“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

The MEMO, and a bit about DACA

To understand why FBI & DoJ officials were corrupt, and so desperate for Hillary to win the Presidency, we must go back to the “First” Russian uranium scandal in 2009 when Robert Mueller was FBI Director. The Russian nuclear energy company, Rosatom/Tenex and their American sales company, Tenam, were trying to expand their sales in the US and hired a lobbyist. The lobbyist was “uncomfortable” with possible bribery and money laundering and went to the FBI. The U.S. Attorney responsible for the case was Rod Rosenstein. Also, Rosatom wanted to buy Uranium One (U1), owned by Canadian Frank Guistra, Bill Clinton’s friend and major donor. Bill helped him gain control of some mines in Kazakhstan, and acquire U1 by merger. There was a threat of U1 losing their mines to the dictator, and Hillary as SecState helped smooth that over. Rosatom wanted to buy U1 because it later included about 20% of US uranium output, so needed approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, composed of 14 leaders of US Govt agencies, to buy it. . Hillary fixed that, too. Bill and the Clinton Foundation got $ millions.

Vadim Mikerin, the head of Tenam, was arrested in 2014 with several of his confederates, for crimes that went back to 2004. The DoJ allowed him to plead out to a lesser offense to keep the case from going to a public trial. The US Attorneys were Rod Rosenstein and Andrew Weissman. This was a cover-up to keep the potential scandal off the news, and not get the U1 deal in the public eye. The Mikerin scandal has been recently re-opened. Weissman is one of the head prosecutors for the Mueller Investigation. Rod Rosenstein is Deputy Attorney General who appointed Mueller to the phony Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation. All have a vested interest in keeping the lid on the U1 deal & Mikerin cover-up. As does Eric Holder and Obama for their part in the U1 deal and not arresting Mikerin in 2010.
(To website: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/452972/uranium-one-deal-obama-administration-doj-hillary-clinton-racketeering?utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_content=59eb306e04d3016f3ce10446&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)

Also many of these same actors were involved with James Comey and Loretta Lynch in the Hillary Email cover-up. That also will come up again, there is too much evidence of lying, collusion, cover-up of real threats to National Security to be ignored. And much of the “DNC hacking” was done by Imran Awan & his Pakistani family that Debbie Wasserman Shultz hired as the DNC IT guys. And Donna Brazile outed the Hillary Campaign for the theft of some $84 million from the State Democrat Parties. Three more scandals waiting for publication.

The “Memo” is based on actual reports and data from the FBI and DoJ that the Congressional investigators had to pry out of them. The FBI knew they had committed numerous crimes, with malicious intent, to make Hillary Clinton President, by fraud, to protect themselves from investigation and indictment. This fraudulent and malicious FISA wire-tap, for pure political reasons, is just the beginning. We will see Gross Malfeasance of Office and Election Tampering charges against many high officials in the Obama Administration. Careers and reputations will be, and MUST BE destroyed. And is just the tip of the iceberg that is leading to many more investigations.

Regardless whoever actually started the ‘Opposition Research’ to publicly malign Trump by Fusion GPS, Hillary and the DNC paid for it, and got Trump-hater, Senator John McCain, to push it to the FBI as “facts”. Fusion GPS hired Chris Steele, a former MI6 British spy with “ many contacts in Russia” to try to prove Trump had some illegal contacts there. Hillary and the DNC, through their lawyers at Perkins Coie, paid for the “salacious and unverified” ‘Dossier’, and most people involved knew it. Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr was involved with Steele in trying to use the “salacious and unverified”Dossier as “Evidence” to gain the FISA warrant to wire-tap Trump & his campaign. Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked with Fusion GPS creating the fraudulent dossier, so Ohr knew it was fraudulent and so did his bosses. Steele even told Ohr in September 2016 , “he was desperate that Donald Trump not be elected, and passionate about him not being President.” In October the FBI was using the “Dossier” they knew was fraudulent as “evidence” to gain the FISA warrant, and using Media articles based on ‘leaks’ by Steele to support the fraud. Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch were already “in the tank” for Hillary in the Email cover-up, Peter Strzok, FBI, and Lisa Page, DoJ, both adamantly anti-Trump Hillary supporters, were gleefully emailing about the ‘insurance policy’. Bill Priestap was Strzok’s boss, and Sally Yates was Priestap’s. All knew and were desperate for Hillary to win to keep the other cover-ups hidden. Comey (knowingly, fraudulently, and criminally) signed FISA warrants, as did Andrew McCabe on one. AG Loretta
Lynch & Sally Yates signed off on them, and Obama had to know; it was a last ditch effort to really destroy Trump, even after the election. The “Russia! Russia! Russia!” cry to terrorize, indite, or impeach Trump was shear desperation, and continued with Media demands for new AG Jeff Sessions to recuse himself. So Comey/Lynch co-conspirator Rod Rosenstein became Acting AG and appointed Robert Mueller, god-father of the original cover-ups, as the Special Investigator into the phony Trump/Russia Collusion that was created by the fraudulent “Dossier” paid for with Hillary & DNC money, and touted by the Lefty/Lib Media. Also, State Dept employees were used by Hillary operative Sidney Blumenthal to pass “info from ‘Russians’ developed by the Hillary Campaign” to Chris Steele to use in the dossier as ‘evidence’. All false. Willfully, knowingly, and intentionally false.

As the investigation widens, more info is being released. Chris Steele was paid by Hillary & the DNC, and also by the FBI. He was terminated by the FBI when they discovered he was “leaking” to the Media. Much of the “Russian Info” was given to Steele from contacts in the State Dept. They got it from “friends of Hillary that got it from the Russians”. Gossip. Also, Carter Page was an “Undercover Employee” (UCE) for the FBI in 2013 in a sting against some Russian spies. Was he a plant by the FBI to facilitate the FISA warrants? This whole thing looks like a ‘Set-up’ to get the FISA warrant illegally! Curiouser and curiouser.

The Conspiracy was diabolically simple, the “spy”, Carter Page, was sent by the FBI to join the Trump Campaign. The “investigator”, Chris Steele was paid by Hillary & the DNC to write the “dossier”, largely based on false accusations furnished by Hillary supporters. And the FBI used that as “evidence” to secure a FISA warrant to wire-tap ‘Carter Page’ and anyone he had any alleged contact in the Trump Campaign, even though they knew none of the “salacious and unverified” allegations had been vetted as true. Then the “dossier” & FISA warrant are used as the excuse for the Mueller Special Investigation, which has proven no “collusion” between Trump & his campaign and the Russians. So now they are sifting for any “Obstruction of Justice” or campaign irregularities to find “something Indictable”.
But there is none connected to Trump, only huge collusion, election fraud, and obstruction of justice connected to Hillary & her campaign, and the FBI, DoJ, and the State Dept. And the cover-up continues in the “Mainstream Media”.

Now it is all coming out. And so will the previous criminal scandals that preceded, and probably caused the “desperate necessity” for this horrible mess. Hillary Clinton owns it all. But, Obama helped. As did all their loyal minions hoping for favors from on high. All “Democrat Party” politics and criminal conspiracy. Probably the worst in America’s history. And so incredibly DUMB!

And waiting in the wings is DACA. The Constitution, Article I, Section 8, para 4, specifically empowers Congress to decide Naturalization and Immigration laws. The Executive branch is supposed to ENFORCE them. Obama reneged on his duty and “changed” the law by Executive Order creating the DACA Program. An Anti-Constitutional usurpation of power. And he did it to intentionally change the demographics and political power in the United States, to further the “change” to an Internationalist and Socialist State. SCOTUS will have to decide, will we be a Constitutional Republic or some failing socialist state?

80 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

A good timeline up to Dec 23. And literally hundreds if links to individual acts and people involved in this ongoing Criminal Conspiracy. And this does not cover what has come out since December 23!

February 16th, 2018 at 11:01 am
Bill Brayshaw

Make of this what you want, but there seems to be some “unnecessary foot-dragging”. I can understand Judge Collyer’s wish for instructions from the “Executive Branch”, in this case through the DoJ.
There is already “talk” that the “court transcripts” may not match the FBI and DoJ paperwork (?). Big Question is why? And where are the actual audio tapes of what the DoJ Lawyers actually told the Judge(s) to get the FISA Warrants.
I think Judge Collyer smells “a rat”, and the obvious trap, and wants to keep her skirts clean and also make sure all the demands for whatever info from her courts are absolutely correct.
On the other hand, if they have the Court room recordings, why doesn’t she say so. Why all the “the FISA documents held by the court *may not be* identical to the FISA documents released by the Department of Justice”.

February 16th, 2018 at 1:28 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re #2
Remember that 14 Obama Executives had to sign off on the Uranium One deal for it to be approved.
“so needed approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, composed of 14 leaders of US Govt agencies” Did these Executives do their “Due Diligence” in properly investigating and vetting that sale? I suspect not. They were told by Hillary & Obama to sign the thing and they did.

February 16th, 2018 at 1:34 pm
Yo Yo Yo

Wrong again. 13 indictments, and the fine print is downright damning for the Russian operatives. Doesn’t this diet of lies and hatred get boring for you?

See you at the polls, and be ready to give up your AR-15’s!

February 16th, 2018 at 4:44 pm
The Dude

More to come from those indictments. Trump should plan a better exit than Nixon did.

That and shutting down the NRA will make America great again!

February 17th, 2018 at 8:52 am
Bill Brayshaw

To Yo-Yo-Yo & The Dude:
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this. First you need to actually READ the Indictment and the comments about it by Mueller & Rosenstein. Yeah, I know the indictment is long, and has many big words in it, so it is hard for those brain-washed with Libtard Propaganda to understand, but you can TRY. Might just learn something.
I applaud the indictments of the Russian operatives for many reason.
One, is it clearly states that the Russian operation started long before Trump even started to run. The Russians pretended to be American voters. The most “Contact” they had with the Trump Campaign was begging some Trump signs for one of their rallies. Mueller has clearly stated there is no indication of any knowledge, much less “collusion”, between the Trump Campaign and the Russians. They have even stated that “No Americans were involved”, but I think they will find a few were sucked in. I hope the Russians will be punished according to law.
Second – the crimes are 1. foreigner, 2. trying to influence the election, & 3. did not register as a foreign agent. All Crimes and proven in another case:
Christopher Steele is a foreigner, was paid a great deal of money by Hillary Clinton & the DNC, through their lawyers Perkins-Coie, & even the FBI; 2. his phony dossier had a large and measurable effect on the Election (which Mueller says the Russians did not); 3. did not register as a foreign agent. Also Hillary, DNC, Perkins-Coie, Fusion GPS, Members of the FBI, DoJ, and State Dept all CONSPIRED with him to create the false dossier KNOWING he was a foreigner & was intentional assembling the salacious & un-vetted dossier for the express purpose of dishonestly influencing the Election. All “Conspiring” to commit fraud on the American Voters.
“Conspiring” adds to the crime, especially because these are people supposedly in the “Public Trust”, that committed crimes with a much greater effect, and the criminally corrupt Leftist/Lib MEDIA continues to push the false narrative that “Trump is Guilty”. All helping the Russians.
Three, if you study the time-line, you will find that the Russians first supported Bernie Sanders, a long-time Communist, until it became certain that Hillary had all the Party delegates. This created a huge schism in the Democrat Party because many Bernie Babies felt Hillary had “stolen” the election. Big victory for the Russians because their goal was to upset the Election, and the ability of the Govt to function. After that they attacked Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both of Cuban descent, and perceived to be anti-Russian. They started “supporting” Trump when they saw that Trump had an “America First” program that was gaining with working people and the Middle Class. The GOP Establishment feared and hated him, so it was an opportunity to create another huge schism in the Republican Party. Big Win Two. Also they were driving Hillary farther to the Left, and they had plenty of damaging info on her, so they were very comfortable with her winning. Trump “didn’t have a chance” but supporting him helped damage her, making it very difficult for her to govern if elected, so Big Win Three for the Russians. And they knew she was “bribeable”, They bought Uranium One didn’t they?
The Russians have been trying to diddle American elections for almost a century. There have been somewhat Marxist third parties even longer. The Communist Party USA was effective from the 1020s & 30s. Especially during the FDR Admin. The CPUSA finally told all their supporters and “Fellow Traveler” orgs to support the Democrats in 2008 because the “Democrat-Socialist Party” had adopted all of the Planks of the CPUSA Agenda, & they wanted Obama to be Pres.
Read a little history of politics and you might understand things better. Putin and the Russians are trying to re-build Russia into a World Power to rival the USA. The more they can screw us up, weaken our military, & divide us into different groups, & spread hate, violence, and discontent the easier it will be for them. They don’t give an “obese rodent’s patoot” about Trump, only screwing up America.
And you, & your Lefty Lib Media are helping them.
And want to disarm patriotic American Citizens to face this insane Lefty/Lib induced crime wave? “Nevah hoppen, G.I.!”

February 17th, 2018 at 8:11 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And in case you don’t know who Perkins-Coie is, they are the law firm paid over $5 million from 2008 to 2012 to keep all the incriminating records sealed on Barack Hussein Obama. Obviously there is info there that they do NOT want the American Voters to see.
I am very happy with the Mueller Investigation because they may be forced to drag them into “Russia Investigation” because Hillary, DNC, Perkins-Coie, & friends definitely did “Collude” and even Conspire a fraud with some ‘Russians’ on the false Trump dossier.
There will be another “Special Investigation” That will drag in most of the top people in the Obama Admin, & most probably Obama himself. Now that he is a private citizen(?), he doesn’t need “impeachment”, just indicted, tried, and convicted.
And when Hillary is indicted, and the DoJ Prosecutors offer her leniency for “ratting out” everyone else, what do think she will do?
It is always ‘somebody else’s fault” with Hillary.
And she is guilty as home-made sin on the Emails, Uranium One, and the Trump Dossier. The evidence to convict is a matter of record. Thanks to the Media pushing the Russia/Trump Collusion lie, that was just another of Hillary’s lame excuse for losing the election, but it caused the investigation that showed the criminal conspiracy involving the criminal politicization of the FBI, DoJ, State Dept, & many others by the criminal Obama Administration. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Much more will come out before the election, and the trials will last for years Or until ‘somebody’ rolls over and “rats out” the others.
Any bets on who ‘rolls’ first?
I think Bill Priestap already has. He is FBI Deputy Director for Counterintelligence, Pete Strzok’s boss, & deeply involved in the Hillary Email cover-up as well as the fraudulent Steele Dossier. He knows who did what & who knew what and when, and signed off on it. I think he was pressured into it by Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and even Mueller before he quit. All of his bosses should go to jail for the good of the FBI. Then they will all start “singing” for reduced sentences. (OOPS! Bye, bye, Barry, Hillary won’t be the only one going to jail.) And she will be the ‘Fat Lady’ in this opera. Just hang loose, it ain’t over, yet.

