one!

Our next project was helping put on the BBQ Cook-off on November 12th. We enjoyed being a part of this effort to raise funds for a new library in our community.

Our annual POC Service Club Community Christmas Lunch is Friday, December 2, 2016. Seniors, retirees and their guests are invited to this special event. Your personal invitation is printed in this issue. If you are unable to get out and join us, we will deliver your lunch in POC. Just call Kelly Gee at 817-929-2564 to add your name to the list for lunch deliveries. It’s sure to be delicious.

We are again collecting gently used items for our next community garage sale coming early in 2017, but please do not leave them at the county barn. We are utilizing another storage site for donated items. Please call Diane Cooley at 903-467-6335 and ask for assistance in donating items. Thanks so much.

If you would like to be a part of our giving group, come visit a Service Club meeting each 1st and 3rd Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in the back room of the Community Center. You are sure to feel welcome.

So until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember this quote by the late, great funny lady of laughing wisdom Erma Bombeck who said, “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” Come be a part of the reflection of good things!

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