February 17th, 2018 at 9:01 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And another beauty coming down the pike is all the lawsuits the State Democrat Parties will bring against Hillary and everyone else in her Campaign about the $84 million of donations to the DNC that were actually ear-marked for participating State Democrat Parties.
Not only was she stealing from the State Parties but that is clear and flagrant violation of Election Laws.
But when has little things like laws bothered Hillary? Well? Funny, she doesn’t have Obama and the HolderWaffen DoJ to run interference for her anymore.
If you don’t want to believe me, read Donna Brazile’s book. She dropped the dime on that one. All of The Clinton Crime Family Foundation money will go for restitution and lawyers.
I don’t really care if she goes to jail, but I want her politically ruined, lose all her Govt pensions, have to make restitution to all the people she has screwed over, and to Shut The Hell UP! Forever and ever, Amen!
(Nah, Hillary going to jail is just such a pretty thought, if only for a little while.)

February 17th, 2018 at 9:42 pm
Bill Brayshaw

For those not paying attention to Real News: Rod Rosenstein is the Acting Attorney General because Jeff Sessions recused himself from this.

Excerpts from:

“Rosenstein: “No Allegation in This Indictment That Any American Had Any Knowledge” Of Russian Election Influence Operation’

“ROD ROSENSTEIN: The indictment charges 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies for committing federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the United States political system, including the 2016 presidential election.

The defendants allegedly conducted what they called information warfare against the United States, with the stated goal of spreading distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general.

According to the allegations in the indictment, 12 of the individual defendants worked, at various times, for a company called Internet Research Agency, LLC, a Russian company based in St. Petersburg.

The other individual defendant, Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, funded the conspiracy through companies known as Concord Management and Consulting, LLC; Concord Catering; and many affiliates and subsidiaries. The conspiracy was part of a larger operation called Project Lakhta. Project Lakhta included multiple components, some involving domestic audiences within the Russian Federation, and others targeting foreign audiences in multiple countries.”

“In order to hide the Russian origins of their activities, the departments allegedly purchased space on computer servers located here in the United States in order to set up a virtual private network. The defendants allegedly used that infrastructure to establish hundreds of accounts on social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, making it appear that those accounts were controlled by persons located in the United States.

They used stolen or fictitious American identities, fraudulent bank accounts and false identification documents. The defendants posed as politically and socially active Americans, advocating for and against particular candidates. They established social media pages and groups to communicate with unwitting Americans. They also purchased political advertisements on social media networks.

The Russians also recruited and paid real Americans to engage in political activities, promote political campaigns and stage political rallies. The defendants and their co-conspirators pretended to be grassroots activists. According to the indictment, the Americans did not know that they were communicating with Russians.

After the election, the defendants allegedly staged rallies to support the president-elect, while simultaneously staging rallies to protest his election. For example, the defendants organized one rally to support the president-elect and another rally to oppose him, both in New York, on the same day.

“The indictment includes eight criminal counts. Count one alleges a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States by all of the defendants. The defendants allegedly conspired to defraud America by impairing the lawful functions of the Federal Election Commission, the United States Department of Justice and the Department of State.

Those organizations of the U.S. government are responsible for administering federal requirements for disclosure of foreign involvement in certain domestic activities.

Count two charges conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud by Internet Research Agency and two of the individual defendants. And counts three through eight charge aggravated identity theft by Internet Research Agency and four individuals.

Now, there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.

I want to caution you that everyone changed with a crime is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in court. At trial, prosecutors must introduce credible evidence that is sufficient to prove each defendant guilty beyond any reasonable doubt to a unanimous jury. The special counsel’s investigation is ongoing. There will be no comments from the special counsel at this time.

This indictment serves as a reminder that people are not always who they appear to be on the internet. The indictment alleges that the Russian conspirators want to promote discord in the United States and undermine public confidence in democracy. We must not allow them to succeed.

The Department of Justice will continue to work cooperatively with other law enforcement and intelligence agencies and with the Congress to defend our nation against similar current and future efforts.”

That is most of it. There was NO COLLUSION at all. Never was. Just one of Hillary’s lame excuses for losing an election that was practically given to her on a silver platter. She was driven too far to the Left, trying to “out-promise” old Commie Bernie, and most thinking people knew she was lying. Again. Still.
Hillary was a lousy, dishonest candidate, and she lost.
Bless God, and God Bless America! Again.

February 17th, 2018 at 10:35 pm
The Dude

I like reading your mishmash of Fox, Breitbart and a little Kim Dotcom for dessert. It lets me know that crazy is still crazy in this world.

You are correct in the exact wording. It states there is no allegation in THIS indictment. But it doesn’t say they are finished, either, does it? More to come, maybe not Collusion but the Money Laundering issue is going to scorch. And why did he give Melania’s friend $26 million of the money donated for his inauguration? I’m sure Mueller knows why!

February 18th, 2018 at 8:01 am
Bill Brayshaw

Except from Law & Crime:

“Does Mueller Indictment Mean Clinton Campaign Can Be Indicted for Chris Steele?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted foreign citizens for trying to influence the American public about an election because those citizens did not register as a foreign agent nor record their financial expenditures to the Federal Elections Commission. By that theory, when will Mueller indict Christopher Steele, FusionGPS, PerkinsCoie, the DNC and the Clinton Campaign? Mueller’s indictment against 13 Russian trolls claimed their social media political activity was criminal because: they were foreign citizens; they tried to influence an election; and they neither registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act nor reported their funding to the Federal Elections Commission.

First, if Mueller’s theory is correct, three things make Steele a criminal: first, he is a foreign citizen; second, he tried to influence an election, which he received payments to do (including from the FBI itself); and third, he neither registered as a foreign agent nor listed his receipts and expenditures to the Federal Election Commission. Also, according to the FBI, along the way, Steele lied…a lot, while the dossier he disseminated contained its own lies based on bought-and-paid for smears from foreign sources reliant on rumors and innuendo.

Second, if Mueller’s theory is correct, three things make FusionGPS a criminal co-conspirator: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission.

Third, if Mueller’s theory is correct, then three things make PerkinsCoie a potential target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising its receipt of payments from the Clinton campaign as a “legal expense.”

Fourth, if Mueller’s theory is correct, then three things make the DNC a potential target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising its payments to Steele as laundered legal expenses to a law firm.

Fifth, if Mueller’s theory is correct, three things make the Clinton Campaign a potential target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting his funding from the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising its funding of payments to Steele laundered through a law firm as a “legal expense.” ”
What Mueller has done with Indicting foreigners that can’t be arrested and won’t be extradited from Russia, is set the stage for prosecution of those that can be caught. Dude, read the above very carefully.
Mueller is a long-time Dem and was involved in multiple cover-up for Hillary, Obama, and others.
Why is he shifting his investigation now?
Simple, he is forced to follow the “Prosecutable Evidence”. He probably doesn’t like it, any more than you, or Hillary does, but facts are facts. Pesky things, facts.
Same with Rosenstein, they have gotten themselves in a real bind trying to do what Obama, Eric Holder, & Loretta Lynch, their old bosses, told them to do. And it got out of control, and bit them on the butt! They are desperately trying to keep themselves out of jail, and for many still in the FBI & DoJ, salvage their careers and reputations.

If you want to continue to believe the false narrative and the Lefty Lib Propaganda Machine, go ahead, it’s a free country, you can be as willfully stupid as you want, as long as you don’t commit a crime. Education, research, & truth can cure ignorance, but nobody can fix “Stupid” for you. Only you.

The problem here is “Conspiracy to Defraud” in an election is a crime. “Collusion” is not, especially when it never happened. This is proving out to be a “Big Hillary Lie” that went horribly wrong for her, & the ‘Media” is totally invested in it.

This Russian Counterintelligence Election Op has turned into possibly the greatest “Red Herring” & “False Flag” election operation, ever. And Hillary, the Media, and people like you are part of their success. Their GOAL was to screw up the election, and Washington’s ABILITY TO GOVERN rationally. You, and all the Lefty Libs & Hilleryites are “Continuing the mission” for them. Think about that.

So you get your “News” from the Scandal Sheets? And you believe Trump would criminally embezzle $26 million to give to some Melania’s friend? Why? That is “lunch money” to Trump! Melania probably has that much in her checking account. Totally illogical that he would do that. He is not like Hillary. Paying for Chelsea’s wedding & NYC apartment with Haiti Relief Donations.
And what does that have to do with anything anyway? Only that there is nothing REAL for the ‘Scandal Mongers’ to complain about, so they make-up stuff to fill up their ‘air-time’ to keep from having to address the TRUTH!

Are you really “The Dude” or SMH using somebody else’s computer and IP address? Or just another parrot? Sure sound like her, argue like her. At least you don’t have her “Potty Mouth” or “Potty Keyboard”, and not as irrational as her “claims” for “news”. But the $26 Mill for Melania’s friend is getting close – Please send a link. And what “Money Laundering” did Trump do?

But every time you post, it gives an opportunity to answer, and the factual news is definitely running against Hillary & the “Demoncraps” in the DNC. The State Democrat Parties better get their law-suits filed to recover their part of donations Hillary unlawfully transferred to her campaign, before all the ‘Clinton Crime Family Foundation’ assets are transferred to Dubai.

February 18th, 2018 at 9:29 am
Bill Brayshaw

I just saw this morning what President Trump is Tweeting, he gets it:
“If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their a—s off in Moscow. Get smart America!”
But the Lefty Lib Propaganda Machine is too invested in the Big Hillary Lie to change over night, if ever. Until they go broke with no ratings.
I think The Lefties and Libs will have to clean their own closet to have any credibility. All this Hatred and Despair the Hilleryites and the Media have created and fed has to go somewhere. And dumb people when they find they have been fooled and cheated by someone they “really trusted” tend to extreme reactions. Especially the Snowflakes. When the tide turns the peasants with the pitchforks and torches looking to lynch someone will be a bunch of them. (pun intended- poor Loretta! There is gonna be a lot of that.)
The Worst Culprit in this is really The Media! Even Crooked Hillary would have never gotten this crooked excpt she had the Media behind her, no matter what she did wrong. And The Obamunist DoJ & FBI to cover up for her.
Comey’s lame excuse for the Classified Emails on the unlawful “Independent Server” that “there was no intent to commit a crime” is ludicrously laughable!
It is obvious to anyone but a total idiot that setting up and using a “unlawful private server” in violations of all Security Regulations and Laws was pure PREMEDITATION! It came out in the beginning she did it to illegally avoid any Freedom of Information requests on her “Pay for Play” scams and bribery.
Just pure “Hillary as usual, just being Hillary.”
If she had kept the Classified Info out, she might have gotten away with it, or at least gotten a “pass” for just being “Crooked Hillary”, but NO! She is just too dumb and lazy, plus arrogant as all get-out. Laws are for the “Little People”, not the Empress Hillary, Smartest Woman in the World.
See Lefty Libs, that’s what you get when you start believing your own propaganda. It kills brain cells to the point of making you do stupid things that cost you big time!
In the long run it is YOUR FAULT for believing and encouraging her. If YOU had said, “Hillary, get your act together, tell the truth, and try to make things better for America”, and if she did (very unlikely, but possible), she would have won.
So it is YOUR own fault for excusing and accepting her criminality. All the way back to the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Hillary made herself what she is, but all you Libs HELPED!

February 18th, 2018 at 10:47 am

Bill, it is useless to try to “convince” a lefty with facts. In actuality, all it does is “confuse” them. Their minds are set. Nothing will convince them of anything other than what they want to believe. Facts be damned. Progressivism and socialism are full speed ahead. “The Dude” may be the same ‘ol, same ‘ol with a different name. You know who I reference. The one with millions of dollars and not a lick of ability to do research on her own? Keep up the good work. Those of us who appreciate “facts” continue to appreciate your work. Those who are “confused” by facts will continue to denigrate. Always note the reference to the lefty’s inability to grasp the facts of a situation, the old fall back “Fox” is the feeble attempt at denigration, and is just another way of showing they have no earthly idea how one man can come up with so many facts to establish credence to an opinion. Opinion stops being opinion when it can be substantiated with facts. It then changes from opinion to fact.

February 18th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you for your kind words. I have to keep trying.
In one way I feel sorry for the people that are hornswoggeled by the crooked “cons” that abuse them; but on the other hand, there is a point where they become the “facilitators” for these political criminals that destroy our Constitutional Republic, legal system, economy, and steal our national birth rights for their own profit & power, or some socialist/totalitarian Utopia they read about in a fantasy novel.
This Russian operation was only discovered by accident of false accusation because our Executive Branch “law enforcement” is so busy covering up the previous cover-ups, they have no time or energy to do their due diligence for things like the NICS checks for firearms purchases.
Nikolas Cage had a record of mental illness going back at least 3 years. He could not buy a gun until he was 18, only last year. Veterans can be denied a purchase for long-forgotten unpaid parking tickets, but this teen-age psychopath bragging about wanting to be a “professional School Shooter” gets a pass? The NSA can monitor everything from a Tea Party subscriber, or suspected Trump supporter, but don’t bother with gang-bangers or know teen psychopaths bragging on the Internet? Something is wrong with the Standard Operating Procedures, or do they want violent gun crimes in our schools? Certain Politicians want more gun laws & bans, but make no effort to enforce the ones we have.
It is horrible that 17 people were killed and almost as many injured in a Florida school, but that’s just an average week-end body-count for Chicago! Democrat controlled since time out of mind and with the strictest gun laws anywhere.
Totally illogical. Therefore it is because the laws are not being enforced against criminals, only against law-abiding citizens.
And why is that? The cops know who the bad actors are, where they hang out. They have SWAT Teams that can easily handle that type of situation to search and arrest these serial criminals. BUT, they don’t, WHY?
You and I know; it doesn’t fit their Agenda.
Govt needs a ‘Threat’ to justify taxes and control of their people. If they want “Gun Control”, they create or allow the threat to develop until it becomes insufferable. That is how Totalitarianism works.
Conservatives and Constitutionalists issue concealed Carry Permits to trained, competent, law-abiding people – an armed society is a polite society.
Refusing to allow trained people in the school system, educated and well vetted people to be armed with simple handguns is STUPID! And criminal.
But the retard Liberals, in denial of demonstrated facts, want to ban the most popular rifle in America. Not because it is used in crimes very often, but because the Socialist Totalitarians do NOT want Americans to have any effective means of defense and resistance to organized criminal attacks.
And the poor ignorant Snowflakes support it, even in rural Texas!
Education and trying to make people THINK about real cause effect is the only cure for ignorance.
Public Schools don’t teach critical thinking. They teach being a good little Globalist. Don’t teach Science, they teach Environmental Science.
We need to get back to basics. Teach history as it happened. Teach the Constitution and why it was written, not some watered down Marxism. Freedom isn’t free, and Liberty means you must be responsible for yourself and your actions. You can’t have Liberty without Responsibility.
And how can we convince children of that basic fact with the examples they see from our “National Leaders” in the District of Corruption? Trump wants to Make America Great Again, and citizenship valuable and meaningful, not just a ticket to the Welfare State Carnival, and the professional politicians hate his guts for it. Especially the “Democrats”. What happened to the Party of Jefferson and John F. Kennedy?
Long time passing….

February 18th, 2018 at 3:14 pm
Bill Brayshaw

OOPS! I typed “Cage” when I meant Nikolas CRUZ, you know, the idiot that introduced himself to people as “a professional school shooter”.
That is seriously scary on several levels.
Who would be dumb or crazy enough to even say that?
“Professional” implies he was employed and being PAID? By whom? Or just a serious Whack-doddle?
This guy was dangerously whacko since 2010. Why could he pass a NICS check(FBI gun buyer background check) last year?
The people running it are incompetent! Fix that first.
Dylan Root passed with dope convictions and felony trial pending. Shot up a Black Church that was trying to help him.
The Texas church-shooter had two convictions for domestic violence and kicked out of the Air Force.
They still “passed” the NICS check?
Nikolas Cruz was a Registered Democrat, maybe that’s why in Broward County.
The Socialists don’t enforce the “Gun Laws” on the Books now, so why let them ban America’s most popular rifle, because of one tragic incident?
Preventable by current rules, if the “Background Check enforcement” was even moderately competent.
And that is not the fault of the Rank-and File in the FBI, but the Operational parameters set by the politically appointed “leaders”.
And why do these psychopaths hate churches and schools so much?
Come to think about it, why do the Atheists that claim not to believe in God, hate people that do believe so much?
If you really believe God does not exist, why bother about what other people believe? Totally illogical. Unless you are a totalitarian bent on forcing everyone to do like you want?

February 18th, 2018 at 5:20 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Yo-Yo & the Dude set me off on this with comments of taking the AR-15s and bad-mouthing the NRA. Typical Libtard talking points, with nothing to do with solving the problem..
Excerpts from:
By Suzanne Venker
“Mr. Black is correct that boys are broken. But they’re not broken as a result of being cavemen who haven’t “evolved” the way women have. They’re broken for another reason.
They are fatherless.
Broken homes, or homes without a physically and emotionally present mother and father, are the cause of most of society’s ills. “Unstable homes produce unstable children,” writes Peter Hasson at The Federalist.
He adds, “On CNN’s list of the “27 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History,” seven of those shootings were committed by young males since 2005. Of the seven, only one—Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho—was raised by his biological father throughout childhood.”
Life for Nikolas Cruz was no different. His adoptive father died when Cruz was very young, and his adoptive mother had a difficult time raising him.
America’s boys are in serious trouble. As Warren Farrell’s new book, The Boy Crisis, explains, boys are experiencing a crisis of education, a crisis of mental health (as in the case of Nikolas Cruz), a crisis of purpose. And at the root of it all is fatherlessness.
Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison.
And who kill their classmates.
“We blame guns, violence in the media, violence in video games, and poor family values. Each is a plausible player,” Farrell noted in 2013 after the Newtown, Connecticut, shooting. “But our daughters live in the same homes, with the same access to the same guns, video games, and media, and are raised with the same family values. Our daughters are not killing. Our sons are.”
Farrell’s explanation about how masculinity can be a force for good or for evil is enormously instructive. “Without dads as role models, boys’ testosterone is not well channeled. The boy experiences a sense of purposelessness, a lack of boundary enforcement, rudderlessness, and often withdraws into video games and video porn. At worst, when boys’ testosterone is not well-channeled by an involved dad, boys become among the world’s most destructive forces. When boys’ testosterone is well channeled by an involved dad, boys become among the world’s most constructive forces.”
The solution to male violence is not to spout off drivel about the evils of masculinity. Masculinity, channeled well, is the reason assistant football coach Aaron Feis died this week. Feis shielded students from bullets by pushing them inside a classroom.
The same instinctual response occurred at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theatre in 2012, when three young men— Jon Blunk, Matt McQuinn and Alex Teves—died shielding their girlfriends.
To be sure, there will be those who’ll continue to blame masculinity and the NRA for the recent bout of school shootings. But amidst their chatter are voices of reason who know all too well, either from first-hand experience or because they’re simply paying attention, that the reason boys are broken goes far deeper than policies and politics—and requires us to look at things we’d rather not.
That’s hard. But harder still is waking up to the deaths of yet more innocent children. How many kids will have to die before we get it?
Finally some rational thought!
The Basic problem is much simpler: RESPONSIBILITY!
The adolescent male human is potentially the most dangerous creature on this earth, unless raised with responsibility and discipline. All animals are given by God a means of defense. Mankind was given the greatest brain, and the ability to invent and use tools. Whether for good or evil.
This lady has the right idea. But she missed the key word: DISCIPLINE!
Young males need training and direction. And a strong, even severe code of conduct & consequences for irresponsibility.
Think about it.
The Liberals have ruined discipline in our Public Schools, so bad, and for so long, I believe the only practical solution is a Universal Draft at High School graduation or 18. Girls, too.
Everyone able-bodied goes for about a 12 week “Boot Camp”, without the weapons training, except Firearms safety and Familiarization with simple “Civilian” guns. .22 rifles, pistols and shotguns. Mostly it is about testing them the first week and again at the last. The time there will be mostly of how to live together in barracks and get along together to accomplish simple objectives. Like getting up in the morning. Learning Class-room goals, like understanding the Constitution, Govt, simple personal economics, and the Law. And all the PT, of course.
After Boot Camp everyone does some Govt Service. Choice is based on their scores from Boot Camp, improvement from first to last week, and the “needs of the service” chosen. Military gets the highest pay. Medical and school assistants get more than the ones that spend their time picking up trash on the highways, but everyone does something. Enlistment time can vary based on the schooling invested, and where they work. A State National Guard program could be part of it. Very flexible, but “Everybody does Something”, if they are mentally and physically able. A requirement for full Citizenship & Voting. Also gives even the poorest kid opportunity to gain skills and work experience. It may be only painting lines in parking lots, emptying bed-pans, doing maintenance or Safety Officer at a school, or driving a tractor with a mower on the Interstate, but something.
Solve the future DACA problem right there.

February 18th, 2018 at 6:29 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Lots of good info here!
Last night’s Judge Jeanine Pirro On the FBI, Nikolas Cruz shooting, and the Russian Indictments.
This is great! She found out on her own there are only 13 Nikolas Cruzs in the USA. Why couldn’t the FBI?
I love this woman. She should be Attorney General. She was fired up like a Momma Bobcat last night.
Her whole show, best first, but all worth watching.

February 18th, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Headlines with a Voice
Commentary on Judge Jeanine and Bill Preistap
Preistap is the FBI Counterintelligence supervisor.
He was a loyal Liberal Democrat until the FBI & Comey went crooked. He knows it all, and is probably already sharing it with Congressional Investigators.
He is the guy that can probably tie all FBI & DoJ leaders, and probably Obama, to the conspiracy to destroy Trump with the phony dossier.
Lots of names and details.
All the conspirators are going to be exposed. Just a matter of time and to organize the evidence, paperwork, and Grand Jury indictments. I’m sure they will not arrest them all immediately, their replacements must be chosen. And now they must decide what to do about Director Wray, will he be fired too? Even though he hasn’t been connected to the Anti-Trump conspiracy, maybe he will be given a chance to clean up the mess.
The worst political scandal in our history. Sedition against a Constitutional Election, if not Treason.

February 18th, 2018 at 8:29 pm
Bill Brayshaw

See details of how the Congressional Investigation started. The White Hats are informing Congress since Dec 2.

February 18th, 2018 at 8:38 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo interviews former Special Counsel Ken Starr surrounding the Mueller Trump/Russia investigation and the 36-page indictment surrounding Russian election interference. Ken Starr directs attention toward the OIG investigation by Michael Horowitz and the evidence of FISA court corruption.

February 18th, 2018 at 8:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Sharyl Attkisson Interviews Devin Nunes…
Nunes says the Trump collusion is over, but his investigation is moving on to “Un-masking” & FISA Court abuses by the previous admin.
Former UN Ambassador Samantha Powers will have a lot explaining to do. Hundreds of Americans were unlawfully “un-masked” from confidential investigations and leaked to the media. Apparently for “political reasons”.
This is another huge criminal scandal about the top people in the Obama Admin. It is unbelievable that they would do this without Obama’s approval & instruction.
Is this another “Bye-bye Barry” criminal conspiracy? It is going to probably drag in Kerry and the State Dept., and almost certainly Susan Rice.
WOW! It is going to be an interesting year leading up to the Election!

February 18th, 2018 at 9:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Mueller was corrupted long ago by Hillary & Obama. He is so crooked now you could screw him in the ground and use him as a trailer hold-down stake.
Judge Jeanine gets it:
Judge Jeanine: “Mueller Is The Person Who Should Be Investigated” (VIDEO)
Judge Jeanine Pirro recently appeared on the Sean Hannity Show and suggested that there’s another investigation which should be opened – of Robert Mueller. She cites as one reason, the fact that he was head of the FBI when the wheels began to turn for Hillary’s Uranium One deal.
The Hill reported:
Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: Mueller ‘is the person who should be’ investigated.
Fox News contributor Jeanine Pirro said Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller “is the person who should be investigated,” instead of President Trump…

“Pirro, one of TV’s most vocal pro-Trump pundits, dismissed the “Russian so-called interference” in an appearance on host Sean Hannity’s program, and she and Hannity discussed accusations of political bias on the special counsel’s team.

“I look at Mueller’s team: Obama donors, Clinton donors, DNC donors. Nobody likes Trump,” Hannity said, adding that he wants to know the reason behind Mueller’s appointment of “Trump haters” to his team investigating the Russia case.

“Because Robert Mueller is not looking for an objective team. Robert Mueller is looking for people with an agenda against Donald Trump. Robert Mueller is the person who should be being investigated, given the fact that he was the head of the FBI when this attempt to find our uranium started in 2009,” she said.”
As a former prosecutor, she’s very good at making a case!”
Mueller needs to destroy the Trump Admin to save his own hide & reputation. His whole Investigation Team is like an El Sal Death Squad. All Trump-haters.
Andrew Weissman, Mueller Lead Prosecutor is another one from the original Tenam Cover-up. He has also been sanctioned for failing to turn over exculpatory info in discovery.
The noose is slowly tightening.

February 19th, 2018 at 9:41 am
Bill Brayshaw

Since Yo Yo Yo & The Dude took a snipe at the AR-15 & the NRA, I thought I might explain the real basis of Lefty Lib’s push for Gun Control:
The 8 “Levels of Control” the Party must accomplish to “create a Socialist State”. From Saul Alinsky

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun control – Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of people’s lives (food, housing and income).
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to; take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
8) Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take from (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Both Hillary and Obama were followers of Saul Alinsky. Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on his writings and Obama wrote about him in his books.
Gun Control is really about “People Control”. If the Citizens have no means to resist, it makes it easier on totalitarians. Alinsky knew this from history.
The curious fact is when the Dem/Socs get all kinds of draconian Anti-gun Laws, they don’t bother to enforce them on the “mob”, only the Citizens that they think are Resistance to their Socialist Utopia, and have assets to confiscate by the Courts.
Look at Chicago, the strictest anti-gun laws, but is practically a combat zone in the poor, mostly black neighborhoods. WHY?
Because The Dem/Soc leadership NEED high crime and senseless shootings to incite the clamor for MORE GUN CONTROL! That is why the want Gun Free Zones in Schools and are always against armed personnel in the schools. And also why they are so “protective of the Rights” of mentally disturbed students. They WANT the hysteria following mass shootings, it creates more clamor for gun control.
It is all part of the Plan, The AGENDA. Get used to it.

February 19th, 2018 at 1:18 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Has anyone else noticed that the same Lefty Libs that want all the Gun Control, also keep all the Psychos on the streets, and in the Public Schools.
Before we had School Shootings, we had Reform Schools. And it wasn’t too difficult to get a “Scholarship” to one if you acted crazy and violent.
When I was in school we could carry guns on the school bus, especially during hunting season. If you couldn’t take them apart to fit in your locker, we left them in the principal’s office until school was out, and you ride the bus to your buddy’s farm to hunt. But there was discipline and bad consequences if you broke the rules. So doing or saying anything stupid about guns was definitely not done, or you would lose the privilege. And everyone would think you were stupid. And when your Dad found out he would make your life miserable for awhile, and nobody would ever forget.

February 19th, 2018 at 6:31 pm
Bill Brayshaw

More on the Broward School shooting.
The County Policy is to minimize punishment and keep kids in school, especially “Minorities”. Cruz is assumed Hispanic. Police and courts reduced charges, covered up crimes to keep kids in school.
And it was based on FEDERAL Policy from AG Eric Holder:
“2010 – ERIC HOLDER – Never before have our two agencies come together in this way – or brought together such a large and diverse group of partners – to discuss the best ways to ensure that civil rights and educational opportunities are protected for every student, at every level, and in every community…But it is just the beginning of what I know – and I pledge – will be an ongoing conversation about how we can better understand the causes, and most effectively remedy the consequences, of disparities in student discipline. I want to assure all of you that for me, for Secretary Duncan, for the agencies we lead, and for the administration – this work is a top priority.’
They are far more interested in the Civil Rights of the little criminals, than the safety of the schools & students. To complain or even mention it is of course “RACIST!”.
Article way too long to copy/Paste:

February 19th, 2018 at 7:41 pm
Bill Brayshaw

LOL! The Mueller investigation has busted a Lawyer for LYING?! Isn’t that what they’re paid to do?
The Media will try to make something of this, but was Gates lawyer & over something to do with business with Ukraine, long before the Trump Campaign.
How is it that the Mueller Witch Hunt, set up to investigate the alleged Trump/Russia “Collusion” – that never happened, and “collusion” isn’t a crime defined by law anyway. So the Libs can anything “Collusion”, but how can it be prosecuted? It would have to be a Conspiracy to commit some felony.
But, but, some Americans paid by the Russians got some free Campaign Signs from them…
How about the The Media and Michael Moore working to make the Trump Tower Anti-Trump demonstration the only real successful event the Russians put on? They touted the Russians’ “Not My President” all week before and for months afterward.
Collusion? YES! Conspiracy? No proof. They probably didn’t KNOW it was put on by the Russians. But Blubberbutt and his Hillaryite Trump-Haters wouldn’t have cared if they did know. Beelzebub could have put it on and they would have supported it.
But, Truth doesn’t matter. making the ACCUSATION and the Fake News is what is important to them.
The Russian goal was to spread distrust, discontent, and hate. The Media and Hollyweird Whackos are “all in” for that, even now they know it was the Russians.
Hillary bought lies from the “Russians”, and pushed it as real intel, even though there was no effort to confirm any of it. That was WAY PAST “Collusion” That was “Conspiracy to Defraud a Constitutional Election and the American People”!
And Conspiracy to Defraud is a crime! And on this scale a very serious one. Trump and his Administration should sue Hillary and all her co-conspirators for DAMAGES. All costs, costs of the delays in getting things done, costs fighting all the Leftist/Lib “Judges”, all of it, make her re-compensate the Federal Govt expenses.

February 20th, 2018 at 2:32 pm
Bill Brayshaw

To The Dude,
You mentioned Kim Dotcom, not what normally consider a “source”, but he is a hacker that knows alot about the technical side.
He has proven the “DNC Hack” wasn’t a “hack”; way to fast “download speed”, so had to a data stick download at the computer network.
Brings the Seth Rich murder and botched investigation back into the news. Another Arkancide?

February 20th, 2018 at 2:41 pm
Bill Brayshaw

News on Uranium One:

SARA CARTER: Attorney For FBI Informant Demands DOJ Open Investigation Into Falsified Leaks to Media by “Anonymous Federal Officials”
February 21, 2018 by Cristina Laila
Victoria Toensing, the attorney for William Douglas Campbell, the FBI informant providing Congressional investigators with information about the Uranium One scandal is demanding the DOJ open an investigation into the falsified leaks to the media by “anonymous federal officials”, reported Sara Carter.
Via investigative reporter Sara Carter:
The lawyer representing a former FBI informant demanded Wednesday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions open an investigation into unauthorized and falsified leaks to the media by “anonymous federal officials.” The informant’s lawyer said the leakers disparaged her client in an effort to silence him from providing testimony to Congress regarding his role in exposing Russia’s long-term strategy to dominate the global uranium market and how Moscow achieved its goal in 2010 of obtaining roughly 20 percent of the U.S. uranium mining industry, according to a letter delivered to the DOJ.
Victoria Toensing is the attorney for William Douglas Campbell, the FBI informant who is providing Congress with troves of documentation he gathered, saved and turned over to the FBI during the nearly six years he worked as an undercover FBI asset when he was a contractor in Russia’s nuclear and energy field. She has also asked Sessions to investigate a December 15 briefing given by “senior officials” to the Senate Judiciary and House Intelligence and Oversight committees “with the same false information that was leaked anonymously to the media and later refuted by the Justice Department,” as stated in her letter.
“The leaks were not only illegal but they were also false, intended to attack the credibility of Mr. Campbell,” said Toensing, referring to the leaks by ‘federal officials’ to the media. She attached a 38-page appendix of documentation disproving the leaks. “As such they are libelous,” she added.
Now who could have possibly leaked to the media from the House Intel Committee? Adam Schiff?
It’s no mystery as to why Americans have no trust in these committees as many members are corrupt swamp creatures.
On February 7th 2018, Campbell gave over 4 hours of testimony and answered every question from three Congressional committees; the Senate Judiciary, House Oversight and House Intelligence committees, according to attorney Victoria Toensing.
In the testimony, obtained by investigative reporter Sara Carter, Campbell reveals for several years he had a relationship with the CIA which then evolved into working as an FBI informant due to close connections he developed with Kazakhstan and Russia in their nuclear energy industries.
Campbell also said in a statement that Putin wanted to dominate the world’s Uranium supply:
“Putin wanted Russia to dominate the world’s uranium supply, a goal of crucial interest to the U.S. government. At the same time, the Russian companies – Rosatom and Tenex – were engaged in racketeering,” his testimony stated.
Also, attorney Victoria Toensing said her client William Campbell recounted NUMEROUS times the Russians bragged the Clintons’ influence would push the Uranium One deal through:
He recounted numerous times that the Russians bragged that the Clintons’ influence in the Obama administration would insure CIFIUS approval for Uranium One. And he was right.”
As previously reported, not only was the FBI informant working on the Russian bribery case threatened by the Obama administration, he was blocked by the DOJ under then-AG Loretta Lynch from testifying to Congress.
The FBI informant started providing information in 2009. It wasn’t until the 2016 presidential election that Obama’s DOJ threatened him with prosecution.
All Russian roads lead to Hillary Clinton.
Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval.
From an October report by John Solomon, we also found out that the investigation was supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who is now President Trump’s Deputy Attorney General, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who became the deputy FBI director under Trump.
Rod Rosenstein is now in charge of dirty cop Mueller’s Russia witch hunt against President Trump. Unbelievable.
There is your real “Russia Connection”. Conspiracy to defraud the Govt, selling National Defense assets to Russia, Bribery, Conspiracy to cover up a felony, & a bunch of other REAL CRIMES.
All done under Obama’s watch and with his approval.
What all this proves is that high level Democrats have more loyalty to “The Party” then they do to the Country, or Truth & Justice. All the Obama appointees must be removed if they have had any involvement in the covering up of crimes by anyone.

February 21st, 2018 at 1:35 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The TRUTH keeps getting worse in the Cruz Shooting: Police had been informed Cruz had threatened people before, and still did NOTHING!
A new CNN report reveals South Florida law enforcement knew Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gunman Nikolas Cruz had “used a gun against people,” months before the massacre.
CNN reports:

“Just months before Nikolas Cruz killed 17 at his former high school in South Florida, the host family who had taken him in immediately after his mother’s death warned local law enforcement that the 19-year-old had “used a gun against people before” and “has put the gun to others’ heads in the past,” according to records obtained by CNN. It’s the latest indication of how law enforcement encountered warning signs about Cruz’s violent behavior before he attacked students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day. CNN has obtained records from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office that detail deputies’ interactions with Cruz in the home where he lived for a few weeks in November, before he moved in with another family, the Sneads, and months before the massacre.”

The report raises questions as to why such details were not made public prior to CNN’s town hall on gun control, where Broward Co. Sheriff Scott Israel called for a ban on all assault rifles.
This is inexcusable MALFEASANCE on the part of Broward County and everyone responsible for the “Do Nothing to Minorities” policy!
And CNN still pushed the “Hate NRA” and “BAN the AR-15” propaganda. THEY are part of the problem by popularizing this craziness! All they are doing is encouraging the next Psyco/doper.

February 22nd, 2018 at 4:27 pm
The Dude

I think the only place I see Hillary Clinton mentioned anymore is here. Why do you keep harping on her. It’s not as if they didn’t have hearings, what happened there? Oh wait, nothing.

And the NRA yesterday overplayed their hand. I own a gun, but the NRA doesn’t own me, or my vote. I think politicians are understanding the difference. I know the kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas understand it. And they’re smart. Smarter than you, or me, and tireless.

Here’s what you don’t understand. It’s not propaganda, it’s real, they experienced it, and they’ll live it and fight it for the rest of their lives.

It must be hard living in your head, seeing MALFEASANCE in everything, the anger, the hatred. In the meantime, early polling in Texas shows an increase of 300% in Democratic voting over the last 2 elections. See you at the polls, neighbor.

February 23rd, 2018 at 5:56 am

The next President will be a Democrat. She only has to be slightly better than Trump to win in a landslide, he did after all lose the popular vote by 3 million. Not a hard bar to jump.

February 23rd, 2018 at 6:24 am

And at least be honest about Kim Dotcom. He’s a fat slob from Germany who screams conspiracy theories to nutjobs like you. He’s under indictment by the US Department of Justice for money laundering, racketeering and wire fraud, hiding out in New Zealand, who doesn’t want him either! Their High Court is going to get rid of this pestilence by letting him be extradited to the US. Thanks New Zealand!

Mr. Mueller is an American hero. He’s a Republican, served in the Vietnam war receiving both the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart medals. He was appointed Head of the FBI by President George W. Bush and did such an outstanding job, he was kept in the position by President Obama.

Where do you get your information? It’s crazy that you call out Kim Dotcom as a good guy and Mueller as someone who’s joined the dark side. Quit sucking all that’s good down with you.

February 23rd, 2018 at 8:30 am
The Kid

Gosh Pops, are you the publisher’s grandpa or something? You sound old.

February 23rd, 2018 at 9:09 am

I hope whatever media you are watching shows the President at CPAC saying “I was in Vietnam”. Because everyone saw him say it and heard him say it. Maybe he visited, y’know when he could stay at a nice hotel, but he wasn’t “In Vietnam”, he had five deferments for bone spurs in his feet. Bill, you were in Vietnam, it was no party, I respect you for that, if not for your crazy writing. I cannot respect this President and what has become of the Republican Party.

February 23rd, 2018 at 11:55 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #35
Trump was in Vietnam recently on an Asia tour Talking about Trade. Selling coal among other things.
Read #28 again about Kim Dotcom. He is not a “reliable source”, but he is a TECHNO-GEEK. If his research and info is close to right, it would be impossible to get those down-load speeds over the Internet. And what about Seth Rich – Arkancide?
SMH, I see Joyce let you back – did you wash your keyboard out with soap to get rid of “Potty Keyboard”?
Mueller is in the Obamunist cover-ups up to his earlobes. Read the links. It is not on CNN & MSNBC. Just wait and see. I think the whole cabal is going down, total loss of credibility, if not some time in the Big House. Hillary included.
It will take some time because the investigations that count are being done by Congress. Many of the rank & file FBI are helping.
If the Repubs had done anything even close to that, they would have been put up against a wall and shot. The Double Standard for Dems, especially for Clintons, is rapidly unraveling.
Dreams of a Democrat/Socialist victory are rapidly going down the toilet.
The biggest problem with Progressives, like other Marxists, is they listen to their own propaganda, and nothing else.
The real problem for the Pineland Massacre is the “No Arrest Policy” for ‘minority students’ instituted in Broward and Miami-Dade. Look it up on your own instead of arguing with me. Nikolas Cruz’s past record is coming out, and it is awful. For the cops not to intervene is way past Misfeasance. Look it up.
Also, not only did the School Resource Officer cower behind concrete for 4 minutes while those kids were being murdered, but 3 other BSO officers were there hiding behind their vehicle. There is something seriously wrong here about procedures.
Sure, the kids are traumatized. And being manipulated by the Media. Watch Trumps speech at CPAC. He is going to try to fix this mess with Gun Free Zones. But the Dems will fight him every step.
Silly Liberal twaddle. “Gun Free” for the good guys, but shooting fish in a barrel for the Bad Guys.
The Dems want Gun Confiscation! and if they have to kill a 100,000 kids to get it? Every screw-up on this shooting was PC driven, you Libs OWN it, hook, line, and sinker.
The Mueller Investigation has gone on how long? And how many $millions? Still not even the slightest tie between Trump & Russians. But like I said when the Mueller Trump hunt started, there is beaucoup Hillary-Russian criminal conspiracy, and they can’t cover it up anymore. Not after the Trump Dossier fiasco and the whole Obama Admin was part of it.
And when are the Dem State Parties going to sue Hillary for embezzling the $84 Million? And I got that from Donna Brazile, read her book.
What Dem is going to run in 2020? Have to be somebody new, all the old ones are going to be in court or in jail.

February 23rd, 2018 at 9:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw


“Doing the jobs Americans won’t do.
An illegal alien and public school student with a shotgun threatened the students at Rochester East High School this past week.

Abigail Hernandez made the threat on Facebook, “I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches.”
Abigail is very appreciative the taxpayer funded education she is receiving in New York State.

The Democrat and Chronicle reported, via News Alert:
A student with a shotgun made a terrorist threat against East High School on social media, according to Rochester police.

Abigail Hernandez, 21, is charged with making a terroristic threat, a felony. She is currently in the Buffalo Federal Detention Center in Batavia because she is an undocumented immigrant, Rochester Deputy Mayor Cedric Alexander said.

Police said, “The initial threat came from an anonymous Facebook account, which our investigators had to track down and determine the author of the Facebook account.” Hernandez allegedly made the threat at 5:08 p.m. Feb. 15, stating, “I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches.”

The alleged threat was posted to the East High Facebook page. It has since been taken down.”
And another one – The gun made her do it?
Did you see anything about this on CNN?
Not very smart-21 and still in HS, posted threat on Facebook?
Ann Coulter recently pointed out that 16 of the 34 mass shooting since 2000 were done by unassimilated first and second generation “immigrants”. Why does such a small percentage of the population produce so much violence? And why does the Media not report it honestly?
If you stopped the Dem/Soc campaign to change the demographics of America, that would cut out half the shootings the Media wants to blame on guns. Not to mention the crimes and other killings of Americans.

February 24th, 2018 at 8:37 am
Bill Brayshaw

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed Friday that the FBI failed to contact Google after learning Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gunman Nikolas Cruz vowed to become a ‘professional school shooter’ on YouTube.
“The FBI was told of a threat accused Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz made on YouTube last September but never contacted the company to track down its source, missing an early indicator, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said Friday.

Someone reported the online threat to the FBI and the bureau opened a counterterrorism investigation but closed it on Oct. 11 saying it never managed to identify the person behind the post.
It wasn’t until after last week’s school massacre that the FBI did track down the author and found it was the 19-year-old man now accused of slaying 17 people at his former high school, Mr. Grassley’s office said, after getting briefings from both the FBI and Google.

Google would have been able to help confirm the commentator’s identity if the FBI had followed up, Mr. Grassley’s office said.”
Judge Jeanine Pirro found there were only 13 “Nikolas Cruzs” in the USA in ONE DAY! Why didn’t the politicized FBI check with Utube? They require a name and have the IP address of every poster.
Isn’t that way beyond “misfeasance”?
We know the Official Policy in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties is to ignore or down-play threats and even crimes by “students” to “IMPROVE their Stats”. Dangerously harmful to the Public – Criminal! The definition of “Malfeasance”.
SMH, you are obviously not dumb. Why do you refuse to see the facts in this and dozens of other cases do not fit the “Official Narrative” and especially not the Media Propganda. They only report the parts of the “news” that fits their AGENDA. And all the LIBS get caught up in the initial HYSTERIA, but don’t look for the Truth.
You are being DUPED by those you want to believe. How can you stand being fooled time and time again?
But it is a Free Country, you are allowed to be as foolish as you want, unless you commit a crime. But encouraging political conditions that encourage crimes is also a crime. Isn’t that “collusion”? Even “Conspiracy” if you join with others to encourage a crime?
Everyday more comes out about this. Do your own research, I give links that contain other links, check it out.
You defend your Lib/Prog activists with opinions, I’m trying to give you facts. Evidence of bad decisions and crimes. Are you totally “Un-educatable”, as Mike says? Do you intend to defend your Socialist-Progressive Heros “to the death”? Unfortunately, the ‘death’ is the death of our nation, culture, and Constitutional Govt. But that clearly is their goal.

February 24th, 2018 at 9:09 am
Bill Brayshaw

On Friday, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School senior Brandon Huff told WSVN that Broward Sheriff resource officer, Scot Peterson, hid behind a staircase while pointing his gun at “nothing” as gunman Nikolas Cruz shot dead 17 people.

WSVN reports:
Senior Brandon Huff rushed to the building where the shooting was taking place when he found out his girlfriend was inside.

She texted me, ‘There is a shooter in the room. I love you,’ so I freaked out. I dropped everything in my hands,” Huff said. […]

“The school resource officer was behind a stairwell wall, just standing there, and he had his gun drawn, and he was just pointing it at the building,” Huff said. “Shots started going off inside, and you could hear them going off over and over again.” […]

“He was pointing his gun at nothing. He was pointing his gun just at the building with kids in it, and he was just talking on the radio, and he never did anything for four minutes,” Huff said. […]

“He’s the only one with a gun,” Huff said. “He’s wearing a bullet proof vest, he has all that while school security guards, coaches were running in shielding kids — Coach Feis, Hixon were running in, shielding kids from bullets and losing their lives while he did nothing.”

Amid a flurry of bullets fired from Cruz’s AR-15 rifle, the school’s 37-year-old football coach, Aaron Feis, sprang into action, diving in front of students to shield them, says Huff.

As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported, CNN says three Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies waited outside the school during the shooting.

CNN reported:

When Coral Springs police officers arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis, many officers were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward County Sheriff’s deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. The deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles, the sources said, and not one of them had gone into the school.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is currently investigating why Peterson failed to act during the shooting.
An Armed and armored police officer cowers in a concrete stairwell while and an unarmed coach charged in to try to protect the kids. Now do you see why we need to let school official have concealed weapons? The Teacher love their students, police are often constrained by “Procedure”.
Officer Peterson makes me sick in my stomach. I honestly don’t see how he can live with himself. And I’m angry that the System prevented men like Coach Feils & Hixon from having the tools to defend the kids and themselves.
They shall not die in vain. Competent volunteers in schools must be armed. “Gun Free Zones” are a stupid ineffectual fantasy. Typical Lib propaganda.
Outlawing ARs is no solution, most school shooting are done with pistols. ARs are the SOLUTION, not the PROBLEM to situations like these.
The AR-15 has developed into the most popular sporting rifle with the civilian development of heavier bullets in the .223 and popular hunting cartridges designed to suit the action – 6.8 Rem SPL (.270), .300 Blackout, and even the ‘big-bore’ .450 Bushmaster. Plus there are dozens of others from .17 to 50 caliber. Does the Media talk about those?
Of course not! Does’t suit the rhetoric or Agenda.
Officer Peterson may have been constrained by Training and Procedure, but 4 minutes is just unbearable while shots are being fired inside. There are serious problems in the BSO. And it stinks of Democrat Bureaucracy and Eric Holder “policy”. The “politicization” of Law Enforcement is criminal & fatal.
Let’s see what the “Investigation” turns up.

February 24th, 2018 at 10:08 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, & others,
Go back and read the article again. I’m not just making unfounded accusations. I’m trying to explain HOW the FBI was pulled into the political corruption of Hillary, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Obama. They were so busy trying to “change” the news, manipulate the facts, that they lost sight of what was happening. Or just didn’t care. Corruption and behind-the-scenes deals seems to suit them better.
Can you really defend the Uranium One deal now? Or the “Trump Dossier”? Or how will you feel when you finally realize that Nikolas Cruz was transparently whack-o and easily prevented if there had been any COMMON SENSE applied? How did all these “errors” occur? Is there Bureaucratic interference with necessary Law Enforcement? This situation begs these questions and much more.
But you would rather “blame” a gun, the NRA, and me for pointing out true facts.
You have to interpret it. I can only explain it to you, I can’t make you think, be logical, or throw off the chains of your Lib/Prog & Media indoctrination.
You gotta do that.

February 24th, 2018 at 10:28 am

You keep screaming about these things, some for many, many years, and yet nobody seems to be listening. No case filed on Uranium One. Withdrawal of story and apology by Fox News regarding Seth Rich. Trump Dossier was originally funded by Republicans and the Democratic funding was revealed to the judge (appointed by a Republican) for a FISA warrant on Carter Page. Trump signed off on rules allowing the purchase of guns by the mentally ill ONE YEAR AGO. Amazingly someone found a copy of Trump in a peepee sex video, yet nobody can find evidence to back up what you claim. With a Republican Congress, a Republican Senate, and yes, a Republican FBI Director, a Republican Attorney General, and a Republican President. Nothing. Crickets. Echoes. Do you ever wonder if maybe they’re lying to you?

And even you would agree, Bill, or you’re lying to yourself, you can’t take away a man’s right to own a gun without a court order. Or else they’d come for yours next.

February 25th, 2018 at 10:03 pm

“The fact that they’re calling out me, as a witness of this horrifying incident, that I’m a crisis actor? … I feel for those people, honestly. They’ve lost faith in America. But we certainly haven’t. And that’s ok, because we’re going to outlive them.” ~David Hogg, MSD HS shooting survivor.

February 26th, 2018 at 7:32 am

I feel for you Bill, having lost faith in America must be hard to live with. Find what’s good, write about that for a change. I don’t think I’ve ever read a happy Bill column. Just grumpy Longknife.

February 26th, 2018 at 7:34 am
Bill Brayshaw

You either don’t do your reasearch, or don’t care about telling the truth, only parroting the Party line.
The Rosatom investigation has been reopened. The U1 was covered up, but will be reopened. Seth Rich “investigation” was a joke, Fox gave up on that after his parents complained and what evidence was buried by the DC Police.
Your crap about Trump is just that. The “Mentally Ill” Trump restored their gun rights were mostly Veterans that had designated someone to handle their financial affairs. Also others on Social Security. Many spend most of their time in RVs & Travel Trailers. OBAMA had TARGETED VETERANS for this as “financial incompetence” as a ‘Mental Disease”.
A grossly unfair LIE! Typical.
THey are not coming for my guns. I have a current CHL. I follow the law. I know, because I’ve been through a “shooting scrape” with whacko politicized Democrat “Prostituting”* Attorneys.
(*Crooked Prosecutors that are really politicians.)
Don’t worry about me, I’m HAPPY, Happy, happy! After 8 years of Obama? And 2 years before that Pelosi running Congress and giving us the Mortgage Meltdown? Obama was the lawyer for “Buyuks-Roberson ve Citibank” that gave Clinton the power to make the Govt (taxpayers) guarantee all those NINJA (No Income, No Job or Assets) Loans for “minorities”. Trump ain’t perfect but a YUGE improvement, and getting better. I don’t care who he was “balling” 10, 15, 30 years ago. After The Swamp screwing the taxpayers for as long as I can remember? Think LBJ.

February 26th, 2018 at 9:05 am
Bill Brayshaw

As for Mueller, I hope you know that “Collusion” is a political word, not defined as a “crime”. No crime, just a political witch hunt for the Media’s entertainment. And they can’t even find any indication of that against Trump. Plenty on Hillary, DNC, and Obama, though.
See: Read it and weep….
The left’s fever dream of Mueller indicting Trump won’t happen, even if he finds something. Here’s why
Thus far, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has not alleged any criminal collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. But what if he does?

Well, if he follows past Justice Department legal guidance adopted by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), the answer in regard to the president is pretty much: “Nothing.”

Long ago, back in the Nixon era, OLC concluded that indicting or criminally prosecuting a sitting president would violate the Constitution by undermining “the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.”

The progressive left knows they don’t have the political power inside Congress to impeach President Trump. But they openly fantasize that Mueller will one day indict him on charges of criminal conspiracy. This, they think, would lead either to his conviction and removal from office, or so severely handicap his presidency that he would be forced to resign.

Unhappily for the left, Mueller, as a special counsel at Justice, is obligated to follow departmental policies.

In 1973, OLC issued an opinion on whether the president, vice president, and other civil officers of the federal government can be subjected to criminal prosecution while in office. It concluded that, while the vice president and other officers (such as cabinet officials) can be criminally prosecuted, the president cannot due to his “unique position under the Constitution.”
There is more……..
It always was a joke, Political Theater.
If the Dems got a big majority in House, they might get an impeachment vote, but the smarter Reps would vote against it.
Still has to be convicted by the Senate by 2/3s majority of Senators sitting in judgement. How many Democrats would have to recuse themselves from sitting as Jurors? Never get close to a conviction.
A Hitleryite/Libtard LSD Fantasy.

February 26th, 2018 at 9:21 am
Bill Brayshaw

And What “peepee video”? Obviously doesn’t exist or would be on CNN 24/7. The good parts blacked out, of course. It is impossible to totally disprove an accusation, that is why American Jurisprudence requires the Prosecution to PROVE its case “beyond reasonable doubt”.
The hotels, security, and Russian State Security deny it ever happened, and the time-line alleged did not even fit. If Trump wasn’t in Russia at the time, how did he do it?
Silly Liberal!
And David Hogg. He seems to be a very excitable, opportunistic, “full of himself” young fellow milking the manipulative Media Anti-Gun Propaganda with great efficiency. He may be able to make a career out of this. Typical Libtard puppy – Cry-Bully Victimhood. I think he is a “flash-in-the-pan” CNN, et al, will find something or someone else better and he will end up forgotten.
I’m sorry for all the kids that had to go through such a horrible experience. But when the dust settles, it will be revealed that Holder-driven “Police/School Policy on reducing Arrest Stats” is the bottom line reason that Cruz was ALLOWED to commit that massacre. And the Tort Lawyers are going to eat Broward alive.
Once again Liberal Political Correctness is a Mental Disease and left untreated it is fatal. Gun Free Zone, reduced arrests and even reports on “minorities”, not reporting teen mental problems and violent threats = Pineland. Sure as gravity.

February 26th, 2018 at 9:46 am
Bill Brayshaw

I wasn’t going to post this here, but you are begging for it.
It is in response to:
“Israel Has Only Had 2 School Attacks in 44 Years, Here’s How They Make Sure Their Kids Are Safe”
Read it and learn what works.
My response to my Internet group:
Everyone needs to read this.

It is senseless to try and make schools “Gun Free Zones” with signs.

I am still horrified, shamed, disgusted, and angry that 4 armed police officers with body armor did not try to enter and engage the shooter! My first reaction is they ought to be castrated, they don’t deserve their balls.
But there may be a serious problem, especially in Democrat controlled Police departments, of Procedures and Tactics. But an “Active Shooter” situation requires that the cops get “real western” immediately! They must engage the shooter to distract him from killing the innocent. Every second counts at a time like that. Once the shooter knows there is a competent opponent, he has three options: fight it out, surrender, or suicide.
All of these stop the massacre of the kids and give them better opportunity to escape, hide, or barricade.
Studying past situations, surrender or suicide are the most “popular” choices and either one is “Game Over!” for the shooter. Even if he decides to fight, he is engaged in that, time is then on the side of the police.

Some will say that a competent pistolero attacking a competent rifleman is borderline suicidal, but the facts in these cases don’t support that. The shooter is rarely “competent”, he is excited & way out of his experience usually, no matter how well he can shoot at the range or hunting. When someone else is shooting back at you, the game takes on a whole different dimension, especially the first few times. Proper training, and leadership, helps get you through those, 2 things the school shooter is very unlikely to have.

Engaging doesn’t necessary mean having to kill or “neutralize” the shooter. One- distract him, two- pin him down if possible with suppressive fire, three- follow and maintain harassing fire if he runs and you can’t get a kill-shot.
STOP the massacre!
Time is on the cops side, and the pressure on the shooter increases to ‘S or S’. Surrender or Suicide, either one is the “desired solution”.
So, SMH, based on the abject failure of Gun Free Zones and the Lib/Pro “Reduce the Arrest Stats”, I believe that the Powers-That-Be at the top actually WANT school shootings. Only thing that makes sense, if they won’t look at known solutions.
Not really surprising, the Marxist Left is famous for if they want a Policy as a “Solution”, they exacerbate or create the “Problem” that necessitates the desired “Solution”.
Simple! Demonic, but simple.
Do I think Obama, Hillary, George Soros, Pelosi, and other Progressive Elites care about a few kids in Florida, or Texas? Do you, really? When compared to their dreams of changing America into the Authoritarian Socialist Centralist State that they control?
Of course not. Be honest, for once.
Look at Chicago. Democrat controlled since time out of mind, draconian anti-gun regulations. Horrible crime rates and no gun enforcement against known criminal gangs. WHY? And it is worse in the poor black neighborhoods, so that’s OK? Long as the gang-bangers don’t go uptown or in the ‘burbs?
That is Democrat “Gun Control”, keep it away from the Elite, but play Hell on the Masses so they demand more CONTROL, total disarmament of the Citizens, one of the 8 changes necessary to form a Totalitarian Socialist State.

February 26th, 2018 at 10:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

For SMH,
The 8 Changes Necessary to Form a Totalitarian Socialist State. (condensed version)
1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
I think even YOU will recognize these are all current major policies of the Democrat Party. “Borrowed” from the CPUSA.
Think, liberal woman! Why are these policies desirable? Especially for a Nation that was the “Arsenal of Democracy”, when I was born (1943). America has been the Shining Light of Freedom in the world for most of life, mainly because it was simply part of our Culture. Nasty old Masculine Anglo-Saxon/Celtic/Germanic Frontier “Cowboy” Culture. But they are changing that, too.
We have police hiding while kids are being murdered. And the Libtards want to blame the GUN?
Add it up, it always comes out of the PC Lib/Prog Media the same: 2+2+2+2= Blame the guns! Disarm the law-abiding Citizenry! WE can’t punish ‘Minority’ criminals & gang-bangers, that’s “RACIST!”. More laws to not enforce. More taxes to hire more cops that aren’t allowed to enforce the laws or keep the peace. Divide the people with Race & Class Warfare. Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities. But don’t encourage assimilation. And Hate All the Cops! That is the “Democrat Platform” now.
No, it really is the Marxist/Leninist Platform of World Communism from the 1920 & 30s, just changed a bit to better fit the Elitists’ current goals.
Think about it. Read the history books written before 1960, if you are too young to remember. If you went to school after 1965, you very likely were not taught the truth about much of history or the Constitution.

February 26th, 2018 at 11:06 am

But you’re shilling the truth here? Haha haha. Like a lead nickel, maybe.

February 28th, 2018 at 6:35 am

Over 40% of gun permits in Israel are denied. There is no right to bear arms in their constitution.

Actually, I’d be really good with Israel’s gun laws.

But capitalism will again win the day. Retailers will stop selling assault weapons (thanks Wal-Mart, Rock’s Sporting Goods, the PTA LOVES YOU!!!).

February 28th, 2018 at 6:39 am
Bill Brayshaw

I notice you can always send links to Liberal Twaddle & Mindless Propaganda, but when you make claims on “facts”, there are no links.
If Israeli citizens were not armed, there would be no Israel. They probably do deny gun permits to 40% of some groups – Muslims?
If you are so “good” with Israeli gun laws, how about sending a link?

February 28th, 2018 at 10:13 am
Bill Brayshaw

Why is it that the really good financial news is rarely repeated on Liberal News. Trump keeps stressing things in his speeches like:
1. Black unemployment at its lowest.
2. Hispanic unemployment at its lowest.
3. Women’s unemployment at it’s lowest since 2001.
4. 3 million new jobs. And mostly in the Private Sector, not govt.
5. Capital returning to the US.
6. Tax cuts and bonuses for workers.
7. Anti-business regulations repealed.
8. Highest Small business confidence because of #7 and ObamaCare roll-backs.
9. If any of these things were not true, the Lib Media would have facts to disprove it, not just saying Obama did some of it. Obama did so many bad things, that simply stopping the worst of them allowed the economy to heal, and grow again. When the GDP is less than inflation, the economy is dying.
There has been a great financial revival since right after Trump won the election, because of the people’s confidence he would do something positive, (and he wasn’t Hillary). It was instantaneous, after the election.
And despite nothing but Resistance, Obstruction, and unrelenting personal attacks for everything imaginable, it keeps getting better. In spite of the FED raising interest rates, and a few Stock Market corrections, mostly cause by fear of the FED doing something to ruin Trump.
The Fed kept interest rates low, 0% to member banks for Oboma’s Administration, but have raised them 4 times since it looked like Trump would win. One time before the election and 3 times since then.
So… Trump is winning FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in spite of all the resistance and backstabbing, by the Dems, Lib Media, RINOs, “Conservatives” that think he is not Conservative enough, and some of the “Right-wing” media, too.
I think it is pretty incredible, and I believe that Trump will end up being one of the greatest Presidents. Like Jefferson, Lincoln, and to a certain extent John F. Kennedy, who had the vision, guts & gumption to bring greatness to America and the Presidency.
Others may not see it yet, or simply refuse to see it, but that doesn’t stop it.
If more Americans would pull together, we can find real solutions to problems. But it is going to take a change in attitude to make any LASTING difference.
Constitution, Nation, and People, over “Party” to start.

February 28th, 2018 at 11:18 am

Stephanie Ruhle does financial news, CNBC does financial news. What are you watching?

Old man, interest rates are rising, we just borrowed $1.5 Trillion in debt with no infrastructure spending. The Chinese are telling their billionaires to pull out their Treasury money and bring it back to China. Who’s our largest lender? China. But I’m sure you can make up the difference. No? A tax cut of a thousand dollars might be nice, but about $300 will go to that new washing machine since Trump added tariffs.

But I’m quite certain you don’t have a problem, or maybe you are the one refusing to see it?

Why don’t you come over to this side? You seem to want Nation over party. You go first, Bill. Write about something else in our community. Can you?

March 1st, 2018 at 2:21 am

The Wall Street Journal is an excellent source of financial news. Better than anything you’ll find on your wacked out websites.

March 1st, 2018 at 2:22 am

“Take the guns first, due process later.” Yeah, Trump’s your guy.

How many guns do you own Bill? Maybe he’s coming for yours…..

March 1st, 2018 at 3:00 am
Bill Brayshaw

You want to believe the Anti-Trumpers.
Rising interest rates on the $20 Trillion Obama debt is a problem, but the FED can’t do but so much to “get” Trump without causing a collapse. That may be what the “Cloward-Pivens Crowd” want, but will create the “Revolution” the Lefty Libs tout so much, but will lose.
Money spent on Public Works has a huge “Velocity”- materials, wages and how the wages are spent – taxed at most transfers, spread further and further, encourage more activity and investment.
Money taken from the Public Sector has a very low “Velocity”.
If your washing machine costs $300, lasts longer and is repairable with American parts, but the money stays and circulates in our economy, isn’t that better than $229 washer that is junky and all the money goes overseas?
Libs and taxes, they want big bites. With smaller Tax bites, there is more velocity to the circulation of money and the bites are smaller but far more numerous.

March 1st, 2018 at 9:16 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #60
When has the media ever told the truth about anything that Trump said?
He said he wanted to “arm”, experienced competent shooters that are teachers a school employees. What he is really saying is allowing armed Citizens to go to work and not be disarmed.
The Media:”Trump is going to make all the teachers carry guns!” Wahaaa!
Trump suggests that instead of banning America’s most popular rifle, and opening the door to Totalitarians banning ALL semi-autos, shotguns, rifles, pistols, even .22s, is putting “military style” semi-autos in the same category as handguns that one must be 21 to purchase. No big problem, kids raised in a family that hunts and shoots regularly, with good safety habits probably got an AR-15 on his/her 16th birthday, if not before.
But the Media says, “Trump to ban all long-guns until 21.”
And the Bump-stock Mess: “Trump to start banning gun parts”. By BATF regulations, “any part or combination of parts capable of converting a semi-auto into full auto is subject to NFA rules” – registration, local to FBI check, and $200 tax. That is what a bump-stock does, just not internally. They operate by movement between stock and receiver, movement that is magnified at the muzzle and widely disperses bullets at range.
IMHO Bump-stocks are useless – convert expensive ammo into noise, are inherently inaccurate and therefore more dangerous.More an “Area Fire Weapon” than a “rifle”, basically a “toy” with little or no practical use, and just give Libs something to whine and bitch about, unfortunately with some justification.
I’m instinctively against “bans”, but if we are going to have The NFA of 1934, that is where they belong. And it would only take a BATF “Rule change” to put them there.
I do like it that the Lib Media hates Trump so much, they will try to defend “Bump-Stocks”.”Trump is a Totalitarian, he will ban your guns!”
And, if there is a logical & truthful complaint, a judge can issue a warrant to interview and if indicated disarm a person that is a “public danger”. However there must be immediate appeal. And immediate and severe sanctions against anyone making an “Intentionally False Report”.
I’m sure some Liberal Busybodies will try to abuse any such program, but with honest local judges, severe sanctions and compensation for the falsely accused, and judge’s consideration of the accused’s history – military, law enforcement, CHL, etc., I don’t think it will be a big problem.
As a gun owner, collector, gunsmith and “experimenter”, I want Criminals and the Mentally Ill to be kept away from guns, because they are incompetent and dangerous to society. And I want competent, law-abiding people to be armed so that whenever one of these barbaric psychopaths decides to act out his sick fantasies, his career is very short, and his ‘exit’ is both dramatic and permanent.
An armed society is a polite society.

March 1st, 2018 at 10:16 am
Bill Brayshaw

More on the “Take the guns first”:
Trump said,” “Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court. Because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like, in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms — they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.”
Trump was not specific enough to avoid Media twisting what was said and what was not said but necessary under the LAW.
A person makes a complaint and backs it up with testimony, the cops right up a warrant and get a Judge to sign it, the judge is going to ask for supporting evidence, and the warrant will probably be for an interview, and inspection of the guns if the interview supports the complaint. When Trump is talking about “Court”, he means a hearing where both side can present evidence.
Needless to say, if you inform a criminal or psychopath that there is going to be a “Hearing” to take his guns, the guns will be long gone before the hearing even starts. Trump was talking about “this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms — they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.”
“This crazy man” had some 45 complaints against him, been expelled from 3 schools a total of 6 times, was known to be Mentally Disturbed for a variety of reasons and had a history of “Counseling” and probably psychotropic drugs. ALL good reasons for taking guns in this case.
Trumps mistake was not saying, “Get a warrant, take the guns, then go to court.” When he says “Process” he obviously means Court. He is not a LEO, never been in Law Enforcement. I’m sure he understands the necessity to get a warrant to arrest someone, or to confiscate property, but lacks the experience to explain it properly.
He just wants to disarm a dangerous psycho before he commits a major crime.
There also must be severe penalties for anyone making a false accusation against a gun owner. I think many gun owners would prefer arrest to having all their guns, ammo, reloading equip, and so on, moved twice and possibly lost or damaged. That would necessitate an immediate hearing, and add “damages” to sue the hell out of a false accuser.
The real problem in the Cruz case is he should have been arrested and disarmed long ago. The Obama-Holder driven Police/School policy to reduce arrests for “Minorities” by not arresting boys for dangerous behavior, and even known crimes, is the REAL PROBLEM.
If the Law was ENFORCED EQUALLY as required by the Constitution, this Cruz Massacre would have never happened, and neither would this Media “snow” storm. And the Media spin on Trump. He should know by now his only defense is Correct specificity.

March 1st, 2018 at 1:32 pm
Bill Brayshaw

News today so far:
Jobless claims plunge to 49-year low…
Incomes Up Most in Five Years…
US crude oil output hits all-time high; Takes out 1970 record…
None of these happened with Obama, and none would have happened under Hillary. But they DID happen with TRUMP and MAGA!
It is Trump and HIS policies that is unleashing the American spirit and desire for success, for everyone.
Lib/Progs HATE that!
Especially because Trump is doing it.
In spite of all the Obstruction and Resistance. Can you imagine what could be accomplished if Dems, Rinos, Media, Wall Street, and the FED actually tried to HELP?

March 1st, 2018 at 1:43 pm

Longknife Bill, thanks but I think I’ll get my economics lesson from someone who knows what they are talking about.

March 2nd, 2018 at 5:15 am

When social security fails to keep up with growing inflation, when your Medicaid copays increase, and Veteran’s healthcare access deteriorates…. remember that I thanked you for my tax cut. Thanks to Trump, I can afford a 4th house.

March 2nd, 2018 at 7:48 am
Bill Brayshaw

The Russians may have bought more from Hillary than Uranium One:
On Wednesday Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened the West with unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missiles.
Putin announced that Russia had developed an intercontinental nuclear missile that can’t be stopped or shot down by any country’s defense system.
The Russian leader said the rocket travels 20 times the speed of sound and has unlimited range.
Now we know where Putin gained the technology to build the missiles. Hillary Clinton.

Diana West at The Daily Caller reported, via Andrew Bostom:
“This shocking set of emails that the Examiner reported on shows the nexus of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s foundation, Hillary Clinton’s State Department, Bill Clinton, Russian oligarch Vekselberg, and Skolkovo, “Russia’s Silicon Valley,” the Putin project to transfer Western technology to Russia that was championed and driven by Mrs. Clinton — and, what do you know, 17 out of 28 tech companies that hitched up with Skolkovo also contributed to the Clinton Foundation? What a coincidence. Meanwhile, Barack Obama’s support for Russian WTO membership made the whole global flow so much easier.
No wonder Herd Media, the Uniparty Congress and FBI Director James Comey never noticed a thing. Oh, except that Putin “hated” Hillary Clinton, “wanted to do her harm,” as Comey told Congress this week. Grrr. Maybe hypersonic technology wasn’t enough. But I’m getting ahead of the story.
Let’s pick up with an Army report on Skolkovo written in 2012 (released in 2013) to assess “the implications … for U.S. policymakers.”

“Although military activities are not an official cluster of activity, the Skolkovo Foundation has, in fact, been involved in defense-related activities since December 2011, when it approved the first weapons-related project—the development of a hypersonic cruise missile engine. The project is a response to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Advanced Hypersonic Weapon, part of the Prompt Global Strike program.

Fast forward to November 2016, shortly after Donald Trump was elected president when the US Air Force released a report on — no way — the Russian and Chinese hypersonic missile threat to the United States.

The United States is vulnerable to future attack by hypersonic missiles from China and Russia and is falling behind in the technology race to develop both defensive and offensive high-speed maneuvering arms, according to a new Air Force study.

“The People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation are already flight-testing high-speed maneuvering weapons (HSMWs) that may endanger both forward deployed U.S. forces and even the continental United States itself,” an executive summary of the report says.

“These weapons appear to operate in regimes of speed and altitude, with maneuverability that could frustrate existing missile defense constructs and weapon capabilities.”

“In a functioning democratic republic, the executive branch decisions and procedures and corruption that led to this defense cataclysm would actually alarm security officials, lawmakers, and even arouse media curiosity, if nothing else. But Skolkovo, the money, the corruption, the treachery, the danger, inspire no reaction at all.”

Hillary Clinton gave the Russians this technology to destroy American cities.
Well, Hillaryites, how about that? Russia comes out of financial collapse and political disarray to technical superiority in intercontinental weapons in one administration – Obama’s. Hillary would sell her Grandmother to the Russians for that kind of money and Obama wanted to reduce our military power, turn it over to the UN if possible, and do away with any of OUR nuclear weapons.
Is this what he meant when he infamously was caught on a ‘hot mike’, “Tell Putin I’ll have more flexibility after the (2012) election.”?
DARPA had been developing this technology for years with little funding, and “suddenly” both the Russians and the Chinese have tested functional examples.
We are facing a real threat from both now, and the Dems are complaining about Trump’s tariff to try to rebuild our Steel and Aluminum industries as a core resource for rebuilding our industrial capacity. A capacity that has been systematically destroyed for decades by the Unions, EcoNazis, Internationalist Do-Gooders, and Class-Warfare freaks like Obama. All Democrat/Progressives. Economic “Traitors”, and now just pure Sell-out Traitors.
I wonder how the Lib/Prog Media Propaganda Machine can spin this to blame it on Trump?

March 2nd, 2018 at 9:17 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #66 to SMH,
Well, DUH? ALL of those things happened under OBAMA!
At least The VA medical care got better under Trump.
I’m recovering from Colon Cancer surgery, why I missed a couple of months in the Dolphin. I had anal bleeding for the last two years of Obama. Too much hassle and wasn’t bad enough to even get diagnosed as cancer back then.
So don’t try to scare me about Trump’s vision for America ever being a threat to me after 8 years of Obama.
I’m not whining, just stating facts. I won’t do chemo, but I’m now “cancer-free” the ‘saw-bones’ say. There are simpler, maybe even better, alternative & natural treatments for cancer. And I’m 74, never been much afraid of dying. Somewhat concerned about the “transition” though, so chemo doesn’t fit well.

March 2nd, 2018 at 9:35 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #66
Again you are wrong. Social Security is paid in by people working not out of Income tax. The more people that work, the more SS collects. Trump is putting people to work again.
What we really need is for the very rich to pay into SS on their entire salary income. At the present Cap, it should be reduced to about half, but still paid by both the Worker and Employer, all the way up, no Cap.

March 2nd, 2018 at 4:14 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Oh-oh! SMH, FBI trying to cover up! How are you gonna spin this?
FBI Refuses to Release Docs About Secret Comey-Obama Meeting, Says America Doesn’t Need to Know.
“The FBI will not expedite the release of documents about secret meetings between Comey and Obama.
Comey held a secret Oval Office meeting with Obama on Jan. 5, 2017.
The DCNF requested records of all meetings between the two.

“The FBI states it will not expedite the release of documents about secret meetings between FBI Director James Comey and former President Barack Obama, according to a letter the bureau sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Such information is not “a matter of widespread and exceptional media interest in which there exists possible questions about the government’s integrity which affects public confidence,” David Hardy, the section chief for the bureau’s Record/Information Dissemination Section, told TheDCNF in a Feb. 26 letter.

TheDCNF, under the Freedom of Information Act, requested records of all meetings between Comey and Obama and sought an “expedited process” as provided under the act when issues are of great interest to the media and the records address issues pertaining to government integrity. TheDCNF FOIA request was filed Feb. 16, 2018.

The issue prompting the FOIA request was the disclosure Comey held a secret Oval Office meeting with Obama on Jan. 5, 2017. Comey never divulged the meeting to Congress.

Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and former Vice President Joe Biden also attended the meeting.

The National Archives revealed the existence of the meeting and released a declassified version of an email Rice sent to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Rice wrote an email to herself about the secret Jan. 5 meeting with Comey on Inauguration Day Jan. 20, 2017, as President Donald Trump was being sworn into office. The email suggested Comey may have misled Congress and was attempting to cover up the extent of his relationship with Obama.

Christopher Bedford, TheDCNF’s editor in chief, called the FBI denial “shameful.”

“The FBI just told us that Director James Comey potentially lying to Congress should not be of interest to us, that it doesn’t speak to their ‘integrity,’ and that it shouldn’t impact America’s ‘confidence’ in them,” Bedford said. “They said this with a straight face. We disagree, we think the American people disagree, and we think it’s absolutely shameful.”

Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and subcommittee chairman, and Lindsey Graham released the Rice email after they received it from the National Archives.

“President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office,” Rice stated in the email on Jan. 5.

The president urged Comey to proceed “by the book” on the Russian investigation, according to Rice.

Grassley of Iowa and Graham of South Carolina wrote to Rice in a Feb. 8 letter saying the email seemed “odd” to them.

“It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama,” the two wrote.

“Despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed ‘by the book,’ substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed ‘by the book,’” the two senators continued.

Comey claimed in June 8, 2017, testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence he had only two face-to-face meetings with the president in which they were alone.

“I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person (and never on the phone) – once in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues and a second time, briefly, for him to say goodbye in late 2016,” Comey’s opening statement read.

The qualifier that he had meetings with Obama “alone” permitted the former director to suggest he only met with the former president on two occasions.

TheDCNF filed its FOIA request before the bureau “seeking records that identify and describe all meetings between former FBI Director James Comey and President Barack Obama. This records request is for all meetings with Obama alone or with meetings with the president in the company of other administration officials.”

TheDCNF requested records to include all Comey “logs, director appointment schedules, emails and memos outlining the meetings with the former President along with administration officials,” adding, the records “should list the date of the meeting, location, topic and meeting participants.”

TheDCNF stated it sought an “expedited request” for producing the records.

“The issue of Director Comey’s meetings with President Obama is a key troubling issue for Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley,” TheDCNF wrote in its application for the expedited processing. TheDCNF attached to Grassly-Graham letter to Rice in the FOIA request for expediting handling.

Hardy said TheDCNF failed to meet its standards for expedited processing as provided under 28 CFR 16.5 (e)(1)(iv).

“You have not provided enough information concerning the statutory requirements permitting expedition: therefore your request is denied,” he told TheDCNF.”

A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.
This is it. PROVES Comey lied to Congress, with his cute little “Qualifier”
“I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person (and never on the phone) – once in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues and a second time, briefly, for him to say goodbye in late 2016,” Comey’s opening statement read. June 8, 2017 The qualifier that he had meetings with Obama “alone” permitted the former director to suggest he only met with the former president on two occasions.
Now the FBI is stonewalling on a meeting that we already know Comey was in from Susan Rice’s CYA Email.
They obviously are covering up something nefarious that is scaring the Hell out of them.

Is it more of Hillary’s Bribe Taking? Or something that they all are involved in? Or something else TREASONOUS that is yet to come out?

March 2nd, 2018 at 4:25 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Seth Rich’s family didn’t want people to know he helped get Trump elected.

Insider Ed Butowsky: Seth Rich’s Father Confirmed His Son Was the Wikileaks Leaker
March 1, 2018 by Cassandra Fairbanks

Ed Butowsky, the man who offered to assist the family of Seth Rich with the cost of hiring a private investigator, has told the Gateway Pundit that during a December 2016 conversation with the father of the slain staffer he confirmed that he “knew what his sons did.”

Butowsky further stated that the family was deeply concerned with their son being remembered for helping to get President Donald Trump elected.

Speaking to Butowsky by phone on Thursday evening, he told the Gateway Pundit that during a conversation with Joel Rich on December 17, 2016 at 3:17 p.m., the father stated “we know what our sons did, but we just want to find Seth’s killer.”

“They know — we all know,” Butowksy said.

In an audio recording that I previously obtained, private investigator Rod Wheeler explained that Seth’s brother, Aaron Rich, had tried to block Wheeler from looking at Seth’s computer — even though there could be evidence on it.

Wheeler said that Seth’s girlfriend told him that Aaron Rich had possession of Seth’s cell phones, but Aaron denied it and said “we’re not going to worry about the cell phones.”

Aaron also blocked Wheeler from finding out about who was at a party Seth attended the night of the murder.

“All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s it,” Aaron told Wheeler, according to Wheeler’s claim on the audio. Wheeler said that Seth’s father Joel “does not appear to have any hidden agenda.”

“He said no, he said I have his computer, meaning him,” Wheeler said. “I said, well can I look at it?…He said, what are you looking for? I said anything that could indicate if Seth was having problems with someone. He said no, I already checked it. Don’t worry about it.”

Aaron Rich works for Northrup Grumman, which was named as the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world in 2015, as a lead software developer.

“It’s not just hacking and defending, there’s a lot more to it,” a cyber software engineer at Northrup Grumman says in a video on the company’s website.

An additional leaked phone conversation I previously obtained featured award winning journalist Sy Hersh confirming that Rich had made contact with WikiLeaks.

“There are no DNC or Podesta emails that exist beyond May 21 or 22, last email from either one of those groups. What the report says is that some time in late Spring… he makes contact with WikiLeaks, that’s in his computer,” he says. “Anyway, they found what he had done is that he had submitted a series of documents — of emails, of juicy emails, from the DNC.”

“All I know is that he offered a sample, an extensive sample, I’m sure dozens of emails, and said ‘I want money.’ Later, WikiLeaks did get the password, he had a DropBox, a protected DropBox,” he said. They got access to the DropBox.”

Hersh also states that Rich had concerns about something happening to him, and had shared the DropBox with trusted associates incase anything happened to him.

“The word was passed, according to the NSA report, he also shared this DropBox with a couple of friends, so that ‘if anything happens to me it’s not going to solve your problems,’” he added. “WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.”

In an email exchange that had been previously provided to me exclusively, Butowsky pleaded with Hersh to go to Congress with what he knew.

“I am curious why you haven’t approached the house committee telling them what you were read by your FBI friend related to Seth Rich that you in turn read to me. Based on all your work, it appears that you care about the truth. Even though, as you said you couldn’t get a second, shouldn’t you tell them so they could use their powers to determine the truth?” Butowsky asked.

In a bizarre response completely contradicting what Hersh is heard saying on the audio recording, he denies having any inside knowledge of the case.

“ed –you have a lousy memory…i was not read anything by my fbi friend..i have no firsthand information and i really wish you would stop telling others information that you think i have…please stop relaying information that you do not have right…and that i have no reason to believe is accurate…” Hersh wrote.

Desperate to find the truth about what happened, Bukowsky continues to plead with the journalist to go forward.

“I know it isn’t first hand knowledge but you clearly said, my memory is perfect, that you had a friend at the FBI who read / told you what was in the file on Seth Rich and I wonder why you aren’t helping your country and sharing that information on who it was?” Bukowsky responds.

Interestingly, a new report published on Thursday evening by the Washington Times also confirms that Rich had downloaded thousands of DNC emails.

“Another aspect that needs to be uncovered is the FBI’s ‘denial’ that its cyber experts who share space with the D.C. Metro police department at Cleveland Avenue in the District, assisted in accessing data on Mr. Rich’s laptop. Not likely. Data on the laptop revealed that Mr. Rich downloaded thousands of DNC emails and was in touch with Wikileaks. The file with evidence of what was on Mr. Rich’s laptop sits with the FBI in a co-shared space with the D.C. police department. According to Ed Butowsky, an acquaintance of the family, in his discussions with Joel and Mary Rich, they confirmed that their son transmitted the DNC emails to Wikileaks,” the Washinton Times reported.

Rich was shot in the back in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016, near his home while he was on the phone with his girlfriend — 12 days before the publication of the DNC emails by WikiLeaks. The police initially ruled that it was a botched robbery — but his wallet, watch, and necklace were still on his person when he was discovered by police.

The report from the Washington Times points out that “the same day Seth Rich was murdered, an FBI agent’s car was burglarized in the same vicinity. Included in the FBI equipment stolen was a 40 caliber Glock 22. D.C. Metro police issued a press release, declaring that the theft of the FBI agent’s car occurred between 5 and 7 a.m. Two weeks later, the FBI changed the time of the theft to between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m. Was the FBI gun used to shoot Seth Rich? Neither the FBI nor the Metro police will discuss.”

Last July, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) — a 30 member group made up of well respected former experts from the National Security Administration, tech companies and other intelligence agencies put out a report asserting that the DNC emails came from a leak, not a hack.

VIPS stated that “forensic studies of ‘Russian hacking’ into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.”

Additionally, the former intelligence operatives detail how the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0,” and assert that “the reason the U.S. government lacks conclusive evidence of a transfer of a ‘Russian hack’ to WikiLeaks is because there was no such transfer.”

Among those who signed on to the report is William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center, Larry C Johnson, who is retired from the CIA & State Department, Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst at SIGINT Automation Research Center of the NSA, and many more.

Though Assange has infamously expressed interest in Rich, he has always maintained that WikiLeaks will never name a source. WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 reward for Rich’s murderer however, and has retweeted articles that asserted he was their source without providing any additional comment.
Were they afraid of being “Arkansided”, or as long-time Dems more loyal to the “Party” than to Seth?
Obviously the FBI is in on this cover-up also.
All the “Russia Hacked the DNC and Hillary!” was a damn lie. They knew it was downloaded too fast to go over the Internet. And Podesta had Seth whacked. Gonna be hard to prove, but someone knows the truth & there is no Statute of Limitation on Murder. Not even in the District of Corruption.
Kim Dotcom may be grossly obese, and ugly as a mud fence, but he wasn’t wrong about “Technogeek” stuff.

March 2nd, 2018 at 4:55 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Much more on the Seth Rich murder:
There is a lot of info here. There was a botched to almost ignored “investigation” into Seth Rich’s murder. Reeks of “Arkanside”!
“Botched Robbery” with nothing stolen? No way.

Contradictions In Seth Rich Murder Continue To Challenge Hacking Narrative

As rumors swirl that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing a case against Russians who are alleged to have hacked Democrats during the 2016 election – a conclusion based solely on the analysis of cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike, a Friday op-ed in the Washington Times by retired U.S. Navy admiral James A. Lyons, Jr. asks a simple, yet monumentally significant question: Why haven’t Congressional Investigators or Special Counsel Robert Mueller addressed the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich – who multiple people have claimed was Wikileaks’ source of emails leaked during the 2016 U.S. presidential election?

Mueller has been incredibly thorough in his ongoing investigations – however he won’t even respond to Kim Dotcom, the New Zealand entrepreneur who clearly knew about the hacked emails long before they were released, claims that Seth Rich obtained them with a memory stick, and has offered to provide proof to the Special Counsel investigation.

On May 18, 2017, Dotcom proposed that if Congress includes the Seth Rich investigation in their Russia probe, he would provide written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was WikiLeaks’ source.

In addition to several odd facts surrounding Rich’s still unsolved murder – which officials have deemed a “botched robbery,” forensic technical evidence has emerged which contradicts the Crowdstrike report. The Irvine, CA company partially funded by Google, was the only entity allowed to analyze the DNC servers in relation to claims of election hacking:
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked? Can that be possible?
5:32 AM – Mar 5, 2017

Notably, Crowdstrike has been considered by many to be discredited over their revision and retraction of a report over Russian hacking of Ukrainian military equipment – a report which the government of Ukraine said was fake news.

In connection with the emergence in some media reports which stated that the alleged “80% howitzer D-30 Armed Forces of Ukraine removed through scrapping Russian Ukrainian hackers software gunners,” Land Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs that the said information is incorrect.

Ministry of Defence of Ukraine asks journalists to publish only verified information received from the competent official sources. Spreading false information leads to increased social tension in society and undermines public confidence in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. –mil.gov.ua (translated) (1.6.2017)

In fact, several respected journalists have cast serious doubt on CrowdStrike’s report on the DNC servers:

How To Get To “Reasonable Certainty” on a Russia Finding – Jeffrey Carr, Medium (12.13.2016)

Pay attention, because Mueller is likely to use the Crowdstrike report to support the rumored upcoming charges against Russian hackers.

Also notable is that Crowdstrike founder and anti-Putin Russian expat Dimitri Alperovitch sits on the Atlantic Council – which is funded by the US State Department, NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukranian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk. Who else is on the Atlantic Council? Evelyn Farkas – who slipped up during an MSNBC interview with Mika Brzezinski and disclosed that the Obama administration had been spying on the Trump campaign:

The Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would not longer have access to that intelligence. -Evelyn Farkas

Odd facts surrounding the murder of Seth Rich

“The facts that we know of in the murder of the DNC staffer, Seth Rich, was that he was gunned down blocks from his home on July 10, 2016. Washington Metro police detectives claim that Mr. Rich was a robbery victim, which is strange since after being shot twice in the back, he was still wearing a $2,000 gold necklace and watch. He still had his wallet, key and phone. Clearly, he was not a victim of robbery,” writes Lyons.

Another unexplained fact muddying the Rich case is that of a stolen 40 caliber Glock 22 handguns stoken from an FBI agent’s car the same day Rich was murdered. D.C. Metro police said that the theft occurred between 5 and 7 a.m., while the FBI said two weeks later that the theft had occurred between Midnight and 2 a.m. – fueling speculation that the FBI gun was used in Rich’s murder.

Furthermore, two men working with the Rich family – private investigator and former D.C. Police detective Rod Wheeler and family acquaintance Ed Butowsky, have previously stated that Rich had contacts with WikiLeaks before his death.

“According to Ed Butowsky, an acquaintance of the family, in his discussions with Joel and Mary Rich, they confirmed that their son transmitted the DNC emails to Wikileaks,” writes Lyons.

While Wheeler initially told TV station Fox5 that proof of Rich’s contact with WikiLeaks lies on the murdered IT staffer’s laptop, he later walked the claim back – though he maintained that there was “some communication between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks.”

Wheeler also claimed in recently leaked audio that Seth Rich’s brother, Aaron – a Northrup Grumman employee, blocked him from looking at Seth’s computer and stonewalled his investigation.

Wheeler said that brother Aaron Rich tried to block Wheeler from looking at Seth’s computer, even though there could be evidence on it. “He said no, he said I have his computer, meaning him,” Wheeler said. “I said, well can I look at it?…He said, what are you looking for? I said anything that could indicate if Seth was having problems with someone. He said no, I already checked it. Don’t worry about it.”

Aaron also blocked Wheeler from finding out about who was at a party Seth attended the night of the murder.

“All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s it,” Aaron told Wheeler -Big League Politics

Perhaps the most stunning audio evidence, however, comes from leaked audio of a recorded conversation between Ed Butowsky and Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who told him of a “purported FBI report establishing that Seth Rich sent emails to WikiLeaks.”

As transcribed and exclusively reported on by journalist Cassandra Fairbanks last year:

What the report says is that some time in late Spring… he makes contact with WikiLeaks, that’s in his computer,” he says. “Anyway, they found what he had done is that he had submitted a series of documents — of emails, of juicy emails, from the DNC.”

Hersh explains that it was unclear how the negotiations went, but that WikiLeaks did obtain access to a password protected DropBox where Rich had put the files.

“All I know is that he offered a sample, an extensive sample, I’m sure dozens of emails, and said ‘I want money.’ Later, WikiLeaks did get the password, he had a DropBox, a protected DropBox,” he said. They got access to the DropBox.”

Hersh also states that Rich had concerns about something happening to him, and had

“The word was passed, according to the NSA report, he also shared this DropBox with a couple of friends, so that ‘if anything happens to me it’s not going to solve your problems,’” he added. “WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.”

Brennan and Russian disinformation

Hersh also told Butowsky that the DNC made up the Russian hacking story as a disinformation campaign – directly pointing a finger at former CIA director (and now MSNBC/NBC contributor) John Brennan as the architect.

I have a narrative of how that whole f*cking thing began. It’s a Brennan operation, it was an American disinformation, and the fu*kin’ President, at one point, they even started telling the press – they were backfeeding the Press, the head of the NSA was going and telling the press, fu*king c*cksucker Rogers, was telling the press that we even know who in the Russian military intelligence service leaked it.

Hersh denied that he told Butowsky anything before the leaked audio emerged, telling NPR “I hear gossip… [Butowsky] took two and two and made 45 out of it.”

Techincal Evidence

As we mentioned last week, Dotcom’s assertion is backed up by an analysis done last year by a researcher who goes by the name Forensicator, who determined that the DNC files were copied at 22.6 MB/s – a speed virtually impossible to achieve from halfway around the world, much less over a local network – yet a speed typical of file transfers to a memory stick.

The big hint

Last but not least, let’s not forget that Julian Assange heavily implied Seth Rich was a source:

Given that a) the Russian hacking narrative hinges on Crowdstrikes’s questionable reporting, and b) a mountain of evidence pointing to Seth Rich as the source of the leaked emails – it stands to reason that Congressional investigators and Special Counsel Robert Mueller should at minimum explore these leads.

As retired U.S. Navy admiral James A. Lyons, Jr. asks: why aren’t they?

(Video & Audio at site)

The answer to Admiral Lyons excellent question is, The Mueller Investigation doesn’t want to touch the Seth Rich murder because the fear/know where it will lead – botched investigation, Cover-up, FBI involvement. FBI weapon, even? Reeks!
Seth Rich’s computer is being held by a joint DC Police/FBI Office. That needs to be examined by someone WANTING to SOLVE this.

There must be a Special Prosecutor appointed to look into the many DNC & Hillary Campaign crimes and “irregularities.” There has already been shown much “Collusion” between the DNC and the Obama Admin in cover-up on top of cover-ups. “Conspiracy” is a better word, and IT is a Crime!

Questions to be answered:
1. Verify download speed from “hacked computers”.
2. Have independent people check Seth’s computer for info, and also anyone deleting or changing after his death.
3. Check the FBI gun against the bullets that killed Seth. It may have been reported “Stolen” after Seth was killed.
4. Investigate Crowdstrike, they are very closely allied with the Dems, not good as witnesses or evidence.
5. Grill Seth’s brother, and everyone at the party. Who was there and what did they know?
6. And what about the Podesta Emails wanting the “leaker” killed? That was “news” before Seth was killed, but not after?
And isn’t anyone curious about why the “Russian Hacking” (except by the DNC Pakistanis) stopped after Seth was killed?
Nothing involving Brennan can be trusted anymore.
There has to be a strong Investigation Team on this, no more Democrat appointees/sympathizers & friends of the Probable Perpetrators.

March 3rd, 2018 at 9:48 am
Bill Brayshaw

Leaker Adam Schiff Finally Concedes, Says Still Zero Proof of Trump Russia Collusion (Video)
“Rep. Adam Schiff conceded Thursday there is still no evidence President Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia to win the election, and made a point of distancing himself from any charges of treason against the president.

Schiff has been driving the Trump-Russia collusion narrative on behalf of his party for months from his seat on the House Intelligence Committee, claiming recently he has seen “more than circumstantial” evidence of collusion. But he offered nothing substantial to back up his claim when pressed on “The View” to get specific, and acknowledged hard proof of collusion may never materialize, even after an intensive and months-long investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.”
But it won’t change anything, Schiff-for-brains is dedicated to obfuscation, obstruction, and resistance to any honest investigation. And leaking anything the investigation reveals to him, so guilty Dems can start another cover-up.
A second Special Prosecutor is absolutely necessary to Prosecute all the crimes the Congressional Investigations have uncovered. Before some of perpetrators & witnesses die of old age, or “Arkancides”.

March 3rd, 2018 at 6:07 pm
Bill Brayshaw

SMH & others
Check out: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/03/05/mark-levin-interviews-devin-nunes-on-fisa-court-abuse-by-doj-and-fbi/#more-146530

Three video clips totaling about 40 minutes.
The evidence is already there, just adding the details.
In any other country, it would be called an Attempted Coup to overturn the election. And it continues for the sole reason to obstruct the President & his Administration.

March 5th, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Here is a real LAW for you, only one of dozens broken by Hillary, Obama, and Co.:
18 U.S. Code § 595 – Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments
US Code

Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States, or by any department or agency thereof, or by the District of Columbia or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States, or any political subdivision, municipality, or agency thereof, or agency of such political subdivision or municipality (including any corporation owned or controlled by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States or by any such political subdivision, municipality, or agency), in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
How many in the FBI & DoJ are guilty of the above already revealed? And MANY more to come.
All the way to the top.

March 5th, 2018 at 7:47 pm

Cancer sucks. Hope you beat it.

March 6th, 2018 at 8:36 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you, SMH. I suspect you have had some experience with it and mean it sincerely.
I’m 74, have lived a hard and adventurous life, and never intended to live this long anyway, but never complain about growing old; ’tis a privileged denied to many.
Cancer is just another thing that if you live long enough, you gonna get it, so deal with it. Ain’t no big deal.
But I will admit, I thought I was pretty tough, laugh at the Devil & all, but that Thoractic Surgery has no entertainment value at all.
Now I’m getting my strenth back, did some ‘home remedies” while recovering from the surgery and the Oncologists say I’m cancer free, for now. Thanks to Trump pumping money into the VA and Triwest.
Bless God, I dodged chemo. So I have a chance at getting some of my strength and stamina back.
May even get to fight Commies again, if the Lib/Progs running what used to be the Democrat Party keep jumping Left.

March 7th, 2018 at 2:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And talking about the Dems:
Was the Texas Dem Party one of the 34 State Parties that Hillary stole the $84 million from? (I first learned about that from Donna Brazile.)
And is the Texas State Democrat Committee going to sue her to get their share back? And interest and damages?
I really wish we had an “America First” Democrat Party. At least in Texas. The “choice” now is GOP or Whack-doodle Commies. Anyone the dems send to Washington is going to be totally corrupted by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in a matter of months. Senator Doug Jones of AL has resisted a little, but I wonder how long he’ll hold out.
I swear we could send Sam Houston and Davy Crockett as Democrats to the House and Nancy Pelosi would turn them into “porch puppies” within 6 months.
That is all anyone elected as a “Democrat” in the current Party can do, is vote like Nancy says or never get a decent Committee assignment or ever get re-elected.

March 7th, 2018 at 3:17 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Lib/Prog Media hype about “Turning Texas Blue” was just that, hype. Lots of outside money from Bloombergs, Soros, Hollyweird, & friends, and a lot of work by the Party Loyalists, but Cruz still got more votes than all the Democrat candidates combined. And that was in a Primary where the Dems were “super motivated” and the Repubs are pretty much lackadaisical. So wait ’til November.
Texans despise most of the Democrap Program, Platform, and Progressive Internationalist Agenda.
The Dems refuse to even try to negociate with Trump on DACA because they would rather complain about the Issue than let him sign something that will benefit hundreds of thousands of young Latinos. Dems don’t care about PEOPLE, they care about ISSUES!
Same with Gun Control. They don’t enforce the laws they have, but always want more!?! The Church shooters in Texas and South Carolina and this last whacko in Parkland are clear failures of the NICS check. Not because it isn’t broad enough, but because it isn’t administered right or timely. All three of those guys had criminal histories that should have prevented them from buying a sling-shot.
And the what is the percentage of known whackos of all the Mass Shooters? 80%? 90%? Obama had a law to take the gun rights from Veterans that had an “Appointed Financial Representative”, not because they were criminal psychos. Many older Vets spend part of the year traveling in RVs or trailers and HAVE to have someone to cash checks, pay bills, and do other financial business for them. That is why Trump overturned that travesty of a “Gun Control Law”. It was dumb and grossly affected the wrong people.
Trump wants real “Common Sense” and effective changes to existing laws to make NICS checks more effective, put bump-stocks under NFA, and raise the age for military style rifles to same as pistols 21, with the exemptions for military, law enforcement or married head of household. I can live with them (actually support them), but we must avoid any UnConstitutional BANS!!
On kids owning AR-15s :
Some people that are ‘recreational gunners’ “give” their kids AR-15s as soon as they are safely trained and big enough to shoot it comfortably. I like kids raised like that. And they should be “Grandfathered in” for the guns they have at 18. A kid that was NOT raised in a “gun-familiar family”, properly trained and taught responsibility, shouldn’t have an AR-15 at 18, in my opinion. Let him or her learn with something more traditional. It is not a toy, no gun is, but some young, untrained minds see it that way. Thanks to “Entertainment”.
The Dems better forget about their crazy totalitarian Gun Bans and help FIX THE PROBLEM! The big problem with Kids and guns is IRRESPONSIBILITY! LACK of SELF-DISCIPLINE is part of the lack of EFFECTIVE discipline in schools.
The Dems better help Trump and other Repubs fix the problem, or they will get no credit when they do it.
The LIB/PROG Dems like the ISSUE, and making up lies about it, way more than they actually care about the kids. Real Democrats need to break from that and help solve the problem.

March 7th, 2018 at 4:16 pm

Yes. I have experience in intestinal cancer. Enjoy the next few months. Spend it with family. It always comes back.

March 8th, 2018 at 6:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

Check the Internet for Cheap Cancer Cures.
Kelmun Protocol is about the simplest and even Oncologists pushing chemo say it makes sense. And intestinal cancers are the easiest to treat, you just swallow the stuff and it goes directly to the “work site”. Cancers love glucose and absorb it readily, alkali shrinks and kills cancers without harming normal cells. Maple syrup and bicarbonate of soda are cheap and gently heated together are tasty & have no apparent bad side affects.
A “Jihad Johnny” Oncologist swore up and down that I needed HIM to do my chemo while I was still in the hospital. I kinda suspect he got off on poisoning old Vets and getting paid for it by the Govt. Chemo kills healthy growing cells as well as cancerous cells. I needed to heal from the surgery as quickly as possible.
It took Triwest 3 months to hook me up with an Oncologist that was a Hemotologist to do the testing so I would know “where I was” with the cancer, and after blood tests and Ct scan, he says I’m Cancer-free but need monitoring for 5 years. I’m not doing the Kelmun every day anymore, but take it a couple of times a week as a preventative. I don’t know if it is a real “cure”, but it doesn’t hurt anything & I don’t have cancer now. Some say it will shrink & kill developed cancers.
Try it, you’ll like it. If you have any hint of a nonoccurence. Supposedly it also works with other cancers, but obviously can get to the intestinal & stomach cancers quickly and directly.
Beats the hell out of puking your guts out, hair falling out, and withering away to nothing.

March 8th, 2018 at 8:36 am
Bill Brayshaw

Ann Coulter gets it! The Holder driven plan to “reduce arrests for minorities” caused the Parkland shooting.
COULTER: Racial Quotas Kill Kids
President Obama did a lot of bad things, but pound for pound, one of the worst was the January 2014 “Dear Colleague” letter sent jointly by his Education and Justice Departments to all public schools threatening lawsuits over racial discrimination in student discipline. The letter came after years of his administration browbeating schools for their failure to discipline every race of student at the same rate.

As the Huffington Post put it: “American Schools Are STILL Racist, Government Report Finds.” The evidence? “Five percent of white students were suspended annually, compared with 16 percent of black students, according to the report.” Q.E.D.According to theory, there’s NO WAY blacks and Hispanics are doing things that require more school discipline than whites or Asians. So if more black students are expelled than Asians, well, gentlemen, we have our proof of racism. To comply, schools would have to stop suspending black kids for breaking a teacher’s jaw, but suspend Asians for dropping an eraser.

Using the same logic, I could close the achievement gap between blacks and Asians in a single day by going to every principal’s office in the country and burning the transcripts. (Liberals are saying, “You know, that’s not a bad idea.”)

The “school-to-prison pipeline” argument for racial quotas in discipline was hatched in education schools and black studies departments. What I want to know is: How did they test the idea?

To validate the theory that recording students’ criminal behavior produces students with criminal records, we divided students into two groups. Group A we continued to suspend when they acted up; Group B we would not suspend no matter what — even when they engaged in their little mischief, like cracking heads with crowbars, dropping teachers off buildings, using a switchblade to cut other students’ eyes out.

RESULT: At the end of the year, Group B had better records.

Were the researchers really in suspense about how the experiment was going to turn out? I could have told them at the beginning that their odds of success were tremendous — unless they forgot halfway through and began accidentally suspending students in Group B.

But the Obama administration said: Wow! That’s amazing. Do you think other schools could replicate those results?

One of the administration’s models was Broward County, Florida. Which is kind of important, now that we know that it was Broward’s official policy to make it impossible to arrest students like Nikolas Cruz, thus allowing him to amass a cache of firearms, walk into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and murder 17 people.

The “school-to-prison pipeline” nonsense may not be the explanation for every school shooting, but it is absolutely the explanation for THIS school shooting. No matter what Cruz did, no matter how many times his crimes were reported to the sheriff or school officials, there was no way a lad with a name like “Nikolas Cruz” was ever going to leave school with a record.

Broward County’s innovative idea of eliminating school discipline captivated Obama’s Department of Education. It was expressly cited by the department’s Civil Rights Division with the notation: “New model for other jurisdictions?”

Last October — nearly a year into the Trump administration — Broward Schools Superintendent Robert W. Runcie humbly noted that the district was receiving “invitations from around the country, including from The White House and Federal Office of Civil Rights, to share details about the historic reforms” on school discipline.

Either: Liberals truly believe that all races commit crimes at exactly the same level, frequency and intensity; OR they are willing to have people die for their political agenda.

Conservatives didn’t pick this school shooting as the test case for gun control. It was liberals who were going to ride the Parkland shooting all the way to the midterms. They thought they had a beautiful story about the evil NRA.

Not the mass shooting in Orlando — because of the obvious immigration angle. Not San Bernardino — for the same reason. Not Las Vegas — probably for the same reason, but we’ll never know because law enforcement has issued only lies and nonsense about that shooting.

The media did all the hard work of making sure Parkland was the only topic on anyone’s mind, with everyone demanding that we “do something!”

And then we got the facts. Cruz’s criminal acts were intentionally ignored by law enforcement on account of Broward’s much-celebrated “school-to-prison pipeline” reforms.

Thank God for the internet, or we’d never have known the truth.

Admittedly, most of the harm done by the policy that enabled Cruz is not usually a mass shooting. The main damage done by the “school-to-prison pipeline” idiocy is: broken bones, smashed teeth, traumatized students, making it impossible for other students to learn, having a bad influence on marginal students and teachers sinking into depression.

Check at your local school for the full results. Thanks to the Obama administration, this crackpot theory is sweeping school districts across the nation!

The next time Democrats control Congress and the presidency, we will have racial quotas for prisons, too. When that happens, you better hope the government hasn’t taken your guns.
It is even worse than Ann explains: Progressives that desire a certain “Solution” often exacerbate, or even create “problems” that will demand the desired “solution”.
So, like Fast & Furious, it begs the question: Did the Obamunists knowingly and intentionally create “a problem” that would lead to a “demand” for more gun control?
I would not put it past Holder, or Obama. They did “Fast & Furious”, didn’t they?

March 8th, 2018 at 8:50 am

Anyone who calls their oncologist “Jihad Johnnie” deserves the Kelmun fake cure. Proof positive that ignorance can be deadly.

March 10th, 2018 at 3:58 am

You are flat out a racist idiot. And again, an embarrassment to our community. To equate a physician with a terrorist is a new low for you. Enjoy hell.

March 10th, 2018 at 4:16 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH as usual you are running off at the mouth and don’t know anything about the Oncologist or how he acted.
If you had seen him, and heard how he tried to browbeat me into taking chemo before my incision had even begun to heal, you might have laughed at the “Jihad Johnny”, if you didn’t think of it yourself.
But, NO! You would rather get on your Political Correct high-horse and start insulting me for making a joke about it. Maybe he is just a greedy, money-hungry rip-off artist trying to terrorize EVERYONE into taking chemo they don’t need, but I thought “Jihad Johnny” was funnier.
You need to check your Lib/Prog Elitist P.C. superior BS Attitude.
For once.
Sorry I was slow getting back to you, been busy.

March 14th, 2018 at 12:59 pm
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